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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Holding people on remand while prosecutors develop their case is common practice in all our countries. They go to court for mention as he has done then it's off to the clink to wait. Nothing to see there.
  2. The British colonialists committed systematic genocide against Australian aborigines.
  3. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2009/jun/08/british-empire-colonies-banks-reform https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2018/12/19/how-britain-stole-45-trillion-from-india https://www.smh.com.au/business/companies/the-west-stole-its-wealth-right-wrong-20160103-glyanb.html https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/british-looted-45-trillion-from-india-in-todays-value-jaishankar/articleshow/71426353.cms?from=mdr https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/04/04/the-british-empire-was-much-worse-than-you-realize-caroline-elkinss-legacy-of-violence
  4. Individually, no. Collectively, yes. Europe and the US owe their current wealth to slavery and pillaging of colonial riches. Those countries were left destitute. Additionally, the industrial revolution, fuelled by that wealth, contributed much to CO2 emissions which are crippling the world today.
  5. There will be another referendum before long. Next time the government won't poison the well with a list of unacceptable alternatives.
  6. Starbucks for a morning almond milk cappu. I used to go to the Amazon coffee on the other side of the street but they don't do almond or soy milk.
  7. In Pattaya today you can barely see the Pattaya sign on the hill from the end of soi 6.
  8. I'm saying you don't understand the instruction to provide links in the World forum. It's not a "claim" at all. You're disputing the mandatory need for links.
  9. That is the history including the origin. It does not refer to the original partition agreement as the "two state solution" As far as using terrorism for failing to implement the solution, that applies to both sides. Dropping a bomb from an aeroplane onto civilians is still terrorism, just as blowing up a bus is.
  10. If you have a link referring to the original 1947 proposal for a partition using the term "two state solution" then please provide it instead of just calling me wrong. I'll be happy to concede if you can. This is exactly what I mean by arguing in bad faith.
  11. I did. We are at odds over the definition of the 2 state solution. The original proposal which you referred to as "the two state solution" never was that, it was a partition proposed by the British to enforce an Israeli nation within Palestine. The Palestinians rejected it. That has never been referred to as "the two state solution". The two state solution is the Oslo accords agreed to in 1993. It was based on the 1967 borders. Israel has never honoured that agreement.
  12. If you refuse to provide links to claims of fact you are by definition arguing in bad faith.
  13. There's a culture of impunity and brutality in the police forces. It's not restricted to racism but more often manifested in conjunction with racism than not.
  14. He did more than simply ask why anybody take the fifth. This video would not be out of place in the Jokes forum.
  15. I called no board member any of those things. Get off your high horse. It's perfectly legit to call public figures all of those things. Stop the snowflake act.
  16. Realistic isn't just. Don't shout, it's against the rules. The Palestinians deserve their own nation. That was stolen from them in 1948. I'm not suggesting that Israel doesn't deserve to exist but it doesn't deserve to steal Palestinian land against i8nternational law.
  17. Netanyahu compares to Hitler in the sense that both exhibited extreme racism and crimes against humanity. I did not claim he is as bad as Hitler. It's a shame that the people who suffered the worst injustices of the last world war. are now among the worst perpetrators of racial injustice and crimes against humanity. The Chinese are also right up there with Tibetans and Uyghurs as are the Turks and Iranians against Kurds, another population without their own nation state.
  18. In other news, firemen rescued a cat stuck up a tree.
  19. The SCOTUS is the oligarchy, the vehicle by which the rich can maintain power and control public policy outside of the democratic system.
  20. Netanyahu is a war criminal. It's appropriate. No different to Putin.
  21. Realistic? Is that the same realistic solution the Jews faced under the nazis?
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