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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I don't have any food intolerance or allergies. I only know that when I used to suffer from chronic acid reflux, white bread usually triggered it more than anything else. I just thought that little anecdote might help the OP track down the triggers for his chronic reflux.
  2. It most definitely isn't a coincidence. More college grads are liberal than conservative. After harming Biden's economy, this is a second cherry in the pie for the right wing. The policy itself is not partisan, plenty of grads from working class Republican families would benefit. It's just that grads do tend to be more liberal which explains the Republican attacks on public education in general.
  3. Your predicate that it isn't an emergency is incorrect. The emergency is that the economy will be significantly weakened by the withdrawal of 400 billion from the economy at a time when the US is facing some sort of recession. Of course we know that nobbling the economy is a deliberate strategy by the unpatriotic Republicans to harm Biden and help Trump get re-elected. Biden has no choice but to act against the far right activist supreme court. This unpatriotic strategy was clearly seen by the Freedom party's intransigence in honoring US debts recently and trying to enforce budget cuts as a ransom ploy. Of course the fiscal hawks were nowhere to be seen when Trump was president.
  4. I didn't want to use the T word at the time so I thought I'd be a little more subtle. That's the other main issue with this forum.
  5. Links are required to substantiate claims of fact. One, but not the only hint that helps distinguish a claim of fact is a reference to numbers, either directly or indirectly. You obviously need some help is figuring out which posts need a link and which don't. It seems to be common around here,
  6. I found that white bread was the worst thing to eat for promoting acid reflux.
  7. No it doesn't. A reply post gets your point across. Personal attacks aren't necessary to make a point.
  8. This. There's nothing wrong with being wrong but if required to post links and actually do due diligence in researching any fact that you think is a fact will reduce the chances of being wrong. By a lot. I find it mildly annoying when people post facts, mislabeled as "opinions" when they know they can't substantiate the fact or know it's actually wrong. It's worse when the misinformation is posted in pursuit of some political agenda. For my part I am very particular about posting links to claims. I wish more posters would care as much.
  9. You think but never provide links and obviously didn't even research it before putting fingers on the keyboard. Turns out you were wrong.
  10. This. I used to suffer from chronic reflux for many years until I got told I had symptoms of insulin resistance by a GP. I changed my diet (including reducing beer to 3 or 4 a month, usually on the same day) and lost some weight but it wasn't until I hit the middle of the BMI and lost more weight that reflux symptoms finally disappeared. Exercise helped too.
  11. Union busting is at the root of wage theft. Scholars at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign find, for instance, that states with greater union membership rates are more likely to introduce and pass legislation against wage theft. The reason, the authors propose, is that labor unions provide advocates with political power that make the enactment of wage theft legislation more likely. https://equitablegrowth.org/unions-and-the-enforcement-of-labor-rights-how-organized-labor-protects-u-s-workers-against-unfair-and-illegal-employment-practices/
  12. In case your wondering, one ideology has more lies than the other. https://www.axios.com/2023/02/27/rupert-murdoch-admits-fox-news-hosts-peddled-election-lies
  13. Biden will knock the socks off the GOP campaign just based on fairness. Thursday, after the U.S. Supreme Court knocked down affirmative action in higher education admissions in a case against Harvard University, President Joe Biden took aim at the old boys network of giving a boost to the kids of alumni, saying “Today, I’m directing the Department of Education to analyze what practices help build a more inclusive and diverse student bodies and what practices hold that back, practices like legacy admissions and other systems that expand privilege instead of opportunity.” Four days later, on Monday, advocates in Boston filed a complaint with the feds that Harvard’s system of legacy admission advantage for Junior violates the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Our headline, “the stupid sons of rich men,” comes from Charles Eliot, the president of Harvard for 40 years, until 1909. https://thebrunswicknews.com/news/national_news/editorial-the-stupid-sons-of-rich-men-colleges-must-end-the-unfair-practice-of-legacy/article_9447d917-cf2c-5e5d-b58b-3210d9442765.html
  14. I'm not complaining about Starbucks today. I got a free large cappuccino with almond milk and a cake because it's my birthday this month.
  15. Just out of bed, haven't been to Starbucks yet. Discovered my new phone won't charge to headed to the store at Central Festival shortly where there will be one. To answer your question I know nothing about the Kardashians. I think Jay Z (is that his name this week?) was associated with one of them but I'm not sure.
  16. Most of them, Amazon, Walmart, Starbucks. In Australia, Woolworths, Coles, Bunnings. Wealth ineqularity isn't just American but it is very pronounced there.
  17. The OP is about Zuckerberg, what are you doing here?
  18. How does that work? Conservatives lapped up Fox lies as gospel truth despite Fox claiming they were only an opinion channel and that no reasonable person would believe them (in court).
  19. I'll take the bait. Musk failed to provide adequate protection from hate speech. That is the single reason why people hate him. Zuckerberg's problem is that he allows disinformation and lies on his platforms so banning hate speech won't be enough for the librels.
  20. My favourite outlet is the one near the end of soi 6 in Pattaya. Starbucks is the only coffee shop where you can get a cappuccino with oat or almond milk. Black Canyon at Big C extra had soyn milk the other day but I prefer almond milk. Harbour Mall is also very quiet.
  21. Mega corporations are what's wrong with this world. They are singularly responsible for the widening wealth gap between the rich and the poor. The disappearance of the corner store and hardware shops are symbolic of the rot. Greater concentration of retail and commerce in general in fewer and fewer companies is a major problem. America's (and other countries) anti-trust laws have failed it. Furthermore, most of the mega corps pay very little taxes. I knew we had passed a turning point when the world's richest man put a car into space playing a stereo in a vacuum just because he could.
  22. 1. Check, or at least a large rug and very large sofa and long drapes. .2 About 750 mm. I can't get them much further away without buying stands. 3. I can't really comment on cables but reviews seem to think good cables add clarity and improve the soundstage. I disagree that source makes little difference. . I had a Tidal hifi sub but don't like it much. They seem to be introducing (or were) MQA into their cd quality stuff as well as the hi-res. I investigated Qobuz but it's not available in Thailand. They don't like VPN's either. Qobuz and Tidal HiFi Plus are quite expensive. I switched to Amazon music. For $10.99 a month you get 24 bit / 192 hi-res flac. Tidal probably has a bigger library but Amazon will catch them up. At present I have a Fender Monterey with a Topping D30 pro DAC / preamp for 12,990 baht. I hear a huge different between mp3 or YT aac and the Amazon flac files. I can also hear a significant difference between Tidal's lower hifi offering and Amazon Music. I can hear a slight improvement in clarity between a downloaded flac file (96 KHz) and Amazon's 192 KHz flac. The Fender is a good speaker but it isn't special so I was surprised how much difference I could really hear in my late sixties. I shelled out for the Audioquest golden gate rca plugs. I don't think they would make much difference. I kind of wished I'd just bought the KEF LSX ii speakers for 46k baht but I'm happy with what I have.
  23. Those migrants tend not to punch out bar staff, fall off balconies and trash 7-11 stores at 4am. There might be a rationale behind this policy perhaps? And you can bet that overstayers aren't staying in the best hotels and eating at the best restaurants. I'd imagine your country makes a motza out of employing illegal migrant workers as well. Especially since they tend to pay social security but never collect.
  24. Same here except the 70's was the best decade of my lifetime. Or maybe the 80's, they were both good. So is this decade for that matter. Most of my friends are conservative simply because most people my age are conservative. Yep, the enlightened flower power hippies of my youth turned into grinches. I tell people I'm just a bit to the left of Karl Marx.
  25. A bit of a non sequiter here. Can you explain how you get from opposing big government to not being fascist?
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