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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. That thought probably wasn't based on economic issues. Sir, Boris Johnson recently asserted that the “EU is a graveyard of low growth”. This claim merits proper examination to determine, precisely, how the UK, US, Germany and France have done since 1973, the year in which the UK joined the EU. Per capita GDP of the UK economy grew by 103%, exceeding the 97% growth of the US. Within the EU, the UK edged out Germany (99%) and clobbered France (74%). https://www.inet.ox.ac.uk/news/brexit/
  2. "factually reported" LOL Where are the charges? Deep State!!!!
  3. The article says that it was a major policy which had the support of the young. It does not say it was a driver in youth turnout. Abortion and the supreme court were demonstrably more significant. Youth turnout was higher in 2018 without loan forgiveness on the ticket. It was down a little this year but remains the second highest in 30 years. MAGA revulsion is the main driving factor in my opinion. Rejection of election denying candidates at all levels shows that. Black and Latino Youth Give Democrats Strongest Support https://circle.tufts.edu/2022-election-center This demographic definitely didn't have a high rate of student loans.
  4. I think the number might be 4. Three elections lost so far.
  5. I think time will show that the supreme court was a major factor in this election. The Dems said it last election but the message didn't sink in. This time it did.
  6. Republicans talked about the right iussues but failed to produce a plan how they were going to tackle those issues. Their shtick was all complaints and jargon words like "not surrendering to wokeness". Nobody understands what that actually means and even less how it benefits them. And accusing Dems of being soft on crime didn't pass the credibility test, unless you're in favour of building walled communities and keeping the great unwashed out at gunpoint. Think "1984".
  7. These two sentences are apparently contradictory. You deny there was a connection but then admit there was a price to be paid to be "free". Free from what, exactly? Free from unrestricted movement which the economy depends upon.
  8. I think Republicans voters had trouble reconciling Trumps legal problems, particularly tax fraud, with his "drain the swamp" claims. The law and order message became diluted.
  9. Trump was the fireman turned arsonist. He was never going to drain the swamp, he was the biggest swamp monster. Charges are coming real soon now I believe. We'll see.
  10. You're going to really struggle with the international commitment needed to solve the climate crisis. ????
  11. Why Twitter will fail shortly https://www.zdnet.com/article/why-twitter-will-fail-shortly/
  12. I read recently that Moldova is not a Russian language and yet it's mostly written in Cyrillic. I guess the historical reasons for that are similar to the eastern part of Ukraine. Many Swiss speak German so language is not a primary determinant for nationality or ethnicity.
  13. Mafia club? Sounds like more right wing fluff rather than any meaningful explanation of a problem. Or perhaps an objection to a democratic commitment not entirely contained with the UK.
  14. It seems that 40 years experience in politics matters. Trump campaigned on being the outsider who would drain the swamp. Sounds a bit ironical now. 'Donald will burn everything down' if Republicans turn their backs on him During an appearance on MSNBC on Sunday morning, Donald Trump's niece, Mary Trump, warned that her uncle has never been more dangerous than now after the midterm election failure by the GOP was blamed on him. More to the point, she said he has become a danger to the GOP. Speaking with host Ali Velshi, she went on to say that the danger comes from her uncle's fears of becoming "irrelevant." https://www.rawstory.com/trump-burn-everything-down/
  15. Did I just hear a gun shot? Just days after Republicans won supermajorities in the Florida Legislature, the state Senate is considering stricter abortion limits during the upcoming legislative session. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/11/11/incoming-senate-leader-supports-12-week-abortion-ban-while-house-stays-quiet-00066549
  16. Correct but the title of the thread is why is the UK affected more than EU countries.
  17. Republican Larry Hogan just said on CNN that he blames Trump for the loss of the senate by turning off swing voters.
  18. Control of the House is still up for grabs several days after Election Day — defying historical trends and the pressure of high inflation and President Joe Biden’s unpopularity that threatened the Democratic majority with big losses. Republicans’ difficulty flipping key swing districts across the country can be explained in part by American politics’ increasing polarization along educational lines, as well as the party’s failure to make inroads in districts populated by groups other than non-college-educated white voters. The last few election cycles have been marked by an increasing divergence in outcomes based on education levels, with Democrats making serious gains with college-educated voters while Republicans win far greater shares of non-college educated white voters. https://www.politico.com/interactives/2022/midterm-election-house-districts-by-education/
  19. Is it any wonder after inflation caused by pandemic and war?
  20. The right decision would have been to punt the issue to another referendum after a couple of years. The majority vote was slim and England and Wales were the only countries in favour.
  21. It "may" well have been but we know for certain that climate change and abortion were major factors which influenced the young vote. It's notable because the young are typically lazy voters but not recently so something is really motivating them. It seems to be a stretch to attribute the student loans issue entirely or mainly to such a profound reversal of historical trend in mid term elections. There weren't that many students eligible, especially current students. The policy even peed off a lot of students who didn't qualify.
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