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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. He permitted thousands of Kurds to be slaughtered by Russian backed Syrian and Turkish forces in Syria. He released 5,000 imprisoned Taliban militants in Afghanistan who have persecuted minorities in Iraq ever since. He could also have deterred Putin from attacking Ukraine instead of encouraging him.
  2. Time magazine must be part of that cult. Omitted from the public debate about DeSantis’s policies is almost any discussion of his actual record of governance—what exactly he has delivered to the citizens of his state, especially those without seven-figure incomes and lush investment portfolios. Even a cursory dip into the statistics of social and economic well-being reveals that Florida falls short in almost any measure that matters to the lives of its citizens. More than four years into the DeSantis governorship, Florida continues to languish toward the bottom of state rankings assessing the quality of health care, school funding, long-term elder care, and other areas key to a successful society. https://time.com/6266618/ron-desantis-florida-governance-essay/
  3. There's no mass hysteria, only accusations of it by those who believe conspiracy theories and not only distrust science and expert advice but feel the need to spend their days spreading misinformation about covid.
  4. About 10% of people appear to suffer long COVID after an omicron infection, a lower estimate than earlier in the pandemic, according to a study of nearly 10,000 Americans that aims to help unravel the mysterious condition. Early findings from the National Institutes of Health’s study highlight a dozen symptoms that most distinguish long COVID, the catchall term for the sometimes debilitating health problems that can last for months or years after even a mild case of COVID-19. https://apnews.com/article/long-covid-coronavirus-covid-cc9dcd473f0513e4e62aa7e24940577e
  5. More misinformation. Face masks are considered by many a useful way to stop the contraction and spread of the new coronavirus. The tiny surgical aids are less common in Western countries despite growing outbreaks in Europe and the United States. But its use has exploded in Asia. That’s because Asians, especially in Japan, China and Taiwan, have worn masks for a host of cultural and environmental reasons, including non-medical ones, since at least the 1950s. https://www.voanews.com/a/science-health_coronavirus-outbreak_not-just-coronavirus-asians-have-worn-face-masks-decades/6185597.html Why East Asians Were Wearing Masks Long Before COVID-19 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/east-asian-countries-face-masks-before-covid_l_5f63a43fc5b61845586837f4 In countries like Japan and China, facemask use in the community is widespread – much more so than in Western cultures. People wear them to protect the respiratory tract from pollution and infection, and to prevent the spread of any pathogens they might be carrying. https://globalsecurityplus.org/ive-always-wondered-why-many-people-asian-countries-wear-masks-and-whether-they-work Why Was Mask Wearing Popular In Asia Even Before Covid-19? Find out which masks are most popular in Asia and why. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/culture-shocked/202005/why-was-mask-wearing-popular-in-asia-even-covid-19 Why Wearing a Face Mask Is Encouraged in Asia, but Shunned in the U.S. https://time.com/5799964/coronavirus-face-mask-asia-us/ n full, the post reads: “So, China have been asked to wear masks since around 1984, specifically in public. They have continuously worn masks since the initial SARS Out break In 2002. Your all walking round religiously wearing them while forgetting that the Chinese people have worn them Since well before the covid-19 outbreak. https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-china-mask-covid-idUSKBN25V1UR
  6. There isn't one country that doesn't still consider covid to be a threat. Not one.
  7. Apart from Trump saying he would pardon the insurrectionists, I guess the "anti Marxists" don't consider that antifa or the BLM folks who were convicted of various crimes are political prisoners?
  8. Who said Bannon was innocent until proven guilty? Oh, yes. It was you.
  9. Trump wasn't lying. He thought they were the best people. It was his opinion. How many of them did he fire, resigned or were indicted for crimes? More than any other president in history.
  10. The Chinese are experiencing low domestic consumption even after opening up from covid and government stimulus.
  11. AP are reporting today that 1 in 10 people who get covid suffer long covid symptoms for months to years after even mild infections with omicron. Symptoms are fatigue and brain fog.
  12. No, the vote might be democratic but a democratic country pursues one vote per person, makes sure everyone ha a chance to vote and does not limit their ability to do so. The process of gerrymandering and preventing poor people from voting never stops with the republicans. They simply can't win fair elections.
  13. You don't understand the mechanism by which the debt crisis talks affect the economy and stock markets? Then why challenge my explanation without a counter argument. That's trolling.
  14. It won't be the same election over again. Trump was previously the incumbent and many fools and MAGA morons saw they had much to gain by jumping on the gravy train. Now he's not and he won't get those again, most are in jail or losing their law license. The courts have already struck down the lies and sanctioned his "best" lawyers. The leaders of his junk militia are in jail. Trump is toxic now. He may get the GOP nomination but I think indictments will change that scenario quickly. The GOP won't have time to recover and put up an acceptable alternative in time for the election. DeSantis is the same spoiled goods for the independents.
  15. You provided a trite answer.; If you knew what you were talking about you'd posit an argument as to why my opinion is wrong. I have no intention of further pandering to your trolling by having to explain myself further when all you do is come up with a trite response.
  16. That's why I didn't elaborate the first time, you wouldn't get it anyway.
  17. Outside of semiconductors every other sector of the stock market is falling. USD is rising in reaction to the debt ceiling crisis.
  18. Which side is now tanking the markets because of unwillingness to pay the bills they have already spent? Hint: It isn't Biden.
  19. On what basis are they better prepared? Trump needs a few new white supremacists groups to step up to the plate for him. I'd say membership is down for the proud boys and oath keepers.
  20. I think very few fascists will put their hands up for him when they see the sentences being handed out. Any indictments for insurrection or inciting riots will not go well with swing voters. Trump needs more than the base to be re-elected.
  21. Are you imagining that these morons have been sentenced to many years imprisonment and that Trump had nothing to do with it despite being investigated to years over it and having been warned to expect an indictment? There's ample evidence to show that his people had their fingers all over this. Trump won't be re-elected or even nominated. Why do you think so many people threw their hat in the ring for the GOP nomination this week?
  22. While the methods and results presented here do vary, all available epidemiologic evidence suggests that community-wide mask-wearing results in reduced rates of COVID-19 infections. The effectiveness of masks in population-wide scenarios has been proven to be significant, and as a result, universal face-masking has been encouraged by many national and international agencies.
  23. Then link them as you are required to by the rules here.
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