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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Tipping in Thailand has been going on for a long time now. Can you produce any evidence where employers reduced the wages of their employees by the amount of their tips or even because of their tips?
  2. https://edition.cnn.com/videos/tv/2023/02/05/exp-gps-0205-fareeds-take-solution-for-britain.cnn
  3. No doubt the business was quite profitable.
  4. He told the Pentagon to shoot it down last Wednesday. They demurred until it crossed the coast. The bobbling heads are gonna fall off soon. CNN are reporting that the Pentagon wanted to shoot it down over water to improve their chances of retrieving it intact. Apart from the safety issues for civilians on land.
  5. Little enthusiasm for Biden-Trump rematch seen in new poll In a hypothetical rematch, Trump held a 48 percent to 45 percent advantage over Biden, an outcome that is within the new poll’s margin of error of 3.5 percentage points. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3844240-little-enthusiasm-for-biden-trump-rematch-seen-in-new-poll/
  6. Prospects rise for NY charges against Trump in Stormy Daniels case by Zach Schonfeld - 02/05/23 6:00 AM ET New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s latest moves suggest prosecutors are nearing a decision about charging former President Trump in connection with a $130,000 hush payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels before the 2016 presidential election. The Manhattan district attorney’s office this week escalated the fight by empaneling another grand jury in the case and presenting witnesses. Legal experts and a former colleague of Bragg’s said the Democratic attorney’s actions indicate prosecutors are edging closer to possible charges against Trump. https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/3841665-prospects-rise-for-ny-charges-against-trump-in-stormy-daniels-case/
  7. I'm talking about my hand to theirs. 20 notes and coins mostly. I gave an old guy with advanced diabetes 100 baht about a month ago.
  8. No, but it does give me a kind of tingly feeling.
  9. Two days ago it was still listing to port but today it looks like they have righted it.
  10. Ordinary Thais are often generous when it comes to giving money to paupers.
  11. It's been nice the past couple of days in Pattaya since it poured rain for a couple of hours. No more smoke.
  12. I also quite a lot of personal charity by Thais to the very poor.
  13. No, do you put money in the "rice for kids" collection box near the checkout?
  14. That's why God made towels. And toilet paper if one is out. It's very rare for me to need a number 2 when out. Only if I need to. Mostly they're so perfect that I don't even need to wipe.
  15. Read this and tell me that again with a straight face. https://oxbowacademy.net/educationalarticles/appropriate_placement_oa/ We work closely with our families to provide their student with any religious needs parents’ desire. They mention NOJOS on their website. Take a look at the board for NOJOS https://nojos.net/contact-board
  16. Koch network will oppose Trump in 2024 https://www.rawstory.com/koch-trump/
  17. My house is clean. I can see this devolving into another amygdala related thread.
  18. That's probably why I never got pregnant. It's cited as a downside to sex addiction. I'm just pointing out how irrelevant that is. Even women can easily avoid it. Sexual diseases are avoidable as well and aren't a manifestation of sex addiction. One could get a sexual disease from their first sex experience. Other items on the list I replied to are just pure conjecture, the kind of garbage that a religious organisation would dream up to make their their claims sound credible.
  19. It was quoted as a symptom of sex addiction. It seems the more things change the more they stay the same.
  20. Keep looking. You posted the link. It's down to you. I promise you it's there.
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