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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. No it won't. The US will foot the bill. They invited Zelensky, not NATO.
  2. Other than the fact that the only US politicians skeptical of the spending are Trump acolytes.
  3. Good luck finding companies which will accept a forward contract denominated in any other currency. The main reason is that most international companies' debt is written in US dollars.
  4. so he said but he obviously lied. He sure didn't buy it outside a grocery store.
  5. They should have known years ago when Carlson presented a defense in court that no reasonable person would believe him.
  6. Whatever gets the job done. Ukraine military assistance is a bargain for the western world.
  7. Not since Obama was elected. https://www.outsideonline.com/outdoor-adventure/environment/record-gun-sales-cemented-obamas-conservation-legacy/
  8. Owning a gun doesn't make you a gang member. Bringing it to Thailand probably does.
  9. Prove that they did. Under US law, refugees are allowed to apply for asylum. Those whose applications are rejected get deported. Biden has deported almost as many as Trump has. Source already linked elsewhere.
  10. Security video shows the moment Russian forces showed up to take children from Ukrainian orphanage https://www.rawstory.com/russian-war-crimes-2659001733/
  11. I respect Thai cops and Thai culture. About 40 years ago, at Songkran in Chiang Mai, I threw a full bucket of iced water into the cab of a police ute with two cops sitting in it. They laughed and said "Chok dee bpee mai". It could have turned out much worse. I can't imagine getting that reaction in Australia. Or trying my luck again with a stunt like that.
  12. I'm still alive after 4 jabs and a dose of covid. That's all I need to know.
  13. Then why do the far right love to quote him and Carlson. Or even Fox News for that matter? They know it's false yet they watch the channel? That's got to be the definition of stupid. It's not like he ever suggested that his shtick is false outside of a court room or on air.
  14. And I will accuse you of trolling because you failed to offer any substantiation.
  15. The Zelensky who's wildly popular in Ukraine? That Zelensky?
  16. They probably had dementia. It's often a product of long covid. https://www.webmd.com/covid/news/20221128/is-it-long-covid-or-dementia-or-both
  17. The locals disdain farangs who don't wear masks. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. I don't understand this religious aversion to wearing a mask when the locals do. There's a lot of people here lining up for a Hermann Cain award. Meanwhile, in China, people are dropping like flies from covid. How mush evidence does it take? Sheesh.
  18. How 'unhinged' MAGA Republicans 'went full Putin' during Zelensky’s White House visit “Putin’s Useful Idiots: Right Wingers Lose It Over Zelenskyy Visit.” Partly, it’s the belief that Ukrainian democracy is a Biden/Obama/Hillary Clinton/‘Deep State’ project, all the more suspect because it’s related to Trump’s first impeachment.” Many NatCons are far more sympathetic to Russia’s crusade against secular liberalism than to Ukraine’s desire for integration into liberal, secular Europe. https://www.rawstory.com/how-unhinged-maga-republicans-went-full-putin-during-zelenskys-white-house-visit-libertarian/
  19. https://thehill.com/changing-america/well-being/longevity/3784488-embargo-12-22-11am-mediterranean-diet-linked-to-lower-risk-of-preeclampsia-in-pregnancies/
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