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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I do https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jcms.13386
  2. Tell that to the many thousands of people on the beach. The festivities are much bigger than I've ever seen at Songkran.
  3. 'Final nail in his coffin': Trump's taxes contain 'powerful evidence of criminal tax evasion' https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-taxes-2659052512/
  4. They're better than not having them. I just used the pedestrian crossing at si6 a few minutes ago. All the traffic stopped when the light went red. Nice of them. A bunch of people including Russian families crossed safely.
  5. They are temporary, about 50 yards long and lit up with fairy lights. They are clearly for teenagers and romantics to take selfies under during the new year festivities. a purpose for which they have proved very popular.
  6. It'd be nice if you explained what that was and maybe even stooped to produce a link.
  7. Further, the returns show that Trump made zero dollars in charitable contributions in 2020 despite promising to give all of his presidential salary away. https://thehill.com/policy/finance/3792995-ways-and-means-panel-releases-trumps-tax-returns/
  8. He promised the angry mob that he would do so and then left them blowing in the wind. A promise not fulfilled.
  9. Of course it isn't. At the same time it is a reason for people to pile on. Should those people say nothing absent a conviction? When did that ever happen?
  10. Off topic much? Did I even hint at that suggestion? My point was as I said. Go make yourself a nice cup of tea and have a lie down.
  11. They almost all stop on the red light at a pedestrian crossing. I confirmed this an hour ago when I walked to Amazon at the end of soi 6 to get a coffee. Other than that they will stop at pedestrian crossings when there is a build up of people waiting to cross. And they will stop when they see pedestrians stranded in the middle of a crossing. Stop with the gratuitous Thai bashing.
  12. The claim was absolute. Patently false on its face. I don't drive, I walk everywhere. I find they frequently stop for me.
  13. Republicans could cause US to default on its debt, top Democrat warns A leading Democratic lawmaker has warned that the Republican party is now so extreme it could cause the world’s largest economy to default on its debt for the first time ever in its quest to extract concessions from the Biden administration. “My guess is that whoever is speaker of the House will be so in a vice from the extreme members of their caucus, that they won’t be able to get anything done here. I really worry about defaulting,” John Yarmuth, Kentucky Democrat and chair of the powerful House budget committee, told the Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/dec/30/us-default-republicans-house-john-yarmuth
  14. Are you suggesting that Hutchinson should not have testified to the best of her knowledge and belief as she was required to do under oath?
  15. I live in Pattaya and I'm going to say is is just a baseless generalisation. Many drivers do stop.
  16. Just trying to keep it real bro. As always. Feel free to give the personal attacks a miss, maybe make it a new year resolution?
  17. Not just those. Big oil is stuffing the world's economy and enabling human rights abuses. https://www.rfa.org/english/news/myanmar/investment-11212022174209.html
  18. And a girl with a disability as well, just exercising her freedom of speech. It's actually quite creepy.
  19. It worked for Australia. It was the only defense we had after the government mismanaged the vaccine rollout.
  20. But nothing to do with the topic, right? I'm fine with all races without having to invoke the "I'm not racist because some of my best friends are..."
  21. All of them predicted a 2 years shutdown based on the experience from the Spanish Flu. Statistics is a science of probability. A poll that predicted a certain out come by a tiny fraction is not wrong when the opposite outcome eventuates.
  22. The drug itself has long since been tested and is evidently relative safe. It's effectiveness against covid is sill a clinical observation but there would seem to be little or no impediment to it's use.
  23. "What strikes me immediately is that in 2015, '16 and '17, Donald Trump had foreign accounts in the U.K., Ireland, China and also it looks like St. Thomas. And then in 2018 only U.K. and then in 2020 only U.K. and that is what I'm looking at." https://www.rawstory.com/trump-taxes-2659046074/
  24. The same tax accounts who finally said they can't stand by their own audits? Those accountants? Mazars.
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