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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. The word "toxic" in relation to Trump brought back a flood of memories fo his toxic behaviour. And self described "patriots" willingly vote for this... When President Donald Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018, he blamed rain for the last-minute decision, saying that “the helicopter couldn’t fly” and that the Secret Service wouldn’t drive him there. Neither claim was true. Trump finds the notion of military service difficult to understand, and the idea of volunteering to serve especially incomprehensible. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/09/trump-americans-who-died-at-war-are-losers-and-suckers/615997/ As the two stood beside Kelly's son's grave, Trump reportedly turned to Kelly and said: "I don't get it. What was in it for them?" https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-general-john-kelly-eaten-alive-arlington-cemetery-2020-9 .
  2. Professional? If you ever wind up on the street I hope you hold out a sign saying "Don't give to me because I never gave to others either".
  3. The toxic party runs a toxic campaign because they are speaking to their base. Tuberville stirred a firestorm of controversy on Monday, when he told CNN that white nationalists — a group defined as “militant white people who espouse white supremacy and advocate enforced racial segregation,” according to Merriam-Webster — are not inherently racist. Across the Capitol, Crane sparked his own uproar on Thursday evening, when he referred to African Americans as “colored people” while promoting an “anti-woke” proposal on the House floor. The highly derogatory comment drew an immediate response from Rep. Joyce Beatty (D-Ohio), a former Black Caucus chair, who asked for the remarks to be stricken from the official congressional record — a request that was granted. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4098746-republican-problems-on-race-add-up/
  4. That will be a big test of whether Cannon is in the tank for Trump. Trump's team before long will probably file some motions to dismiss the indictment all together. They may make their Presidential Records Act argument, they may make malicious prosecution arguments. They'll make their argument about the Special Counsel's appointment being unconstitutional. Those should all normally be easily rejected by the judge. But if she entertains those, obviously we’ll know she’s in the tank for Trump.. https://www.rawstory.com/aileen-cannon-2662280851/
  5. You cite an increase in deaths of 43% in Africa as "good news"?
  6. Donald Trump will likely soon be hit with a "massive conspiracy case" out of Georgia for allegedly attempting to overturn the election there, and there could be dozens of defendants who join him "The week of august 7th and 14th, and you set no in-person hearings during those two weeks. The "only really inference there is that she knows full well that she is going to drop a mass of conspiracy indictment that will probably include, according to one of the grand jurors who gave some interviews after the special purpose grand jury had concluded its work, perhaps dozens of people. https://www.rawstory.com/massive-conspiracy-joke/
  7. I'm thinking that so many extremists gave money to Trump in response to his lies that they feel invested in him and will not just let this pass. In some ways, like Jan 6, it will be better in the longer run as the extremists get flushed out early. MAGA is doomed, it will just take until the next election to do it, unless Trump is jailed before then.
  8. Just more evidence that Trump never did think for himself contrary to the popular narrative.
  9. Trump didn't. tens of thousands of Chinese arrived in the US from China after he "stopped" the flights. Too bad he didn't stop the flights from the UK as well when covid was out of control there. It was all about politics fro Trump, not medicine.
  10. Of course we never hear the right wing refer to dems as "totalitarian fascist communists" and the like.
  11. Divided by how many days under each from the time covid was first detected in the US?
  12. False While the number of deaths from COVID in the U.S. under president Biden is on course to top the death count during the Trump administration, it has not yet done so. Around 379,000 people have died in the U.S. from COVID since January 20, when Biden took over as president, around 45,000 fewer than under Trump. https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-have-more-americans-died-covid-under-joe-biden-donald-trump-1661528
  13. Insanity is believing that only your side is either patriotic, capitalist or loves freedom.
  14. Did Trump let Americans die purely for political purposes? The most unreported story of the pandemic, the one that seems destined to be overlooked as histories are being written, is what Trump did when he learned the Covid coronavirus was largely killing Black and Hispanic people and mostly sparing whites. The moment he came to that realization he completely altered the US response to the pandemic, leading to the unnecessary death of 300,000 to 500,000 Americans. Deaths that he and his advisors apparently believed (correctly) would be, outside of nursing home residents, disproportionately Black and Hispanic people. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-kushner-response/
  15. It makes the republican calculus in opposing the BBB Act all the more confusing because that's the MAGA base.
  16. Ye4s, denying blue collar workers much needed jobs in the face of a likely economic downturn. Traitor might be a better term than "goodun".
  17. I wonder how often Hunter even goes to the white house. And I'd be pretty certain that when he did, he wouldn't be using the public entrance.
  18. I've been having these issues for a while now using Apple mac mini and apple magic mouse, both newish. I use FF as a browser. It only affects title links and the star icon to the left of the title. I often need to right click and open in a new tab. It seems that refreshing the page or closing and reopening the tab might work sometimes. After opening the page in anew tab the problem often goes away. It manifests itself nearly every time I open the site fresh. It has to be an errant javascript link I believe.
  19. I'll back that assertion. I have a clear recollection of reading a credible source which claimed that the primary reason the US wants to use cluster munitions is because the war is putting a strain on the supply of howitzer shells. Cluster munitions are cheap and large stockpiles exist. They would also go a long way to winning this war before the Republicans are back in power and MAGA (all hail Putin) pulls the pin on US assistance to Ukraine. At this point, the US is likely looking at a time in history when it demurred from joining WW2 for longer than it should. The battle of Britain may not have occurred if England was bristling with US aircraft. Indeed, timely intervention might have prevented any German invasion westwards. NATO should be laying down the law to Russia, get out or be pushed out. Maximum human lives would be saved by not letting this war drag on through not taking the last step in helping Ukraine.
  20. Nah, that would be to invoke Occam's razor. Can't have that.
  21. Trump's recent defamation of Jack Smith is likely because of this. He's disappointed that the FBI closed the investigation because he needs a deflection right now. Two of Donald Trump's longtime top aides — his son-in-law Jared Kushner, and political adviser Hope Hicks, were interviewed by special counsel Jack Smith as part of the criminal investigation into the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. According to reports, Kushner told Smith that Trump genuinely believed the election had been stolen from him. https://www.rawstory.com/jared-kushner-hope-hicks-jack-smith-case/
  22. I'm not buying it. It was Hunter, I'm sure of it.
  23. If he ain't popular in WV he sure ain't popular among dems outside WV. Running this corrupt idiot as a spoiler is a dumb idea and a waste of money.
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