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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Try living on their salary. Every hotel has help wanted signs. They can't get the staff because they won't pay enough.
  2. Read their website. Why did you link them if you don't know anything about them? These are the same sort of people who think you can "pray the gay away".
  3. The Chinese said. CNN are saying that the balloon had limited surveillance capabilities and they were able to block it's signals. That would include any signals to control it. Using a missile to shoot it down was the safest since cannon shells may not have shot it down on the spot and could overfly the target. They don't want unexploded high explosive ammo flying uncontrolled where it could do more damage. A missile explodes where they want it to and falls straight down in the target zone.
  4. Satellites can be geostationary. There's nothing a balloon can do that a satellite can't. Their cameras are very high resolution and they have lots of sensors. For some it seems there's a conspiracy theory in every news story.
  5. Tree town is a desert for talent. Soi 6 has some cuties.
  6. I also buy the cat food for the condo guard's long time adopted fat cat. 115 baht every 2 to 3 weeks. Helps out the guards.
  7. Yes. There are three cleaners clean my room every week to 10 days. The condo charges 300 and I tip them 100 each. At Christmas, I gave them a card with 500 each. One of them is very cute.
  8. I must admit to pressing the trigger to max flow sometimes. I haven't used toilet paper since I discovered these things on my first trip to Thailand 42 years ago.
  9. You didn't read my post above which explains precisely why they didn't use bullets? Are you imagining that this balloon was some kind of high tech spy thing that satellites couldn't handle? Are you imagining that the military wouldn't have shot it down if it was truly a threat? Are you imagining that the military couldn't block every signal coming out of it? Maybe a reality check might be in order? Some good old common sense instead of endless conspiracy bunkum?
  10. They dropped their fair and balanced mantra a few years ago when it couldn't be sustained any longer. Media matters is website based almost entirely on calling out Fox lies.
  11. Another faith based quack outfit. If they're not totally irreligious they are acting out their religious convictions and not to be trusted. Venereal disease and pregnancy have nothing at all to do with sex itself. It's perfectly possible to have sex without either. I use condoms and never got pregnant. I have no self esteem issues and no social isolation. I don't masturbate, I have a high quality of life and many friends. I don't smoke and have exactly 3 beers once a week. I hold a full time IT job. Life's good. This sounds like a religious sermon, it certainly isn't based on science.
  12. Jets don't carry machine guns anymore and smaller aircraft can't get to 50,000 feet.
  13. It was out of Chinese control and it shouldn't have been there. It simply wasn't any kind of threat. There was nothing the balloon could do that a satellite couldn't do better.
  14. The military blocked it. It posed no threat. This is a nothing burger.
  15. That doesn't like like evidence does it? It starts with experts disagree. That means there's no evidence that concludes it's harmful.
  16. That river is about as deep as this comment. You're solidly on the losing side of this debate. Failure to provide evidence to back up your claims is never going to be a winner. Then you resort to insults. Pretty poor performance, you just made my ignore list.
  17. I said I'm married? Far from it. Nor do I have a girlfriend.
  18. Last time they came I believe they had a midnight curfew. I saw plenty walking around with cute girls in the day and evenings.
  19. now you are just trolling. You got called out and can't back up your assertions.
  20. I want a link to credible research to clinical evidence. It should be in the media. Just producing a book by some possible crackpot means nothing. That's just a link you found, I doubt that you have read that book. I want to know how you formed your opinion that sex addiction was harmful.
  21. We used to get them frequently in the 80's before the Olongapo Daniel Smith ladyboy gay fright murder. The girls will find them.
  22. I believe it has. That was the big concrete building? I think it's now an Italian restaurant bar or similar.
  23. Rubbish, it was all about their other addictions. Sex made them crazy but heroin didn't. Or the excessive alcohol. Try to understand just how out there that sounds. But again, if sex addiction was clinically harmful in any way, you'd be able to produce evidence but won't. That makes your agenda highly suspicious. You claim not religious but push the "spiritual" angle? How's that work?
  24. I went to Hops for a couple of beers last night with a couple of mates. The place was beyond crowded. The band did really well, the same guys for 20 years. Everybody was singing along. They brew a decent German style wheat beer.
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