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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Just search how to reduce high blood pressure on You Tube. Watch several videos to get a consensus but they are mostly consistent and offer good advice about lifestyle and food. I do take irbesartan and have done for 25 years because the doctor told me to do so. I'm planning to stop when I know my blood pressure is consistently low enough, if ever.
  2. They're not hating themselves for being white. They merely understand that there is a problem with systemic racism in the societies in which they live. Blacks pushing back on racism is not in itself racism. Racism REQUIRES a systematic disadvantage to be suffered by a segment of the population in a society. Whites don't suffer that disadvantage by virtue of their race.
  3. I have had an inguinal hernia for ovet 5 years. I have been checked by three doctors. Two of them said do nothing and one said get it done before I get too old. One told me that there are two types of inguinal hernia, one which can cause issues for the testicles and one which will cause no issues. I have the latter so I did nothing. I do regular physical exercise including weight lifting and never had a problem.
  4. I would think it's close to half a million at a guess, give or take.
  5. He was told otherwise in no uncertain terms and if he had any doubts they should have been dispelled when a subpoena arrived a year before the raid.
  6. Mistakenly believing someone is gay is not bigotry. Snide comments like yours, intended to troll and which don't bear repeating are very clearly bigotry. You know it and your fooling nobody.
  7. Up to you but when I read stuff like this, I follow the recommendation. I don't go looking for some shred of confirmation bias and ignore the preponderance of advice. Cut out processed meats altogether or keep them to an absolute minimum. Processed meats include bacon, ham, devon, frankfurts, chorizo, cabanossi and kransky. https://www.cancercouncil.com.au/1in3cancers/lifestyle-choices-and-cancer/red-meat-processed-meat-and-cancer/
  8. It's all about cutting out the free stuff for the poor, leaving more money in the budget for stuff they care about. Like reducing their own taxes.
  9. It's really very easy. One side will always have qualifications and credibility and the other side not so much. We see that all the time here. And, not to put too fine a point on it but if you die one minute sooner than expected because of covid then you died of covid. Presence of terminal cancer or not. If you have terminal cancer and get run over by a bus then you don't die with cancer. You die from the immediate cause of death.
  10. OK, maybe he's just an incel. Being as stupid or if not stupid then perverse as he is would turn any girl off him.
  11. Well it's got a lot more chance of being a fact than if no evidence is provided. Kind of like the theory of evolution vs natural selection. One is probably true and the other likely not based on the evidence.
  12. Life wouldn't be so short if you didn't eat these ????
  13. Please show a website that says bacon in moderation is safe as opposed to any bacon is dangerous. The same goes for all processed meats like salami , ham and sausage meats. They're all on the cancer list these days.
  14. Realistically, how much chance has a gay, black guy got of being elected by the right wing, especially evangelicals? Obviously I believe none of that should matter but in the real world he doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell. Meantime, your bigotry is showing.
  15. I just wanted to help you not fall under the misconception that long covid doesn't exist or isn't a problem affecting many people including the young and healthy and even those with few or no symptoms. In fact I read that younger people are more likely to suffer long covid. He's not talking about long covid here.
  16. 1. You and everybody else knows that when we say climate change we are referring to man induced aka anthropomorphic climate change. It has long been established beyond any credible doubt that natural climate change is playing NO part in global warming. We there no man made climate clange going on the earth would be in a cooling phase. Basic science. 2. Carbon dioxide in the air is what's causing climate change. 19th century physics established the link between carbon dioxide levels and atmospheric temperatures. Again, this is not credibly contested. 3. What can be done is to stop burning fossil fuels. That is the main component. Removal of carbon sinks like forests is another, albeit smaller cause of global warming.
  17. From the man who pulled the US out of the SALT treaty, the single most war mongering act of the century, anything is possible.
  18. No, it bears repeating ove rand over again until the slow learners understand that climate change is real.
  19. My post was in response to an off topic post about someone who has never been charged.
  20. Nope, it's experts deciding what basic precautions are, not me. Viruses are very small you see, what would I know about them. I just listen to the experts.
  21. The majority of Americans agree with him. Sholz also knows Trump backs Putin against Ukraine and Biden has the opposite view. Sholz is supplying weapons to Ukraine so why would he prefer Trump? Some choices are easy.
  22. Just too narcissistic to consider taking some basic precautions to protect others who may be at risk?
  23. He wasn't trying to influence American voters. He was merely expressing an opinion that Biden would be better than Trump. Clearly it is his prerogative to do so.
  24. According to the polls he is more popular than his rivals so by definition he is uniting the country. Mind you, he was working off a low base for inclusivity so it wasn't hard to do. Strange that Biden should be ahead of DeSantis or Trump so early. A drover's dog could obviously beat either. Appealing to angry, old, white christians only was hardly uniting the country.
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