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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Are they lying about the sensor data from the satellites?
  2. Is he the one who is also accused of downloading official documents?
  3. Yeah they're so fearful that at least 2 of them had to be paid to speak.
  4. 'Recalibration Time' for the Cartels and Congress as Border Crossings Lull "We know that the conditions that are pushing people remain unchanged: the violence and the poverty and the poor governance and the corruption and the cartel activity," Meissner told Newsweek. "There's only so much that you can do through enforcement actions and through changing the rules in the way that the administration is trying to do. The administration has a very limited range of actions that it can take—Congress ultimately has to act." https://www.newsweek.com/recalibration-time-cartels-congress-border-crossings-lull-1801316
  5. Democrats countered by arguing that the GOP, in the words of Rep. Linda Sánchez (D-Calif.), was using the hearing as “a vehicle to legitimize the events of Jan. 6 and the people who perpetrated it.” They questioned the FBI agents’ credibility and whether they should be considered whistleblowers, sparred with Republicans over access to documents and materials, and accused the panel of being a tool for former President Trump. “This select committee is a clearing house for testing conspiracy theories for Donald Trump to use in his 2024 presidential campaign,” said Del. Stacey Plaskett (V.I.), the panel’s ranking Democrat. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4011296-tensions-flare-in-weaponization-panel-hearing-with-sidelined-fbi-agents/
  6. The FBI whistleblowers in question, as argued by Democrats as part of a 316-page report released in March, have each endorsed "an alarming series of conspiracy theories related to the Jan. 6 Capitol attack, the Covid vaccine, and the validity of the 2020 election." One also repeatedly called for the dismantling of the FBI. Friend and O'Boyle both testified that they received money from Kash Patel, a Trump ally and former high-ranking official in the Trump administration, according to The New York Times. https://www.newsweek.com/republican-accuse-christopher-wray-corruption-fbi-1801265
  7. Former President Trump on Thursday responded to the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government’s hearing earlier that day, claiming that he too is a “victim” of the “weaponization.” “Very sad watching what took place today in Congress regarding Whistleblowers and the FBI. There has never been a time like this in our Country, the complete weaponization of Justice,” Trump said on his Truth Social account. https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/4011717-trump-responds-to-house-weaponization-hearing-i-am-a-victim-also/
  8. I'm not interested in that stuff, it's just weirdos making alarmist and false homophobic allegations about subjects that are a matter for kids, parents and their doctors. Not state political and religious interference. Nor am I concerned about what education kids are or are not receiving about sexuality and gender. Not in the least. Nope, I'm talking Critical Race Theory.
  9. I watched the whole hearing on YT. They had nothing substantive to offer. They came across as political extremists with grievances. One even stated that he had "declared an oath of allegiance to the constitution, not the FBI". The notion that they, as serving FBI agents, can attend an obvious politically motivated riot where the participants had no legal right of entry and knew it and knew they were unlawfully on premises and engaging in unlawful behavior by merely being there should not be sanctioned by the FBI is ridiculous. They could have been under no uncertainty that law enforcement was requiring them to leave. When an officer of the law in my country commits an offense it's automatically classified as egregious. I assume it's the same in the US.
  10. 21 years old, he has the obligation to fight and die for his country, not betray it.
  11. The right to a decent education uncensored by the state.
  12. So, rather than propose policies to "fix everything" and be recognized for having been the one who had the ideas he's rather see the country circling the drain because he's afraid Joe might "steal his ideas". Lovely bloke.
  13. I suppose it all depends on your targets for take profit. Good luck with that, not that I believe you did.
  14. World economic collapse. AAPL (Apple) market capitalisation is now more than the whole Russell 2000 index.
  15. They don't need hard evidence. They come with a challenge that it's self evident if one only thinks about it.
  16. Is he alleging a conspiracy between the FBI and the media to push the Trump Russia connection? That would be a conspiracy theory.
  17. From user user perspective they both share linux components and the OP was wanting to use terminal. They are very similar at that level.
  18. erm, I'll take your word for it. I have lived more or less my entire life at Southern Thai latitudes.
  19. That witness? LOL Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) confirmed on Monday that Republicans were out of contact with all but one "whistleblower" in their investigation of President Joe Biden and his family. While Greene claimed she was in contact with one whistleblower, up to nine other witnesses were missing or unavailable. They're either in court, they're in jail, or we cannot talk with them at this time because they can't be found." https://www.rawstory.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-whistleblowers/
  20. It's not a warning to white supremacist groups and terrorist lone wolves?
  21. No. I don't accept the premise of this "group" concept. I'm white but I don't feel that I identify with whites as a group in even the broadest sense. I'm not even sure how white I am. Pretty sure nobody else is either.
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