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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. not sure, is it more than parachuting deaths and is that even relevant?
  2. I'm kinda over your holier than thou attitude tbh.
  3. Yeah I got all that except that I've had no trouble or joint pain with the standard 10 to 12 reps in 3 sets. ZI don't push the weight too hard. I have read that going to absolute failure is dangerous and that one or 2 reps short of failure works as well. The goal is to be breathless as I understand it. I'm not looking to be charles atlas, just fit and healthy.
  4. It will require a candidate who isn't in the thrall of the gun lobby and isn't anti abortion and isn't burning books because of racial animus and bigotry. It will also require a candidate who supports Ukraine and isn't a Putin loving fascist. Given those requirements I'd agree with you. The chances are slim to none.
  5. Did you miss the lists of Biden's accomplishments?
  6. https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/106-1999/s105
  7. It didn't begin to recover until Obama stimulated the economy with huge investment, Republicans were incapable of doing that.
  8. They list this as a failure! LOL Americans in many places are forced to show their vaccine papers to go to a restaurant
  9. If there was any there there Biden would have elected not to run. He wouldn't sabotage his party's chances over corruption. Not after 40 years as a senator.
  10. A major problem Trump has that makes him unelectable is his fascination and affiliation with fascists. Putin, Kim, Bolsonaro, Erdogan, Orban. Most Americans won't stand for that.
  11. Totally. They keep civets in cages. Imagine following an elephant around in the jungle all day. I smell elephant dung.
  12. They're white supremacist gang groupies, hardly what most would consider grown men. Obviously they aren't individual free thinkers and like to take their direction from others.
  13. That's the guy who said Trump had perfect genes? Some kind of doctor he is. Trump nearly died from covid. Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, engaged in "inappropriate conduct" while serving as the top White House physician, according to a Pentagon inspector general report obtained Wednesday by NBC News. The scathing report, expected to be released later Wednesday, alleges abusive behavior toward subordinates including sexual harassment. The inspector general's review, first reported by CNN, says Jackson drank alcohol, made sexual comments to subordinates and took the sedative Ambien while working as White House physician. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/scathing-report-finds-rep-ronny-jackson-engaged-inappropriate-conduct-white-n1259437 After Pentagon finds Rep. Ronny Jackson drank on duty and bullied underlings as White House physician, defeated rival says told you so Amarillo Republican denies all the allegations, which torpedoed his nomination by Trump to lead the Veterans Administration. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2021/03/03/pentagon-watchdog-hits-freshman-rep-ronny-jackson-with-scathing-report-on-tenure-as-white-house-physician/
  14. Pretty sure they both have. Biden for sure would have as part of his plans to run again which is why I think that line of criticism is just noise.
  15. Covfefe. It stands to reason that if Biden really did have any cognitive impairment his doctors would have advised him not to run again so you guys are all froth and hot air with this "senile" canard. Trump has never publicly spoken a well formed sentence that I've ever heard. I think that one of those accusations which are really confessions.
  16. There's that wilful ignorance of Biden's lifelong speech impediment again. It's getting old, like Biden.
  17. Trump only has a vocabulary of a 5 year old, actually he's much older. Nearly as old as Biden.
  18. I had a Ducati 860 Darmah back in the day. It topped out at 185 ks. I hit an eagle in a dip and killed it, luckily it hit right between the fork legs and not me. I resolved never to do that again. I always wished I had bought the 750 because they are more fun to ride at higher revs than the bigger bikes without scaring myself to death.
  19. That's great. I also train on an empty stomach soon after I wake up. It can be a struggle to convince myself to go but I always feel better afterwards and mild ailments tend to go away during training. I did also read recently that it's not necessary to go to failure but one or two reps away from it to prevent injury. At out age preventing injury is more important that rapid muscle gains. My favourite source of YT advice is this guy. On his advice I stopped intermittent fasting after a few months. It didn't seem to make much difference. I accept that limiting carbs is sufficient. https://www.youtube.com/@DrBradStanfield
  20. Those proud boys will be lining up to do a plea deal and testify against trump for a sentence reduction.
  21. It's almost as if a 4 year age difference makes much difference. We all know it's about health and fitness, two adjectives which you can't apply to his opponent. .
  22. I've been going to the gym most days for a few months now. Recently I have read that too much training can cause mitochondrial damage if more frequent than 3 or 4 times a week. My routine is to work a different muscle group each day for an hour. Push, pull and then legs on different days. I average a day off a week so I train each muscle group twice a week. I do abdominal exercises every day on the machine. I still only have a one pack but push about 75 pounds on the ab machine. I have a light build aka skinny except for the pot gut. I've been wondering if the potential damage occurs in particular muscles which get over worked or whether it refers to the whole body? In other words does my routine constitute twice a week training for each muscle group and therefore within advisable limits or is it 6 times a week and too often, putting me at risk. I recently took 2 weeks off due to an unrelated minor back injury and then songkran. I'm now back training and notice that my push strength has actually improved even with that time off while my pull strength is slightly lower, particularly chin ups which I find the most challenging. I set the machine to compensate about half my body weight. Appreciate any insights and general advice. I'm nearly 69 and never been a gym rat, mostly just walking a lot. And other unspecified aerobic activity. I probably have more muscle mass now than at any time in my life. I don't suffer muscle soreness on subsequent days after training since the first week or two. -------------------------- Strength training can help protect the brain from degeneration Brawn can be good for the brain in at-risk old people For the first time, an intervention - lifting weights - has been able to slow and even halt degeneration, over a long period, in brain areas particularly vulnerable to Alzheimer's disease. https://www.sydney.edu.au/news-opinion/news/2020/02/11/strength-training-can-help-protect-the-brain-from-degeneration.html
  23. I last did a border run in the early 80's when I was in Phuket. I took a plane to Hat Yai for $25 and then a taxi to Penang and back. The taxi was about the same price. I had a mate here who insisted on an overland border run a couple of months ago. He said never again. I met a couple of young Russian draft dodgers (on their own admission) in Koh Larn and one showed me a photo of the minivan which ran off the road when the driver fell asleep. It was a write off.
  24. Nope, most of the roads aren't dug up. The traffic really is heavy.
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