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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Solution... Require all concealable weapons to be kept at a gun club.
  2. Should the governments of other countries close down their churches as well because of sexual abuse in the clergy? I'm not defending anybody here, just trying to keep it real.
  3. Not even close. I saw the aftermath (dead body) of a recently unreported motorcycle accident in Soi Buakhao, Pattaya, on the night of the soccer world cup. The rider killed himself and a pedestrian, both farangs. Just today I witnessed two girls on a scooter get hit by a car turning into Big C extra from Sai 3. The girls suffered gravel rash. Me and a mate gave them 500 baht each to help buy medicines and left when the police turned up.
  4. This. It's why I won't rent or buy a motorcycle. I live in central Pattaya and walk everywhere. I do have an open mc licence in my country.
  5. I wonder if non-O applicants on expiration of a visa waiver are required to show insurance for the full year? And then each year they extend the visa? If they get an exit permit, do they need to take out insurance for the remainder of their visa before returning?
  6. That's the mistake anti-vaxxers make. Projection. They accuse everyone who isn't deluded by the anti vax political campaign of being sheeple who don't "do their own research". The opposite is true. Many of those did their own research, enough to understand that the smart move is to get vaccinated. On the other hand, the kool aid drinkers think that doing their own research means ignoring science and expert advice in favour of conspiracy theories and pseudoscience. It truly amazing.
  7. Hospitalisations +16.1% Change in 7-Day Average Deaths +8.3% Change in 7-Day Average Since Prior Period https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/covid-data/covidview/index.html
  8. Ok, point taken but the chart shows a definite rise in hospitalisations for one of those links.
  9. Hospital utilization is reported to HHS Protect by all hospitals registered with Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) as of June 1, 2020.
  10. It helps to quote sources that are not 2 1/2 years old. The other source confirms rises in admissions.
  11. Good question. @Sheryl, would another non bivalent booster shot be advisable now for people in Thailand who have not had one for almost a year?
  12. Possibly more dangerous in the sense that more vulnerable people are being hospitalised due to a much higher rate of infections. I accept that the virus itself is not more dangerous for an individual. There are also likely to be more cases of long covid for the same reason.
  13. That's because Bill Gates' foundation funds research into viruses. Nothing to see here.
  14. People who haven't had 2 vaccinations haven't thought out the situation properly. This was entirely predictable when a new mutation results in a surge of infections.
  15. Facts are facts Roughly 6,500 people in hospitals in the U.S. have tested positive for Covid-19, according to the CDC, more than double the number from one month ago, and more than 10,000 people have died from Covid in the last month, the highest four-week total since the summer. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/01/06/covid-cases-hospitalizations-spike-as-new-variant-gains-foothold-00076747 Hospitals at or near full COVID-19 ICU capacity increase by 90% over past few months https://www.fiercehealthcare.com/hospitals/study-hospitals-at-or-near-full-covid-19-icu-capacity-increase-by-90-over-past-few-months
  16. Could have been largely due to the quarantine at high rates. I doubt that they will go that far again since they now have high rates of vaccinations. My own return was timed when we could escape from Australia and return without quarantine.
  17. Special counsel Jack Smith bolsters Trump investigation with two corruption experts as 'new phase' ramps up According to a report from CNN, special counsel Jack Smith has given a signal where his investigation into Donald Trump is going by adding two specialists in public corruption cases to his staff. According to CNN, two sources confirmed, "Raymond Hulser, the former chief of the DOJ’s public integrity section, and David Harbach, who conducted cases against former Sen. John Edwards and Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell," are joining the team and that Harbacj has been seen observing ongoing trials involving members of the Proud Boys. https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-jack-smith-2659078983/
  18. I believe it would not. The point of the requirement for all travellers is to not be seen to discriminate. You could easily pick up an infection no matter where you went.
  19. Unfortunately you seem to have not seen reports from Italian authorities that they aren't seeing new mutations as yet from China. Thailand is trying to combat the virus on two fronts. First is large numbers of infections arriving from China which will overwhelm the hospital system and second is more dangerous new mutations coming from the US and Europe. Hence, the restrictions applying to all arrivals.
  20. Do you live near the ocean and are there mangrove swamps nearby? if so, they could be sandflies. Those bites in the photo look like that.
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