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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Religious instruction as a formal subject, taught part time by a priest, was eventually scrapped by the authorities, possibly after that same year, mid 60's. The class I was banned from was year 8, first secondary year. We means most of us.
  2. It could be considered racist but the context indicates stereotyping which is plain ignorance and one crime level below racism, in my opinion. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes in a western country if the other guy complained to HR.
  3. They are clearly grifters who put their personal success above ethics and duty to protect the constitution. Liz Cheney gets it. They aren't doing the work of their constituents, just their donors.
  4. The GOP Is Trying to Convince Americans the IRS Is Coming to Kill Them https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/08/gop-irs-agents-fear-tactics
  5. No Governor is going to do anything meaningful about illegals working in their state ever. They know where their donations come from.
  6. I said Australia had high household debt and your chart supports that.
  7. Standing order or not, it's not going to matter one whit if the FBI considers Trump was using any of those documents for any self serving purpose. Any actions he took would be illegal and that's the basis for the supposed espionage charge.
  8. There's more to that story. I don't know if it;s still true but the Japanese had very high levels of foreign debt but about the world's highest household savings. By converse, Australia (had) low foreign debt and among the highest household indebtedness in the world. This high household savings keeps the economy healthy despite the debt because those savings are largely invested.
  9. He employed Chao. I thought he was only going to employ the best. Obviously he meant the best grifters.
  10. Trump accused Alec Baldwin of shooting his photographer deliberately. That statement will trouble many people.
  11. He stands no chance of beating Trump in the runoff as it stands. The fact that he hasn't declared more stridently that he isn't standing is because he hopes something bad happens to Trump. DeSantis lost the CPAC straw poll by something like 69 to 12%. And he didn't even show up at CPAC.
  12. Most of your comments spoke of children and people in general, they weren't about your own kids. You do what you want with your kids in regard to vaccinations. I stand by every comment I made about you comments re kids in general. Advocating that a child not be vaccinated against medical expert advice is reprehensible and is straight out misinformation.
  13. I was taught religious instruction at school until the "teacher" banned me. We don't want religious instruction back.
  14. I must have missed that your kids actually had covid. Sorry for that omission. I hope they don't suffer from it too badly. I couldn't imagine a doctor recommending a vaccination to somebody who had covid at the time, hence my supposition.
  15. They understood you were concerned. That, to my mind is quite different to "understanding your concerns". To be specific, did any doctor say to you they thought your kids would be better off if vaccinated?
  16. If you're saying they have covid now I agree with you. If they have never had covid then there's every point.
  17. I'm very skeptical. You spoke to "a number" of doctors who agreed with you without encountering any who didn't. I'd say you put your opinion forcefully ad they didn't want to argue with a lost cause.
  18. You have been deceived! Do you have any evidence that Trump doesn't want everything out in the open? Yeah, despite saying out loud for a week that he wanted the FBI to release the warrant he didn't do so himself. Nothing was stopping him. Nothing.
  19. Got some medical evidence to that claim or just misinformation? That doctors recommend the vaccinations for kids is evidence that what you are claiming is misinformation. You don't get a free pass for covid misinformation by writing IMHO.
  20. Other people's kids died. Kids are still dying from covid. Let's do stick to the facts.
  21. The GFC is arguably such a case. External (banking) factors caused a crisis in confidence in the capital market. It had nothing really to do with the GDP or economy in general. That view is supported by the V shaped recovery experienced almost immediately after a spectacular market crash. That contrasts the previous recession in 1980 where it took the economy many years to recover, stock market as well. Covid also arguably caused a boom in the stock market after a medium crash simultaneously with a pull back back in the economy. This is because the covid stimulus largely went to the big end of town who used the money to buy assets. They aren't necessarily tied at all.
  22. Your comments are continuing your pattern of spreading misinformation. Every insinuation you make is false.
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