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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I think the judge felt sorry for him. He looks like he was dropped on his head when he was a baby.
  2. I think you need to cough up a link or two to support that conspiracy theory.
  3. and yet polls continue to be taken. Go figure. That particular election is infamous for the Murdoch press having put its thumb on the scale. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/jul/23/bigger-foreign-intervention-brexit-referendum-russia-rupert-murdoch
  4. I'm guessing you never studied stats at school? Or understand how polls work? Most polls sample about that proportion of the pool and aim for around 3 to 4% margin of error. It isn't necessary to poll everybody to get a reliable result.
  5. Thanks, I was worried that you wouldn't concede.
  6. then you left out the most pertinent part, that is the level of confidence in the poll.
  7. 'Ringleader' Adam Fox avoids life sentence in Whitmer kidnapping plot, ordered to serve 16 years https://www.rawstory.com/adam-fox-avoids-life-sentence-in-whitmer-kidnapping-plot-ordered-to-serve-16-years/
  8. You could have quoted the rest of that paragraph but for some treason you omitted the last part. I quote it here for completeness. there is a 9 in 10 chance that the true value of a party’s support lies within 4 points of the estimates provided by this poll, and a 2 in 3 chance that they lie within 2 points.
  9. link to above charts https://www.ipsos.com/en-uk/uk-opinion-polls
  10. Polls and election results are pointing to exactly as I claim. The cons are on the nose big time in the UK.
  11. Conservative overreach around the English speaking world is leading to a disaster for conservative run countries and will doom conservative parties into irrelevance. Australia led the way, removing a climate change denying government which had also mishandled the covid vaccine rollout. The UK and the US are facing the same issues where excessive corporatisation of the economy is creating greater economic disparities between the rich and poor. Voters want action to restore egalitarianism and fight climate change. The ideologues, funded by big business to protect their own interests are finally starting to face the music. The propaganda isn't working anymore.
  12. Reporter walks through Russia's scheme to target Ukraine along with Donald Trump's help MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace dedicated her Boxing Day show to the shocking revelations from this year that Russia's Vladimir Putin was working with Donald Trump's allies because he thought he could take pieces of eastern Ukraine, specifically Mariupol, without waging his invasion. Writing before the mid-term election, New York Times reporter Jim Rutenberg explained that hundreds of documents he's sifted through, in addition to former Robert Mueller prosecutor Andrew Weissmann's details, revealed enough to show what Putin was after when he worked to swing the 2016 election for Trump. It prompted Wallace to wonder if the Manafort pardon was still part of all of that. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-russia-putin-ukraine/?traffic_source=Connatix
  13. I think he had reason to believe that lying to the base could be a positive. The more egregious the lies the better.
  14. Interesting link. While I'm not shocked they were white supremacist domestic terrorists, I am wondering how they thought that these actions would deliver the result they sought. Were the areas attacked mainly black? I'm really at a loss to connect the dots. FBI and CIA need to take out these groups by declaring them as terrorist organizations.
  15. Lying seems to the the core of the right wing playbook these days. It's been normalised. Sad.
  16. Colonies. Australia was a colony as well. Washington Post, LOL. America became a united country in 1787.
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