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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. A phone box should do it. Why aren't any of them charged yet? Why have dozens of Trumps associates been charged or sanctioned for legal misconduct?
  2. One change in particular — which empowers a single lawmaker to launch the process of ousting the Speaker — is giving heartburn to lawmakers in both parties, who fear a hard-line group of conservatives will use it repeatedly to browbeat McCarthy into keeping crucial must-pass bills off the floor. The result, they say, will be a heightened risk of shuttering the government, defaulting on federal debts and grinding the business of the House to a screeching halt. “I think it’s a terrible decision,” said Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.). https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3803315-mccarthy-concessions-to-win-speakership-raise-eyebrows/
  3. If not then the insurance company was entitled to refuse his claim.
  4. People waffle on about personal responsibility but somehow think that responsibility to others is not important.
  5. I agree with you. I never suggested that proof of vaccination was enough but it's better than the "nothing" which many anti vaxxers advocate. I think both vaccinations and a negative test is prudent.
  6. According to MSNBC contributor Kurt Bardella, newly elected House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is going to have some explaining to do when he has to reveal to his caucus what he promised the far-right extremists in the House in his unrelenting campaign to be handed the gavel. As the former GOP spokesperson explained to host Alex Witt, the new speaker probably got "rolled" and the concessions he made will come in handy for Democrats trying to slow McCarthy's agenda down. https://www.rawstory.com/matt-gaetz-2659083562/
  7. Gone because of trolling. Members are now using the laughing emoji to troll.
  8. I thought Trump was still president. Many seem to believe that.
  9. I've been thinking about this. I believe such subpoenas should be regarded as political grandstanding and should be resisted unless the committees can produce some evidence of a possible crime being committed (such as investigating a riot and evidence of a potential insurrection or an allegation of missing documents), not just a conspiracy theory that the FBI are part of some imaginary deep state. I believe that will be the process anyway.
  10. Antibodies are not just for immunity. You need to provide a link. My understanding is that doctors don't know how long the antibodies last. I would question the 18 month limit. Don't make such factual claims unless you are prepared to provide a link to support your claim.
  11. I arrived using only a digital certificate last May. I'm not sure that it was necessary by then but the advice I received at that time was yes. .
  12. In Central Festival mall today. 1M baht.
  13. The vicinity of Soi 12 Pattaya Klang is hard to beat IMO. Quiet, a range of condos, walking distance to Big C Extra, Terminal 21, Central Marina, Central Festival (20 mins stroll). Hospitals and restaurants nearby. One of the best gyms in town (The Brick).
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