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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Apparently not really a Nazi so much as an anti Russian Ukrainian nationalist. and the Germans banned him from traveling to Ukraine. Adolf Hitler rejected the idea of Ukrainian independence, and Bandera was arrested and imprisoned in Sachsenhausen concentration camp until 1944. https://www.dw.com/en/stepan-bandera-ukrainian-hero-or-nazi-collaborator/a-61842720
  2. Trump is still the only GOP candidate who has nominated to stand against Biden in 2024. "McConnell also blamed Trump for tarnishing the party’s image among crucial independent and swing voters, who rejected GOP Senate contenders in the states that decided the majority. He said that the party underperformed in 'every state' — including the red state of Ohio, which Republicans narrowly won — and that its performance was 'fatal' in Arizona, New Hampshire and Georgia," said the report. https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-mitch-mcconnell-2659006869/
  3. Churchill was mainly famous for being a competent war time leader. His racism is well acknowledged. Zelensky can't be called a racist by any stretch. Where are your links that he endorses their anti-semite policies. Z is part Jewish. Anyway, we're off topic so lets leave it there.
  4. His real estate deals largely consisted of laundering money for Russian oligarchs who bought at inflated prices. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-russia-fusion-idUSKBN1F727X How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in. https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/12/21/how-russian-money-helped-save-trumps-business/ Biden's Treasury Department takes aim at Trump and Putin with money laundering crackdown in real estate market https://www.businessinsider.com/biden-treasury-trump-putin-real-estate-market-crackdown-money-laundering-2021-12
  5. According to Trump he ran nothing. He claimed it was Weaselburger or whatever his name was. His tax returns show him failing at business. His actual income was derived from inheritance and his TV show.
  6. Is that Zelensky's only qualification? In the case of Trump and Reagan that was the case. Z has a law degree. Trump's tertiary qualifications are a controversial topic.
  7. Would you like to have been sent to the front line without food or socks?
  8. If you want movie stars and TV reality stars then so be it. Biden is a senator with decades of experience.
  9. By any measure, Biden has been the most effective president in recent history, even more so than Obama who was really a disappointment for not going in hard and fast while he had the chance.
  10. Right now, Russians are extremely common all over Pattaya.
  11. If Russia had free and fair elections you'd have a point.
  12. Owning an unlicenced pistol. Exporting a firearm. Illegally procuring a prohibited weapon. There's probably a litany of other offenses as well. All of those offences will attract actual gaol time in Australia.
  13. Don't blame Russians for the actions of their government.
  14. You're correct. He should have said "A professional trumpian demagogue".
  15. The story about buying it outside a supermarket is a ploy to defend against being locked up again when he eventually returns to Australia.
  16. Jobs are going well but people aren't spending because of inflation. A recession is inevitable I believe. Consumer confidence is key and that's missing.
  17. He will be the nominee again unless he himself decides not to run.
  18. I don't want to see Biden run again. Not because I don't like Biden but because the Dems need a more charismatic progressive to win bigly. I'm just pointing out that MAGA candidates did not fare well in the mid terms and that historically, early calls haven't fared well in the GOP nominations. I think DeSantis will not do well outside the deep red states. The right wing still cling to the delusion that they are the silent majority.
  19. Nang Ram Beach near Sattahip. Photos courtesy of a friend, taken today.
  20. DeSantis will crash and burn, Republicans are done with the MAGA experiment. They realize they need the independent swing vote to win. History has not been kind to early GOP nominees.
  21. That was because of covid. This time he has the advantage of incumbency. Most presidents get elected for a second term except the really bad ones. He also has a long record of bipartisan success in legislation, especially highlighted by bills passed just this last week. Not to mention standing up to Russia in support of Ukraine. If Trump is his opponent the Republicans can kiss their party goodbye.
  22. Eighteen Senate Republican rebuked former President Trump this week by voting to clarify that the vice president does not have the power to overturn a presidential election as Trump pressured then-Vice President Mike Pence to do on Jan. 6, 2021. GOP senators ignored Trump’s argument posted on Truth Social, his social media platform, that the 1887 Electoral Count Act should be left the way it is “in case of Fraud.” Republican senators across the political spectrum said they want to slam the door on the notation that Pence had the authority to throw out a state’s slate of electors, which could open the door for future vice presidents to attempt to interfere with the Electoral College’s vote. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/3784550-senate-gop-rebukes-trump-with-electoral-count-act/
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