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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. If it was not proved that Trump knew about the theft or was in on the act they would surely get him on a lessor charge of negligence or violation of the PRA anyway. They'd throw the book at him for sure. The person who stole it of course would be a very old man before he got out of jail. Either that or he'd be rich and living in Moscow or Dubai.
  2. Not to put too fine a point on it but even if he did declassify everything, if any national secrets that were secrets before he declassified them got into anybody's hands then he gets indicted for espionage. Anybody.
  3. Yes, definitely. It's a conspiracy. All the banks worldwide exchange emails every week with the number of masked bank robberies they each had.
  4. Lets get this right. If he took a table napkin with ketchup on it that would be a crime. I sincerely hope the Lordy tapes are in there, and the Zelensky tape but I fear they have been destroyed.
  5. Non sequiter. Plenty of Causcasians live in Thailand as well. it doesn't mean they aren't racist.
  6. I read Chaucer and Shakespeare as well in "Auss". ???? I already said they weren't put into law because he gave a racist rationale for recommending them. It's also why he never became PM and was instead sacked.
  7. A deflection? Isn't this topic about Powell? Why not answer, do you think he was or not?
  8. Cut the ad hominems. His EXACT words were "In this country in 15 or 20 years' time the black man will have the whip hand over the white man". This is blatantly racist, inexcusable and vile. Anybody who thinks is person is anything other than loathsome, despicable scum should be worried about some of it rubbing off on them. I read the same English as you do, probably better.
  9. Powell's comments remain unchanged no matter where you or I were born.
  10. It has always been illegal for any president to remove top secret items from the White House and retain them after leaving office. Or, for that matter any document or momento which should be retained by the agency you quoted, regardless of classification. This is only worse because there is some suspicion of violation of the espionage act.
  11. Be more specific. What am I not allowed to comment on in your view? I've probably got rellies in the UK, my sister thinks so, she knows their names.
  12. I did. I have never spent a day there. Or in the USA or any country further west from Australia than Nepal. Do you have a problem with my knowing enough about the politics and history of your country to make comment on it?
  13. I suspect he will too if the republicans win. They don't like people putting their country before loyalty to their leader.
  14. I asked before if you have problems with foreigners criticising your country. You didn't reply but I think we have the answer.
  15. You're entitled to think he was right to try to control immigration. So was he. The problem was that Powell wanted to do it for the wrong reasons and said so.
  16. Not understanding your point at all. Are Germans not entitled to call Hitler racist? Am I not entitled to call Billy McMahon racist? Can the British not call out their politicians for being racist? Is it unpatriotic to criticize the policies of one's own country? Do you have issues with foreigners criticising your country? As to your photo. Thank you. It does point out the sad, racist history of Australia. I think I'm patriotic because I support moves to tell the truth and reconcile the past, rather than justify hiding the truth using some epithet like "critical race theory"
  17. It's not a defense, it's an attack. Nothing less than a call to arms. The Republican politicians know they've blown the democratic vote.
  18. It depends on who's doing the telling. It's why black guys can call themselves the N word but white people can't call black people that. I know racists have hard time understanding that concept but it is what it is. I'm not naive enough to think cross border rivalry between visibly indistinguishable populations are racist jokes. Technically, Irish jokes are not racist but they aren't a good look. Here's my Australian sheep joke. maybe it's a New Zealand sheep joke I don't know because New Zealanders don't look any different from me. I look a lot like the guy in the cartoon.
  19. Honestly? I'm third or fourth generation Australian born white anglo saxon protestant stock with some Irish mixed in.
  20. They didn't. And if they did the UK would have the world's biggest economy now.
  21. Being fake does not excuse it from being racist. If anything it makes it even more egregious because it's not just reporting a racist act it's sole raison d'etre is instigating racism.
  22. I love my country. I'm a patriot. I don't have to love every crime that racists committed to love my country. I demonstrate my patriotism by being honest about the past. I honor the good and vilify the evil. If Powell was alive today and lived in Australia he would be in jail under our laws.
  23. I don't know, he died early in life. How is that relevant?
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