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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. "It's all going away before Easter" "15 cases going to nothing". Who said these words?
  2. Trump signed off on it, but not before claiming it was a hoax and it was all going away. Several times. Trump instigated nothing.
  3. Blinded by science? Infections rose rapidly under Trump because he treated the virus as a hoax and downplayed masks and vaccines. Then there was a much higher infection rate after the virus mutated AS A DIRECT RESULT of the high number of infections floating about.
  4. There never has been any negotiations with any president ever over stolen documents. What was there to negotiate? The word negotiate comes from the Trump camp. The FBI simply gave him a subpoena to return the documents, not an offer to negotiate.
  5. Trump's lawyer had already signed a statement that all documents had been returned. Presumably this was false. Another crime.
  6. There was nothing to negotiate. Do bank robbers get to negotiate how much of the loot they keep? If Trump thinks some of those documents are personal and unrelated to his previous position as president then his option is to give them back and sue.
  7. Where did Trump get handed those documents? At McDonalds? Or in the Oval Office?
  8. I'm referring to the discord within parties, like in primaries.
  9. There was a process to go through and there is some debate about whether he did that. I strongly doubt it. He doesn't have the power to claim later that he declassified the documents without evidence that he did so while still president. Furthermore, there is the potential that some of those documents could not be declassified at all.
  10. They have known since the minute he left office that the held top secret documents. He just wouldn't give them back so they seized them. It's as simple as that, no conspiracy here, sorry.
  11. Capping an extraordinary week in Donald Trump’s post-presidency, a New York judge ordered Friday that his company and its longtime finance chief stand trial in the fall on tax fraud charges stemming from a long-running criminal investigation into Trump’s business practices. https://apnews.com/article/new-york-manhattan-donald-trump-criminal-investigations-78fe83bb0cd4deeb926ee2067855bc71
  12. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) announced on Friday that she had filed articles of impeachment against Attorney General Merrick Garland as the FBI’s search of the former president’s Florida residence roils Republicans. Greene’s resolution claims that the attorney general’s “personal approval to seek a search warrant for the raid on the home of the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, constitutes a blatant attempt to persecute a political opponent.” https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3599038-marjorie-taylor-greene-filed-articles-of-impeachment-against-garland/
  13. What we don't see is a single person who amplified Trump's lies about the info being planted coming here with a mea culpa.
  14. here's the warrant https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/3598688-read-dojs-warrant-against-trump/
  15. The warrant shows federal law enforcement was investigating Trump for removal or destruction of records, obstruction of an investigation, and violating the Espionage Act. Conviction under the statutes can result in imprisonment or fines. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-espionage-act/
  16. Only Trump voters, not Republican voters, two different animals. It's gotten down to who you vote for defines you. Which person, not party.
  17. *Deleted post edited out* somebody tried to kill FBI agents too, a right winger I believe, with the usual gun. What brought that on? I suppose those who hate Trump but don't try to kill him are as sick as those who hate FBI officers and do try to kill them?
  18. FBI agents found dozens of classified documents in Mar-a-Lago search FBI agents found dozens of classified documents during their search of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago on Monday, sources confirmed to NewsNation. Investigators discovered classified documents in two areas: Trump’s personal office above a ballroom and in a storage room near the pool. Sources say there were “boxes everywhere,” with some containing Top Secret Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS/SCI). Those are considered some of the highest level of classified documents. Since the documents are so secretive, it’s unknown whether investigators will ever publicly acknowledge what they’re in reference to, let alone release them. https://thehill.com/homenews/3598071-fbi-agents-found-dozens-of-classified-documents-in-mar-a-lago-search-sources/
  19. Is the right still in denial about Trump accusing the FBI of planting evidence? 'Planting information anyone?': Trump flips out over nuclear weapons report at Mar-a-Lago https://www.rawstory.com/trump-nuclaer-mar-a-lago/
  20. At least one of his lawyers confirmed she was present for the search.
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