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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. It's strange that these foibles are peculiar to right wing sites. I'm not aware that any left leaning sites are subject to this kind of foible. Are they less impressionable? There has to be something there. Fox seems to change tack with the breeze. I can't image why people are so obsessed with the outrage industry.
  2. They're more honest but they are lazy so they have subcontracted out their case load to the US supreme court.
  3. You can speculate personally all you want but quoting unproven or disproved claims is not acceptable. Nobody likes lies and many media sites promulgate lies knowingly and willfully. Those sites are not approved here. Quoting misinformation sites is like selling snake oil.
  4. Nothing is stopping you from challenging anything, just use credible facts and evidence and it's all good.
  5. The Guardian is acceptable here. The other two aren't and it's got nothing to do with politics and everything to do with reliability and credibility.
  6. He's not interested in the economic effects of an economic alliance. It only bolsters the argument that the real motivation of brexiteers is xenophobia and racism.
  7. Standards about sources are there to prevent misinformation from discredited news sources. It has nothing to do with reading something you don't like. Some people value credibility and fact based reporting. Posting BS insults people's intelligence and that's why the rule exists. Obey it because you won't escape it.
  8. Is that an admission that Brexit did damage the UK economy?
  9. Self dealing while working in the white house. But go ahead, get apoplectic about $5 mill (7 years ago) and ignore the slightly larger number. Hypocrisy binds the two issues inextricably. Can't investigate one and not the other.
  10. The facts of the matter extend well beyond an allegation on Twitter. That's one of a lot of references. Huge swerve you made there.
  11. 5 million huh? Another Twitter user wrote: "Hunter Biden: Does personal business deals as a private citizen. Jared Kushner: Got a $1 billion loan from the Saudis while working in the WH, and a $2 billion investment from the Saudis months after leaving the WH. GOP wants to investigate one of them. Guess which!" https://www.newsweek.com/jared-kushner-saudi-arabia-deal-resurfaces-gop-republicans-hunter-biden-investigation-1760458
  12. Maybe they didn't pay enough to play? Of course there was no pay for play in Trump's white house. The sheer hypocrisy is mind boggling.
  13. He sure was running for president against Rrump while he was in office. lol.
  14. The allegations are just leftover artifacts from the mid terms, they will fade away soon.
  15. That begs the question why Trump didn't do this while he was in office.
  16. A long time ago I read that about a third of US wealth had been transferred from the poor to the rich. How should that be reversed? Hard work? https://time.com/5888024/50-trillion-income-inequality-america/
  17. The hypocrisy of going after Biden Jr's tax returns while hiding your own?
  18. It wasn't hard to catch them, the English were responsible for that. Our favourite national anthem springs from the depression.
  19. Thanks but we already do. Just asking you to do the same or keep your powder dry..
  20. That's a LOT different from claiming you (not you) have the facts and not producing them. That deserves derision. I have no time for people who throw out claims and don't back them up.
  21. Donald Trump rode to victory against Hillary Clinton in 2016 with significant help from white, Protestant evangelicals, who make up about one-fifth of the electorate. But evangelicals ages 18-25 — representing about 13 percent of Gen Z — are not nearly as likely as their parents and grandparents to be influenced by Republicans, according to a new poll from Neighborly Faith, which bills itself a student movement that introduces Christians to young people of other religions. Neighborly Faith co-director Kevin Singer told Newsweek the shift in whom young evangelicals look to for influence could already be having an impact, pointing to midterm elections in which the Republicans did not achieve the "red wave" of victories they had hoped for. https://www.newsweek.com/now-trump-gop-are-losing-young-evangelicals-too-1760235
  22. It's almost as if the payments were ignored after being flagged by the banks.
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