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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. The whole article I linked is well worth reading if you haven't yet.
  2. Putin’s last ally: Why the Belarusian army cannot help Russia in Ukraine Concerns are mounting that Belarusian troops could join Russia’s forces in Ukraine. But this course of action would be extremely risky – for both Putin and Lukashenka The Russian armed forces have squandered their stocks of both missiles and professional military manpower. Beyond nuclear rhetoric, “dirty bomb” blackmail, and terrorising civilians, the Kremlin seems to be out of ideas. Its military commanders have tried ‘blitzkrieg’ and the ‘salami-slicing’ approach they honed in Syria, but to no avail. https://ecfr.eu/article/putins-last-ally-why-the-belarusian-army-cannot-help-russia-in-ukraine/
  3. I guess that's why Bangkok is or was the most visited city in the world. https://www.atlys.com/post/the-most-visited-cities-in-the-world
  4. Did Herschel Walker just end Trump’s presidential hopes? Stumbling, mumbling, fumbling Herschel Walker finally flopped out of the Georgia Senate race. But while Walker can — and probably will — just exit politics and sink back into semi-obscurity, the man who dragged him into the race and imposed a demonstrably unqualified candidate on Georgia Republicans is now stuck dealing with the damage. Worse, he was the only Republican to lose a statewide race in Georgia — from governor to labor commissioner. https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/3764965-did-herschel-walker-just-end-trumps-presidential-hopes/
  5. Agreed. It's the GOP's fault. We can't blame Walker for jumping at the chance to be elevated to the senate. The GOP miscalculated, thinking that the anti-intellectual Walker would be a shoe in with black voters because he was a famous Georgian sportsman and "He black". The GOP has a nasty habit of picking unqualified and inexperience celebrities as candidates. Oz was another classic own goal. It rarely ends well.
  6. He's threatening another country with annihilation and that's good enough for me. It was also good enough for my ancestors when they went to Europe to fight for your country.
  7. I'm watching Alvin Bragg on CNN right now saying their work isn't finished yet. The House judicial committee has no say in those investigations. Meantime, the House J6 committee has announced that it will be making criminal referrals to the DoJ. The prosecutor in that case explicitly claimed that Trump authorized the fraudulent tax dodging scheme. It would be silly to presume nothing will come of that. The special counsel has also just subpoenaed several state officials asking for their communications with Trump associates around Jan 6.
  8. Never heard of him. The GOP probably just blew their last chance at gaining power due to changing demographics in previously ruby red states. They could have chosen quality candidates but bowed before Trump's picks. His base instincts are to pick the worst possible candidates, only because he perceived they would be his sycophants rather that governing the country responsibly. Sadly, he was successful in the only arm of government which isn't democratically elected.
  9. Amazing that only now they are starting to speak out. They didn't have the wherewithal to stand up to Trump's disastrous picks at the time. They got what they deserved. Now that Republican U.S. Senate candidate Herschel Walker has gone down to defeat in a Georgia run-off, GOP insiders in the state and some of his campaign staffers are admitting his run was a disaster. “Georgia is a red state when we pick the best candidate rather than the rich one or the celebrity,” GOP campaign advisor Dan McLagan said. “Until we learn that lesson, we will be treated to more train wrecks like this one as our nominee gets vetted in the general election like a slow motion Spanish Inquisition.” https://www.rawstory.com/herschel-walker-train-wreck/
  10. Even if he signed the checks and explicitly authorized the payments? I'd just say watch this space.
  11. I did say western democracy. ???? I could go on. The corrupt court bends over backwards to keep the kleptocratic tax dodgers in power. They think corporations are people and allow them to donate huge sums of money anonymously to get their chosen thieves into power. 70% of the population want abortion but they pander to the religious right. It would be hard to design something worse.
  12. Going to drop my laundry then get a Thai massage to relieve the tension. I thought Warnock was going to lose there for a brief moment.
  13. The US is largely a dysfunctional society. The garbage they believe boggles the mind. They are the only western democracy that has a supreme court nominated by a single politician (others have non partisan selectors, usually the bar itself) and has been taken over by religious whack jobs. They somehow elect crazies to the House but thankfully are much more circumspect when it comes to the Senate. I guess because the electorates for the House are much smaller so any cult can get it's village idiot elected. Then they allow political gerrymandering to swing the election and time after time they wind up with the party which lost the popular vote winning the election. The worst form of government imaginable.
  14. *Deleted post edited out* Let's not forget who green lit this.
  15. The guilty verdict comes as Trump is under scrutiny by federal and state prosecutors for his handling of classified documents, the effort to overturn the 2020 election results, and the accuracy of the Trump Organization’s business records and financial statements. He is also facing a $250 million civil lawsuit from the New York attorney general alleging he and his adult children were involved in a decade long fraud. The attorney general is seeking to permanently bar them from serving as an officer or director of a company in New York state, among other penalties. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/12/06/politics/trump-organization-fraud-trial-verdict/index.html
  16. That would be Kushner and Giuliani. With some justification I might add.
  17. The official GOP message to Trump was stay the hell out of Georgia, your racist message stinks. Governor Kemp had to tell Georgians to ignore the candidate, hold their nose and vote GOP anyway. But Georgians know that it takes more than slogans and that you can't conflate crime and racism with patriotism. The GOP needs to find a proven squeeky clean presidential candidate with an non racist message if they have any hope of survival. The dems now need to remove the filibuster, stack the supreme court, reverse Citizens United, Dobbs and the impending democracy destroying decision on the Independent Legislature. They need to protect democracy from the fascist uprising.
  18. Trump didn't care about his country, he picked MAGA extremists to bolster his brand. The voters didn't like it and Warnock won by a greater margin than the last election. To be fair to Trump (to please you), I think the radical activist, religious supreme court played a large part in the GOP defeat.
  19. Happy I got up early to watch this. It was a bit nail biting for a while. Another Trump pick rejected. Trump's brand obviously stinks.
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