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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. The topic is about an claim made in Australia. Your link is from a source known for unreliability but isn't relevant to this thread
  2. Link to your claim that 40% of medical research is nonsense? The rules require that you produce a link to any claim of fact.
  3. Whatever Russia became post Stalin, that's not what it is now.
  4. I'll believe there's a massive cover up when I see politicians standing up in parliament using parliamentary privilege to allege it. So far that hasn't happened.
  5. They never do and then a page or two later you'll often see the same debunked claim again indicating that they never read the links or debate the subject matter contained within them. It's really quite futile to argue with those kind of people.
  6. Nice innuendo. Care to explain what that might mean or are you just going to allude to some laptop story?
  7. Most decent people will stand for any foreign leader addressing congress. That's the decent thing to do. They a re also on record claiming that Zelensky is a moocher (my words) or a welfare queen (Trump's words). You're trying to paint them as some kind of non conformists when they are just traitors.
  8. Tourist arrivals in Thailand number in the millions. Apply the sanity test to the numbers. Were there millions of visitors to Qatar for the world cup? Additionally, the world cup was just a few weeks. Thai tourism is all year.
  9. You didn't need to follow other links. The link to the BBC article in the OP was sufficient. You didn't read it. Why not?
  10. Yes. You claimed you couldn't find the quote and asked me to post it. It was staring you in the face but you didn't look. How is that not trolling?
  11. Carlson sings from the far right hymn sheet. He's far from some independent thinker.
  12. Part of the reason they need that budget is to protect the war effort and assistance to Ukraine from Republicans who want to pull the rug out. Another part is to prevent the Republicans from shutting down the government. They have been the party of no since Omabama won and then flipped when Trump was in power when their tongues were suddenly tied. The republicans are budget hawks when they don't control the purse and spend like drunken sailors when they do. Trump's 2.5 trillion giveaway to the rich was a case in point. His useless wall was another.
  13. I don't think it will either but Trump is now a spent force and the longer the GOP are split on that issue the more it's going to hurt them.
  14. You only had to read the link posted in the OP. That goes to my observation that those on the right never read links outside the echo chamber. You said you couldn't find it. That implies that you tried which is manifestly not the case. Man up.
  15. Reread the thread. I will never link twice because I know the right wing will never read a link posted which doesn't confirm their biases. Other than that,do a google search. There is a link in this topic. Try the 5th sentence in the OP. That;s an indication of how disingenuous you are. I'd say you are trolling.
  16. I don't believe that's true. Russia will not use nuclear weapons. China and India have made it very clear to Russia that it would not be acceptable. Russia doesn't have the means to go it alone without them.
  17. I hope they do. I want these wingnuts to try it on because the FBI is watching them like hawks now. It would be the end for their guns and the radical extremists would be locked up. They wouldn't get close to an actual civil war. It would be all over in hours or days. There is now domestic terrorist watch list and the CIA have declared domestic terrorism to be their major threat, more so that international terrorism. Every communication they make is being monitored. The moment they try to organize they will be arrested. The white supremacist groups have declared their hand and their goose is cooked.
  18. She was on the money. Look what happened. Trump coopted the proud boys and oath keepers from the bery beginning and dog whistled to racists thoughout his presidency. Hilary lost because Comey declared she was under investigation weeks before the election in contravention of all norms and then never actually charged her with anything. Look at the polls at that time and you can see what happened. She got more votes than Trump.
  19. The palace apologised and explicitly mentioned the word racism in their apology.
  20. I said there were witnesses according the what I had read. The palace admitted that Hussey was racist and they and her have apologised. That's the end of the story.
  21. Why would there have been a need for witness statements? Nothing that was said has been contradicted and neither was there a denial that there were witnesses.
  22. OK, so you believe his story then ???? He didn't get it through Thai authorities did he?
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