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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. How obviously can't they do the job? Any evidence at all? Even anecdotal? I walked all down soi buahkhaow and much of road 2 and saw no evidence of flooding at 09:00 this morning. Any flooding last night was brief because the soi drains are quite small and would take a little time to empty. Some, like in soi pothole have been upgraded recently.
  2. No roads flooded last night. There may have been temporary surface water but I can't confirm that. 09:00 this morning all dry and drains more or less empty.
  3. It was easy. I was here when they were putting the pipes into the trenches. Pattaya used to have big flood problems but they have just finished a major drainage upgrade, save for a bit to do in soi 15. We'll see if they have solved it but last night was a very heavy storm and there was very little if any flooding. The guards told me there was no flooding in the basement car park so it's unlikely there was significant flooding anywhere.
  4. MAGA Republicans have spent the last two years going after teachers and librarians for teaching about slavery or highlighting Black leaders like Martin Luther King, Jr. and Harriet Tubman. Speaking to MSNBC's Mehdi Hasan, reporter Brandy Zadrozny explained that the recent bomb threats called into Boston Children's Hospital are just more of the same from the right-wing that has been going after anyone helping to treat transgender children. The Washington Post reported that a right-wing digital group is behind attacks on a Washington, D.C. children's hospital. https://www.rawstory.com/maga-republican-threats/
  5. They are in pairs. Did you read a study somewhere that claimed the pumps should be larger?
  6. They aren't. I checked quite a few of them, anticipating this exact comment. The road drains under the metal grates are all empty. A couple on Road 2 had fast running water in them but they weren't full. All the sois drain towards the sea. The solution they have is most optimal, a large sump (pipe about 2m diameter) stretching the full length of beach road which the sois drain into and 4 very large pumps pump out of. They clearly had hydraulic engineers figure this out.
  7. It's a very professional setup, not at all temporary. The pump outlets are about a foot in diameter.
  8. In a panel discussion Sunday evening, MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan played a clip of far-right commentator Ben Shapiro, saying that by calling out violence and fascism, Biden was going to cause more violence from fascists. "Did I miss here, or did Ben Shapiro not literally make Biden's point clear?" Hasan asked. "Don't call them violent, or they'll attack you." https://www.rawstory.com/maga-republicans-threats-against-mean-democrats/
  9. And what was Biden's speech about? Oh, that's right, Trump's stolen election conspiracy theory.
  10. I would put money down that more than half of all licenced Australian drivers couldn't pass a licence test if it was sprung on them. I was a driving instructor in a past life, I know ????
  11. Nice to you and each other does NOT include Donald Trump or any public figure not a member of this board. I'm sure you understand that anyway. You thought my post was funny anyway, what are you complaining about?
  12. There was no flood water anywhere around soi moo cow or road 2 this morning. The road drains were empty. It looks like the big new drains along beach road are doing their job. Apart from just drainage they are large enough to act as sumps to store a lot of run off before it's pumped out to sea. Soi 15 is incomplete and had a few problems. Photos. The Avenue guards told me there had been no flooding (may mee nam tuam) but they were wheeling scooters out. They weren't muddy so who knows.
  13. Calling Trump a racist pig is over the top? I think most people would consider that unremarkable given the evidence and his own words.
  14. Gotta keep repeating the same talking point, that's the formula which was proved to work in the 30's.
  15. And full of racist hatred. He wouldn't even allow Obama a ceremony for his official portrait as is also customary. Not to mention taking down several portraits he didn't like. He is a racist.
  16. I think racist sentiments should be shut down period. They are illegal in my country for a reason. Quite a number of posts made in this thread would likely have people in the dock if they were resident of Australia and their ID's were public or if the server was in Australia.
  17. Are you still clinging to this quaint narrative that Thais wear masks on motorcycles because of covid?
  18. You'll have to put up with me having my say where and whenever I choose, whether you feel I'm qualified or not.
  19. I don't believe that's true. He seeded them with his own people and fired as many as he could. Institutions like the FBI, police and military have traditionally always been heavily Republican leaning. I don't think you can question that. It's notable that many of his own appointees in career services turned against him.
  20. True, three isn't safe but there's no conceivable way that the number of people on the bike contributed to this accident. Their total weight was no doubt less than the weight of 2 adult farangs on a scooter which is legal everywhere.
  21. I won't contest that but most of the CCTV videos I see have vehicles seeming to travel at the speed of sound because of the low video frame rate. We can't know really.
  22. Have you recently been to Pattaya? They dug up the entire length of Beach Rd and put in large pipes. There are two brand new high capacity pumps opposite soi 6 and two more just outside of walking street which pump water into the ocean.
  23. Consciousness is no different to having two arms and two legs. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there. Dogs and cats have consciousness, are they also spiritual? Mockery is not very spiritual.
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