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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Yes, it happened to me in Saigon about ten years ago. They took part of the money.
  2. I believe that's true and not because I want to believe it.
  3. Fine, but how will the animals desalinate the sea water?
  4. I'm happy to say nothing has changed. Ass still pointing towards the footpath.
  5. They get round that argument by insisting the the Republican controlled FBI (since forever) is in the pocket of the Dems and the deep state. You know, the FBI which claimed Hillary was still under investigation days before the election. That FBI.
  6. Dunno, I forgot where I was going with this, it's been nearly a week.
  7. DeSantis isn't going to like this. Biden is extending title 42 to include Cubans. Biden admin will block more Nicaraguans, Cubans, Venezuelans and Haitians at border but also open more legal pathways https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/title-42-block-nicaraguans-cubans-haitians-rcna64418
  8. Off topic. The Thai bashing is relentless. I guess there are no homeless 14 year olds in your country?
  9. The Republicans plan to use the debt ceiling as a hostage to force Dems to accept cuts to social security. They claim they are being fiscally responsible but voted three times to raise the debt ceiling and added $7.8 trillion to the national debt under Trump. The dems will only vote for a clean bill to raise the debt ceiling without spending cuts for medicare and social security. The Republicans will try to blame them for failing to raise the debt ceiling. https://www.indems.org/fact-check-ingop-raised-the-debt-limit-three-times-added-7-8-trillion-to-national-debt-under-trump-administration/ Conservative rebels in the House are demanding that the next Speaker, whether it’s Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) or someone else, make a stand against passing a clean debt limit increase, which would set up a major fight with Senate Democrats and President Biden https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/3799320-lawmakers-say-mccarthy-speaker-fight-portends-debt-ceiling-crisis/
  10. I wonder how run of the mill Republicans feel about their party's highest priority being to protect the rich from investigation by the IRS? Trump paid no taxes and now the IRS are after him. Romney paid less than his secretary in percentage terms. The rich notoriously dodge taxes like bumpem cars in a sideshow. Very few of the Fortune 500 companies pay their fair share of tax. Then they spin the talking point that spending is the problem. Republicans will soon vote on a bill that would repeal the funding of 87,000 Internal Revenue Services (IRS) agents. Funding for the agency was included in the Inflation Reduction Act, which was passed last August. "When we come back, our very first bill will repeal the funding for 87,000 IRS agents," McCarthy said, receiving a thunderous applause from his conference. https://www.newsweek.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-shares-house-republicans-first-priority-1772079
  11. You seem not to comprehend what a factual claim actually is.
  12. They aren't the ones in denial.
  13. Children have a 2nd amendment right to bear arms against a tyrannical government as well.
  14. Speak for yourself, not for me and not for any of my farang friends in Thailand.
  15. The events of the day only need to contribute to his death to entitle his family to sue. They don't need to be the primary cause of his death.
  16. The reality was that the US was going to get Griner back in exchange for Bout or nobody. That has been firmly established and links to that effect have been posted before. This mob of bigoted loons just thinks they got nothing because they got a gay, black woman in exchange for a defunct arms dealer. Louisiana Republican Party objects to Brittney Griner prisoner swap The Louisiana Republican State Central Committee voted Saturday to condemn the Biden administration’s prisoner swap with Russia that led to the release of basketball star Brittney Griner. Members of the GOP committee attending their quarterly meeting in Lafayette supported a resolution condemning the Griner exchange through a voice vote. No members raised objections to the matter, once a reference to Griner being a “woke” gay woman was removed from the statement. https://www.rawstory.com/louisiana-republican-party-objects-to-brittney-griner-prisoner-swap/
  17. Central Festival Mall was packed with Russians last night.
  18. Probably a typo. Far from his actual daily spend. Just what he likes to splurge 2,000 on every Saturday other than his normal daily spend. I want my 3 minutes back.
  19. Because they do prevent serious illness in most cases. Nobody cares if they get infected, that's going to happen anyway. What most people care about is serious illness, long covid and dying. I'm not sure why anti-vaxxers insist on ignoring the serious illness and long covid aspect of the virus.
  20. I went to Udon Thani. Boring AF. Prices were not a lot cheaper than Pattaya from what I saw. The bars were terrible.
  21. Get your facts right before engaging in personal attacks Asia had the lowest rates of child sexual abuse for both boys and girls. The highest rates for girls were in Australia (21.5%), and the highest rates for boys were in Africa (19.3%). https://sexualalpha.com/how-common-is-incest/
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