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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. House Judiciary Committee ranking Republican member Jim Jordan of Ohio has announced the GOP will investigate Hunter Biden — and it's designed to gin up outrage on Fox News, according to a new Washington Post analysis. Specifically, Jordan and Oversight ranking Republican member James Comer (Ky.) were invited onto Fox News’s prime-time programming to explain their arguments. Arguments, you will not be surprised to learn, that Hannity and other Fox News hosts have been making for months." https://www.rawstory.com/hunter-biden-focus-shows-jim-jordan-is-focused-on-feedback-loop-with-fox-news-analysis/
  2. Yes. I have heard first hand accounts of many girls being stopped going to Singapore, Thailand, HK, Bali and KL.
  3. Smith, 53, seems unlikely to face the kinds of criticism Mueller did about his best years being behind him and allegedly allowing his deputies to play outsized roles in decision-making. And his low profile may make him a harder target for Trump’s allies to undermine. He also has a long history of bringing corruption cases to trial and conviction, a credential that may have made him an attractive choice for Garland — and an ominous one for Trump. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/11/18/trump-special-counsel-investigation-mueller-00069578
  4. Not one word of that contradicts anything I said so pull your head in and stop flaming. That document is only a procedural guide. It doesn't address the problem of radiation leakage over or after the next 10,000 years.
  5. The charges won't come together. I think the documents and the Georgia charges will come soonish but the obstruction charges will be close to the 2004 election. I think that was uppermost in Garland's mind.
  6. On Friday, writing for his blog, liberal filmmaker Michael Moore — one of the few analysts to predict Republicans would not have a blowout win in the 2022 midterm elections — forecast that the GOP is "imploding" — and that their new, razor-thin majority in the House is a "consolation prize" for losing the bigger fight for America. "How rare is it when the so-called winners (barely, of the House of Representatives) are actually considered a bunch of losers?! (Think Houston Astros, 2017 — won the World Series but forever known as a bunch of cheaters. Ouch.)" wrote Moore. "That’s where the Republicans are at today." https://www.rawstory.com/michael-moore-the-gop-is-imploding-and-the-house-is-their-consolation-prize/
  7. The problem with nuclear is that there will always be a waste storage problem. Forever. Did they explain what remedial action would need to be taken for the next 100 centuries after that 30 years?
  8. The slight difference is that the DoJ had incontrovertible evidence on Trump BEFORE investigating him. In the form of a riot in which people were killed and a complaint from National Archives. The FBI is apparently investigating or has investigated Hunter Biden so we should let the course of justice wend its way up to the bench in both cases. Getting out the political pitchforks wastes everyone's time and is clearly partisan.
  9. Hardly cherry picking when that was almost the first time it rose above that value, apart from a brief excursion up to 20K and down again. Good luck.
  10. BTC is still 3 times what it was worth 2 years ago. Asset values are going to crash below what they were then.
  11. and is still on full pay. If you accused anybody of self dealing at the expense of your company why would you not fire them?
  12. Trump still trying to incite a violent political uprising: Dressed in black-tie, the former president attacked his critics and complained about being the victim and labeled special counsel Jack Smith as "super-radical left" without any evidence to back up his claim. "This is a rigged deal just as the 2020 election was rigged," Trump said, repeating his election lies, "and we can't let them get away with it, we can't do it, we can't let this happen to our country." "Joe Biden is a corrupt and incompetent political hack," Trump said, as he pivoted to talking about Hunter Biden. https://www.rawstory.com/special-counsel-trump/
  13. While I don't disagree that an SC should be appointed for Biden Jr. there is no equality here. Hunter Biden is not standing for president which is the single reason the SC was appointed. The suggestion that the DoJ should appoint a SC every time there is a politically sensitive case is ridiculous. Some people do have integrity. Obama chose Garland to be an SC nominee precisely because he should have had bipartisan support but the Federalist Society didn't want an even handed justice. They got their way.
  14. What a difference in style. It goes to the quality of the candidates that McConnell complained about. Democrat Adam Frisch conceded on Friday to Rep. Lauren Boebert (R) in the race for Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District, saying that an expected recount was unlikely to change the outcome of the election. In a video call with reporters, Frisch said that he had called Boebert to offer his concession. He said that while the race appeared to be headed for a mandatory recount, “the likelihood of this recount changing more than a handful of votes is very small.” “We are not asking for this recount. It is one that the citizens of Colorado mandate through our election system,” he said, telling supporters not to donate to his campaign for the recount effort. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3742026-democrat-adam-frisch-concedes-to-lauren-boebert-in-nail-biter-house-race/
  15. Trump spits his dummy out of the pram. This move has to signal an increased likelihood of a prosecution. “I have been proven innocent for six years on everything — from fake impeachments to Mueller, who found no collusion, and now I have to do it more? It is not acceptable. It is so unfair. It is so political,” Trump told Fox, adding “I am not going to partake in it.”
  16. Smith, a prosecutor since 1994, has a stellar resumé that includes spearheading the pursuit of possible war criminals at the special court in The Hague. He is unlikely to be unnerved by Trump. And that could be bad news, legally and politically, for the former president. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/3742565-the-memo-trump-and-garland-go-to-war-on-special-counsel/
  17. Show us where they were debunked and by whom. There are many media outlets which claim they were lies. The thing about lies is they can be fact checked. It's preposterous to claim Trump was not an habitual liar. The reason links are removed are that they are lies from a source known to lie. Don't come here saying "I would post a link but". Either conform to the rules of good faith debate or hold your peace. Here's an article from a source you are happy to quote from (me too). “Please don’t spread lies to foment or encourage political violence in our state. Or anywhere. Thanks,” Benson tweeted. https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/3725952-michigan-secretary-of-state-blasts-trump-over-electoral-lies-that-might-lead-to-violence/
  18. I think the main reason is that it obviates the possibility that another AG Barr will arrive on the scene in 2024 and kill any ongoing prosecutions. As far as I am aware, a special counsel can't be stopped.
  19. My question was about "outrage", not fact checking. Fox are singularly notable and bad for this. But I will say, Trump is far, far, far, worse and more prolific liar than Biden. No politician is free from lies or mistruths but Biden is not guilty of telling an average over of 7,000 lies per year. Trump told over 30,000 documented lies in 4 years and his relection launch speech was particularly egregious BS. Furthermore, the article you quoted in The Hill (the other article is from an unapproved source) was clearly labelled "OPINION".
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