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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Not even on the same planet. In what way does this exchange help Putin in any practical sense?
  2. I'd like you to back up this talk about Griner not liking her home country. It seems to be a right wing talking point. I have seen no justification for this. It's a claim to fact to spring a link please.
  3. "Been in combat"? You mean ex-military and you want to be able to wear your uniform around anywhere? That doesn't happen in my country either. A republic would not likely change that law.
  4. It was last week that Elon Musk dangled the arrival of a promised multiday blitz of internal company documents, a stunt he pumped up to his 120 million followers — starting with the backstory on the company’s late-2020 decision to block users from sharing coverage of Hunter Biden’s leaked laptop files. The first episode came on Friday night, in a 40-tweet thread from journalist Matt Taibbi, who had been provided some of the company’s internal files and emails. Five days later, for all Musk’s promotion and drum-rolling, there have been no further releases — just a freewheeling online chat Saturday night that featured a cast of colorful personalities talking about free speech. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/08/twitter-files-hunter-biden-laptop-00072919
  5. In reference to your last sentence. I think he real issue is that being less defensive about one's race gets a bit old after a few decades of hearing the same non woke message, if not outright racism time and time again. On the other hand, whites never suffer from this form of casual hegemony.
  6. The plans emerged as the boss of Europe’s largest exchange group said London’s standing had slipped because of Brexit. “London used to be the largest financial centre of the European Union and everybody liked it,” said Stéphane Boujnah, the chief executive of Euronext, a pan-European organisation that competes with London groups. “Today, London is the largest financial centre of the United Kingdom,” he told Bloomberg Television, https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/dec/07/city-faces-fresh-post-brexit-blow-as-eu-moves-to-restrict-certain-trades
  7. He'll be watched like a hawk all his life anyway so I doubt that he could ever be a danger again. It will be difficult for him to even leave Russia I suspect. Persona non Grata.
  8. I am happy for her also. My only complaint is that she was last in and first out. It wasn't her turn. Public opinion drove this trade, nothing else. Had Biden traded Whelan instead they'd have been up and down Penn. Ave with pitchforks. The reality on the ground was that it would only ever be one for one. The Russians wouldn't contemplate any others and Biden took what he could get. You can't win 'em all.
  9. Russia didn't invade Belarus, their military comes and goes freely. That's the price Lukashenko paid for asking Russia to put down an insurrection with their troops not long ago. Vassal state might be more accurate than allies.
  10. My greatest weakness is to try to appeal to common sense. Who imagines that the IRS won't be "looking at this" as Trump was always fond of saying?
  11. I think that car may have had window winders. Still, a couple that elderly would not have been able to wind down windows in a submerged car until the air was gone. Nor would they have been able to wield any object with enough force to break window glass.
  12. So, help me out here. William will not watch it but he will respond robustly if any claims a re "unjust". I gather he will take somebody's word for it rather than listen to his own brother's words and form his own opinion. Is that it?
  13. There is reasoned, substantiated argument and there is unsupported claims of a fact. You're engaging in projection bordering on flaming.
  14. Former President Donald Trump had hoped to jumpstart his 2024 comeback bid buoyed by a team of newly elected MAGA allies. The losses have raised new questions about Trump’s political strength and capped off what those close to him concede was a nightmarish month, one that has left the former president badly wounded just as he is embarking on a new campaign. “I think at this point in his nascent reelection campaign, they need to stop and regroup over the holidays,” said David Urban, a former senior Trump campaign adviser. “Since the announcement for his reelect, I don’t think that by any measurable standard you can say it’s been going well. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/07/trump-world-georgia-2024-00072924
  15. The Dems are watching the train wreck unfolding with glee. The Republicans (except MAGA) are freaking out.
  16. because 17 tax fraud convictions equals lying about the documents on somebody else's laptop? Or some imaginary crime never committed. Trump tried very (did I mention very?) hard to have Clinton indicted when he was president and failed dismally.
  17. Weisselberg testified that Trump knew all about the fraud and it had his imprimatur. Trump also personally signed the checks.
  18. No, it's a public forum. I'll continue to criticise or boost posts as I see fit.
  19. Herschel Walker, the Heisman Trophy winner who led the Georgia Bulldogs to a national championship in 1982, just wrote Donald Trump’s political obituary. Having suffered the rare humiliation of failing to win a second term in the Oval Office, and having cost his party a majority in the senate – three times – it is time for Donald Trump to step away from politics. It is the right thing to do for his party, for the country, and for himself. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/herschel-walker-wrote-donald-trump-political-obituary
  20. There's been little to no give in this forum. The mantra still seems to be "nothing to do with Trump".
  21. They actually admitted the missile could have come from anywhere.
  22. A clue might be to read your post I replied to. Below is a throwaway comment with no argument in support or substantiation. It's risible and I responded that way. "of course there are radicals on all sides, and even some sides that we as normal people probably don't even know exist. "
  23. You already declared the game over. Nice to see some reason entering the debate now.
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