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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. OK, that's the majority of Americans opposing both candidates from running again. The danger for the Dems now is that Trump probably won't get the nomination while Biden probably will.
  2. The problem isn't that they're not motivated to do their own research so much as they are motivated not to do their own research.
  3. I really don't know why we have to put up with the abject covid denialism which infests this board.
  4. Back in '94 I lived in P Burgos Street for a few months. Opposite Dimples Bar. One of the girls from that bar borrowed my camera to go for a wedding in the province. She brought it back a week later and returned the favor. There weren't many NBI around in those days but there were plenty in AC raiding bars. We always carried a photocopy of our passports then.
  5. A separate lawsuit from voting systems company Smartmatic similarly accuses Fox of maliciously giving Trump lawyers Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani a platform to air false claims about the 2020 presidential election. But unlike Dominion, Smartmatic is suing multiple hosts and Giuliani as individuals, in addition to Fox. And the case will be tried in New York state court, rather than Delaware. https://thehill.com/homenews/media/3962900-what-fox-news-dominion-settlement-means-for-its-next-major-legal-fight/
  6. We already know but thanks. RIP to those POW's. Obviously the US navy did not know.
  7. The police a re constantly catching overstayers. How is that a waste of resources? I imagine you'd be one of the first to cry foul if illegal immigrants were left alone in your country.
  8. Sadly they did. The ship could easily have been carrying rubber back to Japan. Japanese war planners had long looked south, especially to Brunei for oil and Malaya for rubber and tin. In the autumn of 1940, Japan requested 3.15 million barrels of oil from the Dutch East Indies but received a counteroffer of only 1.35 million.[19] The complete U.S. oil embargo reduced the Japanese options to two: seize Southeast Asia before its existing stocks of strategic materials were depleted or submission to American demands.[20] Moreover, any southern operation would be vulnerable to attack from the Philippines, a U.S. colony, and so war against the U.S. seemed necessary in any case. wiki
  9. You just noted that it was 80 years ago. Submerged submarines didn't have a means of contacting their bases in those days. In fact any radio signal would give away their position.
  10. The climate and much of the vegetation are the same. Name a country that doesn't do what I just described.
  11. Those who have been brainwashed to reject science are the real problem.
  12. If you read the OP the US submarine tracked the known Japanese ship for a whole day before shooting.
  13. What's even remotely unpleasant about being asked to show a passport or photo thereof or having to urinate in a bottle. In my country random drivers, including tourists, are routinely asked to do drug tests and are subjected to ID checks.
  14. So far no evidence that Hunter's laptop is proof of anything or that its contents have been verified as anything other than Russian misinformation. I'd wait for the indictments before making presumptions of guilt or fact. Benghazi was a 3 year fishing expedition led by a zealot which proved nothing at all just as Hunter's laptop conspiracy theory investigation is led by a zealot who has been likewise proven to have lied.
  15. Makes me think. I note that such raids have regularly taken place at venues away from the tourist strip. I wonder if there's a presumption that overstayers might avoid the tourist strip for fear of being caught?
  16. Telling proven lies divides a nation. Fox has admitted guilt.
  17. I think nobody has ever experienced this more than once on a trip here or even in a year. It hasn't happened to me yet and I've been here a year. A lot of complaining and scaremongering about nothing
  18. Joe's pretty smart. He served decades as a senator. It's reasonably to assume that Hunter inherited some of those smarts from him.
  19. Does that mean either of go out and do your own virus testing or not believing research already carried out by scientists in favour of conspiracy theory sites. It seems most of the posters in this thread don't do any research.
  20. I do know. It's a regular event in the Philippines as well. Or was a few years ago when I was there.
  21. They are aware that "tourist" overstays are increasing rapidly and the point is to make sure those never return. I can't imagine being deterred by a simple passport check. Or a urine check.
  22. Why not India, tipped to become more populous than China this year and ultimately a stronger economy due to China's aging population as a result of it's one child policy.
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