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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Better than death or long covid till hell freezes over. Apparently a newer and much deadlier mutation is spreading fast in the US.
  2. A single species is so common around Pattaya I figured somebody might be able to positively identify it beyond vague common names like a tree squirrel or tree shrew.
  3. As I've said before, the picture was never intended be exactly what I saw. These things are hard to tell apart. The ones I see can grow quite large. Like body and tail both over a foot long.
  4. Another variant that appears to have not emerged in China. It sounds like countries should be restricting travel from the US. Dr Feigl-Ding also hit out at the decision by a string of nations – including Australia – to introduce new restrictions for Chinese travellers, claiming the threat posed by XBB15 was far worse, despite China’s current Covid crisis.
  5. How? I see it in the evening running very fast along power lines. A photo would have insufficient detail to ID it. The ones I researched which are arboreal weren't endemic to Pattaya. I believe this is true. It does have a bushy tail but nowhere near as bushy as some of them and the shrews. I have never heard them call. I understand that's a defense thing, mainly against snakes.
  6. The dems policies are far more socialist than the republicans who mainly support the oligarchs and kleptocracy. Single payer health insurance is the classic example. Consumer protection and EPA laws are others.
  7. What impediments are there for kiwis wanting to live and work in Australia?
  8. I had several root canals and crowns done by Dental Hollywood at reasonable prices 4 years ago and have had zero problems.
  9. From the person who nominated the judges who dun it at the behest of his major backers. . Former President Trump blamed the “abortion issue” for Republicans underperforming expectations in the 2022 midterm elections. Trump said in a post on Truth Social on Sunday that many in the GOP handled the issue poorly, especially those who “firmly” insisted on no exceptions to bans on the procedure, including in instances of rape and incest. He also said he is not to blame for the party’s performance, responding to many in the GOP who have pointed to him as a reason for its losses. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3795054-trump-says-abortion-issue-responsible-for-gop-underperforming-expectations-in-midterms/
  10. At Thai prices for beer most could probably afford to live here if they gave up drinking. They'd be better off in Angeles City if they want to drink themselves to death.
  11. I don't believe his nomination had much to do with getting re-elected anyway.
  12. Amazing considering the very rapid rate of immigration into Australia.
  13. If you still use toilet paper to wipe after you go to the loo instead of water it's a sign you don't belong here ????
  14. Try living in Indonesia. My mate in Lombok says they have half a dozen mosques within half a click from his place and he says they do the call to prayer 5 times a day round the clock on the loudspeakers. That alone would drive me to leave.
  15. I think you mentioned that your pension is not transportable? If it's not a personal intrusion I'd be interested to know why? I assume it's a UK pension? In Oz, they are transportable but some might need to wait 2 years. If it's a personal question, please don't reply.
  16. I don't know but I suspect that only the weapons systems and targeting software might be affected. The software is going to be modular anyway so no big deal. Upgrading the weapons at any time would not be difficult and the training time greatly shortened. It's also conceivable that Thai pilots could be trained in the US for these. The interoperability is likely the main objective in this decision. Plus mil to mil relations. Australia purchased F35's early, knowing that the entire platform would be upgraded in the future. There's no point in flying obsolete aircraft which would be vulnerable to modern AA missiles anyway. The F35's main claim to fame is it's ability to defend itself.
  17. We'll have to agree to disagree. The F35 is the most advanced aircraft in the world currently. Buying anything else would be buying obsolescence.
  18. I disagree with everything the idiot in the video said. It's replete with ageism and the drinking comments apply to anywhere in the world. If you need to eat an English breakfast (worst health food possible) or find it distasteful to go in a squat toilet or use a pail to wash after then maybe you shouldn't have come here in the first place. Hundreds of elderly expats enjoy a cheaper meal in the Big C food court every day and appear to be enjoying themselves and each other's company.
  19. It wasn't a claim of fact anyway. The response was nonsensical.
  20. Bolsonaro was on a mission to destroy the planet in order to enrich ranchers.
  21. That's not a photo of the actual item. They aren't really trees. I think they look nice. The teenagers aren't complaining. ooh look, a grinch ????
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