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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Infections are rising and your response is to advocate fewer precautions. Rather Lemming like. Masks have been shown unequivocally to reduce transmission.
  2. They've never been able to focus on that. It's whatever bright and shiny new thing pops up.
  3. You obviously haven't been keeping up at all. I'm not sure why you have an issue with somebody being correct at the time they said something.
  4. Credibility of the evidence or lack thereof. Peer review, lack of widespread criticism, etc. There are many ways to reasonably deduce the credibility of a source. That is the process applied on this board to declare the sites to which you allude as unacceptable.
  5. so, because you're not allowed to post links to BS we have to endure repeated insistence that there is science but without links? You're likewise not permitted to claim a fact (that there is science supporting your theory) without posting any links. And since you can't / won't, don't post BS claims.
  6. Why won't you share any of these numerous sources so us uneducated people can learn.
  7. That's no secret. It's different to an attack directly on a NATO country by Russia. By your logic it should be open season on Iraq and Turkey by the west.
  8. Recent events like Biden at NATO and the G7 summit, etc, plus the F16s issue has signalled that the west wants this war to end decisively and soon. The chances that they haven't considered all the alternatives and consequences is zero. Putin also appears to be losing his grip. It will be over soon.
  9. I think it might be hard to resist shooting down a plane in Russian airspace that's just about to let go a cruise missile headed to Kiev. Still, there's always the prospect of an F16 coming out of the sun over a warship at Sevastopol navy base armed with a laser guided bomb.
  10. Yeah, I do wonder of she really has it or some nondescript illness. She said she was going last night.
  11. It wasn't in 2016 either. Biden has never been charismatic. Trump revulsion pushed a record voter turnout among swing voters and lazy dem voters. The same happened in 2020 when Trump's endorsed candidates were handed a drubbing. I think it was a Republican Senator Johnston said on CNN the other day that Trump would get caned in the swing states and can't win any election. There isn't a question here about who is the more appealing candidate. Tim Scott and Ted Cruz are about to announce. Not to mention DeSantis. And possibly Christie. And some other previous failed candidate whose name I can't remember. The more the merrier. Just like in the past the lowest common denominator will get the nomination.
  12. More Daily Mail garbage. Here your suggesting that Russia is about to unilaterally engage in an attack on a NATO country which will trigger an article 5 response. Not going to happen.
  13. My GF just claimed she has dengue fever.
  14. What does any of that have to do with climate change. The question I asked was how do governments exert control through climate change? All I see is a bunch of paffle about big brother conspiracy theories.
  15. They haven't. Climate change deniers are claiming that current conditions are entirely due to El Nino. The opposite to what you claim.
  16. Fascino on Pattaya Klang stock Bewel at just over 200 a pack. I had to order 150 mg in from North Pattaya as they only had 300 mg. Avapro at Boots was around 950 if I recall correctly.
  17. No. El Nino events are nothing new. What we have here is progression.
  18. "allegedly". That means that even Durham couldn't produce that evidence.
  19. Did anybody ever think that Trump and Putin weren't in the same bathtub together? What other rational reason would Putin have for going after nondescript Trump enemies?
  20. and the language we learn school. Not sure where you're going with this line of reasoning.
  21. So no specific connection to a control mechanism of any kind related to the climate change?
  22. The final report issued by special counsel John Durham after seven years of investigating accusations that FBI wasted its time investigating the connection between Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign and the Kremlin was issued this week and landed with a thud. With millions spent on the Durham investigation that resulted in no major revelations and contained no prosecutorial referrals, one attorney claimed the end result reflected just as badly on former Attorney General Bill Barr, who appointed Durham, as it does on the special counsel who came up empty. Writing for Salon, attorney Joshua Raff suggested Barr's sudden desire to appear on cable TV and in legal forums to offer up his opinions about what happened during the Trump years and where to go next with investigations concerning the ex-president need not be taken seriously. https://www.rawstory.com/bill-barr-john-durham/
  23. If you had a scintilla of credibility or intention to do anything other then troll you'd explain how the governments are controlling our lives.
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