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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I disagree, Russia won't use nuclear weapons. He doesn't have Chinese or Indian support for that. He needs them to save his country from imminent bankruptcy. https://www.newsweek.com/russia-kazakhstan-treaty-nuclear-threat-china-1763083
  2. Courting white supremacists is a feature, not a bug.
  3. It's only a matter of time before Ukraine starts hitting targets inside Russia with NATO weapons. https://www.baltictimes.com/ukraine_should_be_free_to_hit_military_targets_in_russia_-_rinkevics/
  4. Trump clearly has his eye on this case. He's dog whistling to his pet justices. the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on Wednesday that could lead to a ruling that would create chaos for decades and throw future elections into turmoil on a state-by-state basis. At issue is Moore v. Harper, which could set the stage for the implementation of the “Independent State Legislature Theory” that would have a wide-ranging impact on federal elections by allowing state legislatures to manipulate voting districts even more than they are doing so now. https://www.rawstory.com/supreme-court-2658831933/
  5. They're hoping not to have to vote. Conservatives know that they can't win the popular vote ever again. Even the gerrymanders are looking shaky. They going full fascist now. Trump wanting to suspend the constitution does not raise alarm bells for many.
  6. Warnock heads into Georgia runoff with head of steam Republicans are hoping for a surprise in the closely divided state, but their mood has turned grim about Herschel Walker's chances. ----------------------------------- The weather report also looks grim for Republicans: Rain is forecast across Georgia on Tuesday. The GOP is relying heavily on Election Day turnout — and already struggling to motivate voters to go to the polls for the second time in a month. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/05/warnock-walker-georgia-senate-runoff-2022-00072147
  7. After campaigning as the outsider who dared to say the tax system is unfair to the little guy, Trump won the presidency. And once in office, he cut taxes for the high-end investors and corporations. The same guy who bragged that only suckers pay taxes used his power to hammer the suckers again. https://thehill.com/opinion/3761066-juan-williams-show-me-trumps-taxes/
  8. Owning the libs before country? That's exactly the GOP playbook.
  9. Cut the racism. I see Thais cleaning up their environment on a regular basis. I see motorcycle taxi riders sweeping and weeding around their station regularly. Immediately after recent floods in Pattaya, I saw dozens of residents sweeping the streets.
  10. Yes, and they especially like people with relevant experience.
  11. This is a throw back reaction from the Tories who want to return to the glorious middle ages when the knights used the military to control the serfs.
  12. It used to be widely said that you don't have to be a racist to support Trump but all racists did. I don't believe that anymore. There is plenty of scope for non racist Republicans to condemn Trump but very few do, just as he himself refuses to condemn Nazis like West and Fuentes.
  13. There has to come a time when the "opinion" is devoid of basis and then it just becomes delusion.
  14. It's always risible when we see "I hate Trump but". It's like trying to confuse people into thinking your unbiased. When does "truly believe" stop? Is 60 lost court cases somehow not enough?
  15. And never will you try to progress that argument beyond a guess. Was the palace lying? Did they cave in to the radical lefties?
  16. Pretty sure they didn't pull apart her conversation, just claimed it was racist. The only conclusion was the gist of it was racist, in other words, all of it, given the context. I'm not getting into a word by word dissection, no individual word could ever be ascribed as racist, it's racist in context.
  17. I suspect we are seeing the decline of social media as people wake up to how toxic and divisive it really is. Meta faces record EU privacy fines EU is finalizing imminent decisions on the legality of the US tech giant’s data-hungry business model. That's a substantial hit for Meta, which announced last month it was laying off 11,000 employees globally amid lower sales and major costs linked to the firm's pivot to the metaverse. Beyond hitting Meta's pocket, the three fines expected within weeks could also put a bomb under its broader business model. https://www.politico.eu/article/eu-fines-meta-privacy-tech-security-facebook-whatsapp-instagram/
  18. Russia’s ill-conceived invasion of Ukraine has so far failed to yield the goals set out by Russian President Vladimir Putin, and his top propagandists are struggling to hide their growing sense of panic. On Monday, head of RT Margarita Simonyan appeared on The Evening With Vladimir Solovyov and admitted that the Kremlin’s collaborationist elite has concerns about the possibility of being tried for war crimes. https://www.thedailybeast.com/russian-propagandists-make-desperate-pleas-over-ukraine-war-failures-on-state-tv?source=articles&via=rss
  19. Twitter is not a reputable source for evidence. The last election was so corrupt that nearly every court case was tossed out as being frivolous and a number of Trump lawyers were sanctioned for even bring the cases. I'd suggest you not comment on moderation or anything else here until you have read the forum rules.
  20. Trump hasn't condemned antisemitism because he says anti-Semitic stuff all the time MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan doesn't understand why people are confused that Donald Trump hasn't apologized for hanging out with Nazis and white supremacists at Mar-a-Lago. https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-antisemitism/
  21. There's still the remnants of a trawler wharf right in the middle of walking street where you could sit and eat fresh cooked food right off the trawlers. Back in the 80's. Maybe even later. They used to tie up about 9PM.
  22. One of my biggest disappointments in returning to Thailand after an absence of 25 years was the near impossibility of buying any kind of wild caught ocean fish here now.
  23. The only BBQ I ever eat is fresh squid when its on Beach Road. And never beef or pork for several years now.
  24. Stop dead naming. Do you know when she changed her name? Your bias shows. I don't think lady haw haw sees the comedy in this. I sure do. It's hilarious when racists have to face the music.
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