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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. And empty boxes. The FBI are wondering where all those documents could have gone. (CNN cable)
  2. Those getting all butt hurt about Biden falling Trump a fascist might want to read this. Nobody expected a reaction like this </sarc> Donald Trump has branded Joe Biden an "enemy of the state" as he hit back at the US president's assertion that the former leader and his supporters are undermining American democracy He warned it would produce "a backlash the likes of which nobody has ever seen". Mr Trump slammed it as the "most vicious, hateful and divisive speech ever delivered by an American president". https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-09-04/trump-calls-biden-enemy-of-the-state/101404672
  3. If that was true there would be records of document movements out of the White House. The FBI convinced a judge there was reason to believe Trump had not given them all back and had obstructed efforts to get them back. It's unlikely there's an innocent explanation I think.
  4. Did you drop a lolly paper? I went to a state I hadn't been to for ten years and they got me for an unpaid parking offense. At first I thought they had the wrong perp. Put me into a cell until my mates rocked up with the readies. I was only about 20.
  5. I agree. This topic was always going to push buttons and drag out the racists and the anti-racists. The headline was arguably click bait. I think politics is fine but ongoing discussions about racism should not be part of this board in my opinion.
  6. I'm not seeing how it's stopping anybody except the rabid anti maskers. It didn't stop me and I see that tourist arrivals are rising fast in Thailand, both in the press and every time I go out to the entertainment districts. Foreigners are allowed not wear masks. The locals sensibly wear them in supermarkets and malls so I do as well but almost nowhere else. Certain venues will continue to require masks at their discretion. I fail to see that as a significant deterrent to tourism. This anti mask propaganda is just scare mongering.
  7. That's my dream as well, in the complex adjacent to The Emporium. We could be neighbours.
  8. Probably once or twice when she refused to give them lollies.
  9. Because the Republicans didn't go after Clinton for 7 years, including a failed impeachment? It's hard to imagine that people will be so shocked by Biden's speech they'll vote for a party which openly wants to restrict voting, has a record for election fraud, supports the big lie and openly wants to establish an authoritarian rule. MAGA people won't be swayed of course but the speech will reasonably give some pause to the many Republicans and independents who are now second thinking Trump and might have a little (or a lot) of buyer remorse. It may well backfire but the strategists evidently think it's worth the risk. The polls will give us an indication by next month. The right wing press doesn't lie blatantly about Biden and the dems? Or Hunter, teehee.
  10. Thailand is doing those things as well. Supermarkets either use biodegradable plastic or reusable bags, usually fabric. Most cars do that nowadays. Bangkok bans trucks and diesels from the city during certain hours. With a similar population I don't need to check whether the UK or Thailand produces more total exhaust and power station emissions. The UK has made strong advances towards green power though but Thailand is also headed down that path. Thailand is also attempting to stop farmers burning rice and sugar cane but it's an uphill battle.
  11. Which countries would they be? Until recently the US was the main not botherer. Fortunately that can't be said now that Biden allocated 3.7 billion to fighting climate change. Australia was another not botherer until the public got jack of it recently.
  12. Even if that were true and the link you provided doesn't establish that, is it some kind of justification to rail against blacks outnumbering whites (which they never did) from a politician's bully pulpit?
  13. Should he have discussed every domestic issue on America's plate just so he can justify talking about a pressing topic regarding elections?
  14. That will be because they previously certified that the records had been returned to the FBI and were therefore targets of the investigation. I don't think anybody has a right to have lawyers present during a warrant search but I may be wrong on that point. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/aug/31/donald-trump-lawyers-christina-bobb-evan-corcoran
  15. Then you should tell Trump about them because he's looking for competent people to represent him in court. Donald Trump is struggling to find lawyers willing to represent him https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-struggling-good-lawyers-still-075146599.html
  16. Did somebody ever say that masks offered complete protection or that they weren't useful because they offered only partial protection? One of the links said this so you may want to reflect on what that means. The probability of infection changes nonlinearly with the amount of respiratory matter to which a person is exposed.
  17. Can't it be both? Oh, yes it can!
  18. Only three gratuitous far right contrived insult words in a sentence of six words. Well done. You deserve a holiday. No, really.
  19. Is it groundhog day so we have to start over again? Literally dozens of links already posted on the subject but here goes. They're meant to protect the wearer from contact with droplets and sprays that may contain germs https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/coronavirus-mask/art-20485449 Respiratory infections can be transmitted through droplets of different sizes: when the droplet particles are >5-10 μm in diameter they are referred to as respiratory droplets, and when then are <5μm in diameter, they are referred to as droplet nuclei.1 According to current evidence, COVID-19 virus is primarily transmitted between people through respiratory droplets and contact routes. https://www.who.int/news-room/commentaries/detail/modes-of-transmission-of-virus-causing-covid-19-implications-for-ipc-precaution-recommendations During these close-up, face-to-face interactions, a common belief is that a susceptible person wearing a face mask is safe, at least to a large extent, from foreign airborne sneeze and cough droplets. This study, for the first time, quantitatively verifies this notion. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7757609/ The probability of infection changes nonlinearly with the amount of respiratory matter to which a person is exposed. If most people in the wider community wear even simple surgical masks, then the probability of an encounter with a virus particle is even further limited. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abg6296
  20. Please explain what the conservatives are doing about it which is any different to what Labour are proposing to do about it. Just a vague "seem to" ? Exactly the kind of misinformation that's prohibited on this board without linked proof.
  21. Thailand has an advanced pumping system in Bangkok. They have spent over 1.5 billion baht in the past ten years. They didn't reject the system you mentioned because they didn't like it or think it wouldn't work, that's not rational.
  22. The mask still stops much of the particles carrying the virus coming from your mouth and nose. The virus is most efficiently transmitted on droplets than any other vector.
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