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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. It's quite simple. He wants the press on his own terms, not theirs. Just like his dear momma. The press intrusion in both cases was intolerable and inexcusable.
  2. Do you think this is it? The DoJ haven't announced any indictments yet. Now that the mid terms are over things might change quickly. I may be mistaken but I think this is Alvin Bragg's prosecution. Letitia James is still out there. It may be the reverse, I'm not sure. It's hard to keep track of all the investigations.
  3. MAGA Republicans’ Hunter Biden obsession underscores a 'deep psychological need' Republicans who are obsessed with Hunter Biden, Charen writes, have “provided succor and support” to a former president “who has encouraged political violence since his early rallies in 2015, has stoked hatred of minorities through lies, has used his office for personal gain in the most flagrant fashion, has surrounded himself with criminals and con men, has committed human rights violations against would-be immigrants by separating children from their parents, has pardoned war criminals, has cost the lives of tens of thousands of COVID patients by discounting the virus and peddling quack cures, has revived racism in public discourse, and attempted a violent coup d’état.” “They know it,” Charen writes. “It gnaws at them. That’s why the Hunter Biden story is their heart’s desire. But here’s something else they need to meditate on: Even if everything they’re alleging about Joe Biden were true — even if he did pull strings to help his son and even profited unjustly thereby — it still wouldn’t amount to a fraction of what Trump did.” https://www.rawstory.com/maga-republicans-hunter-biden-obsession-underscores-a-deep-psychological-need-former-reagan-speechwriter/
  4. The vast majority of Thais are still wearing masks in Central Festival in Pattaya. Especially teenagers. I think it has become something of a fashion item these days.
  5. The mask sits directly in the path of foreign object ingress into the respiratory system. Your claim is self evidently false.
  6. I provided an explanation for that. Why don't you address that instead of just repeating the same old tropes?
  7. She was trying to save his life (and others), not end it.
  8. Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) borrowed one of Donald Trump's favorite insults to needle him on Monday after his rant declaring the Constitution of the United States be terminated so he could be president after losing in 2020. “Well, the Republican Party is the Constitution party,” Romney told Capitol Hill reporters, the Huffington Post reported Monday. “So when he calls to suspend the Constitution, he goes from being MAGA to being RINO.” https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-constitution-romney_n_638e7f31e4b09eeedba0222f
  9. Quite obviously once they started wearing masks routinely they realized that they are quite useful and did stop a lot of pollution. Humans are remarkable like that, they can learn from experience.
  10. Indeed, we won't forget that Trump abandoned our Kurdish allies in Syria to Russian slaughter.
  11. Completely different to the West? Probably kids. They use them to stop pollution. They are less stupid than you give them credit for.
  12. Trump won in 2016 because the FBI put its thumb on the scale. After the voters realized what had happened they reversed their vote in 2020. At least those who were duped by Comey.
  13. Trump's anti-American rhetoric is having the desired effect. The peasants are revolting. With Power Grid Under Attack, U.S. Struggles to Pursue Far-Right Extremists An attack that plunged tens of thousands of people in North Carolina into darkness has raised new concerns over a mounting threat posed by radical homegrown extremists declaring open war on the United States power grid. But experts and former officials note that, despite a stated priority in combatting this threat, obstacles exist for law enforcement agencies in pursuing such measures against individuals and groups on U.S. soil. https://www.newsweek.com/power-grid-under-attack-us-struggles-pursue-far-right-extremists-1764803
  14. Simples, bone spurs are for life. Critics have noted that Trump was an athlete who enjoyed playing football, baseball, squash, tennis and golf in the years before his medical deferment. When asked which foot had the problem, Trump – who has claimed to have "one of the greatest memories of all time" – told reporters that he could not remember. His campaign later released a statement saying the spurs affected both feet. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2018/12/27/trump-vietnam-war-bone-spur-diagnosis/2420475002/
  15. But that wasn't what you said. You cited the vox populi as his legitimacy, not a faulty electoral system.
  16. Apparently he got better. Most people believe bone spurs are permanent but Trump proved them wrong.
  17. A minority of people voted for him, the majority for the other candidate.
  18. The former president kicked off his latest attack on the press, writing, "The Fake News is actually trying to convince the American People that I said I wanted to 'terminate' the Constitution. This is simply more DISINFORMATION & LIES, just like RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, and all of their other HOAXES & SCAMS." https://www.rawstory.com/trump-terminate-constitution-2658834156/
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