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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. There are no msm current affairs news sites that I don't read on a regular basis. I wouldn't bother reading infowars but I read fox news. Social platforms are ignored by me entirely.
  2. I see you are new around here. Welcome, but please don't try to subvert the board rules by hiding profanity.
  3. You're certainly not going to read that story on CNN. Care to fess up which sources are peddling this tripe?
  4. The elephant in the room would have to be installing several extremist religious nuts on the supreme court. In the past the picks were designed to achieve a consensus vote and mostly did so.
  5. Is the left being investigated for something by any judicial authority? Anything?
  6. Don't forget that his long time CFO has pleaded guilty to systematic tax fraud and fingered his boss. The chances of further charges not following after that must be near zero. Trump doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of making it to the next election before he's fitted with a new suit to match his complexion.
  7. Trump was famous for not managing to form a complete and coherent sentence. Did you ever complain about that?
  8. Cuts both ways. How many people in their 70's have you ever met that are genuinely senile?
  9. We aren't trying to get 70 million people to vote for us.
  10. Trump has only ever given one speech. The same one over and over again.
  11. Rampant corruption in the white house and self dealing. Undermining democracy so they are never held to account.
  12. Lots of people put their 401K into bonds when they saw that inflation was rising. They made out like bandits.
  13. But Trump claimed the rocket landed 50 miles into Poland. Senile, obviously.
  14. Please explain how the stock market performance over this year has anything at all do do with the White House.
  15. Trump doesn't know the difference between 5 miles and fifty miles!
  16. The USA as well. Corrupt to the core. And Australia. That's why they're introducing an ICAC.
  17. It's almost as if you are unaware that all presidents in history except Trump understand that they don't know the answer to everything and have always collected expert advisors around them. Trump's problem is that those advisors kept resigning or getting fired. Not just Biden but every world leader.
  18. I'm not at all concerned about Biden's age and mental capacity because he has demonstrated that he listens to expert advice, unlike his former opponent who continually had conflict with his advisors. Like disregarding his own intelligence community in support of Putin. Now, that's really dangerous.
  19. A bit hard on someone misreading a teleprompter don't you think? Got anything actually meaningful?
  20. What part of that link shows China doing nothing about climate change?
  21. His daughter gets it. "This time around, I am choosing to prioritize my young children and the private life we are creating," Trump's older daughter said. "I do not plan to be involved in politics," she continued. "While I will always love and support my father, going forward I will do so outside of the political arena.
  22. because police in your country are squeaky clean so you feel entitled to come on here and trash the Thai police?
  23. We'll learn just how much of a problem very soon I hope.
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