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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Irrelevant, even if true (it's not). Like I said, when the locals stop wearing masks in supermarkets I will too.
  2. Very astute assumption. He might think that she'll win over suburban women who are least likely to vote for him.
  3. Betong chicken has been around for decades and years ago was more popular than broiler chickens because they taste way better. Then large scale farming took over.
  4. That would be the public opinion evidenced by the prevalence of mask wearing in supermarkets.
  5. You said peer review. What happened to that?
  6. hmm. "Axis of Evil" springs to mind. Who might get involved with Saudi money I wonder?
  7. It's been shown literally hundreds of times on this forum. Whether you believe them or not you're only showing your disdain for reading links. You need to at least admit those peer reviewed studies are there and have been posted.
  8. Take a trip round the sun on the next spacecraft going that way and you should spot them.
  9. Are you asking us to re-litigate this for the millionth time? Love the cute use of the emotive "great" by the way. Way to go.
  10. Twitter continued to bleed engineers and other workers on Thursday, after new owner Elon Musk gave them a choice to pledge to “hardcore” work or resign with severance pay. Some took to Twitter to announce they were signing off after Musk’s deadline to make the pledge. https://apnews.com/article/world-cup-elon-musk-twitter-inc-technology-sports-d9217e91f876794bd7816013fbbc8cbb?utm_source=homepage&utm_medium=TopNews&utm_campaign=position_03
  11. The only way is to overturn Citizens United in the Supreme Court or by legislation.
  12. No, the issue is purely scientific. I have made this pretty clear. It's about respect, not only doing what you are forced to do by the law.
  13. I guess that's why he didn't enumerate any. Or perhaps he did.
  14. GM led the charge by suspending advertising the moment Musk took over. You don't need a crystal ball to predict the outcome if that happens. He will be depending on all subscriptions and very little advertising. Good luck with that. Twitter is toast.
  15. Specifically the FBI who inexplicably have not pressed charges yet.
  16. Same argument goes for campaign funding and dark money.
  17. Thai doctors aren't relevant? Your statement is about as xenophobic and narcissistic as it gets. fwiw, the virus doesn't care about the law.
  18. I believe that's a correct assumption, albeit worded slightly differently than I would have.
  19. I dunno, it appears the sun is already past the yard arm.
  20. Agree, all we need now is some evidence. Indeed so, unfortunately both those institutions have a history of being right wing. It doesn't mean fishing expeditions. Remember Bill Clinton and the seven year political inquisition?
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