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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. No, that's absolutely false and there are so many posts on this board which establish that fact beyond shadow of doubt...
  2. Yes, so he doesn't transmit the virus to the old, obese and otherwise ill already. Or he might transmit it to someone who will in turn transmit it to the old, obese or otherwise unhealthy. If he wants not to get a vaccine he should not be allowed anywhere where he might come into close contact with the old, obese or otherwise unhealthy.
  3. Yes it was illegal to overtake on a crossing but that wasn't the worst offense here. That would be driving without due care by turning into a motor vehicle which was adjacent him. The motorcycle was already adjacent the buggy when it turned. Without a rear view mirror and sitting on the left side with a passenger to his right he did not have a clear view of the motorcycle.
  4. Nobody is posing as a driving instructor in Thailand. And I'm not pontificating. I know for a fact that the road rules are similar in Thailand as most of their laws are.
  5. Risk of new heart problems jumps after COVID; mRNA shot side effects no different for cancer patients Long after recovery from COVID-19, people face significantly higher risks for new heart problems, a large study has found. https://www.reuters.com/lifestyle/science/risk-new-heart-problems-jumps-after-covid-mrna-shot-side-effects-no-different-2022-02-09/
  6. The driver was on the left and had a passenger to his right. He could not have put his arm out to signal a turn.
  7. The private road is irrelevant. The buggy did not indicate and appeared to have no way to know that the motorcycle as behind him. He was likely half deaf or worse because likely quite elderly. It was obvious from the video that the motorcycle was already in the process of overtaking when the buggy driver turned.
  8. That was an error but was it the main contributing factor to the accident? I would say no. There might be an issue of proportionality affecting compensation but overtaking on a zebra crossing did not cause the accident. The buggy turned into the motorcycle.
  9. There is no way that you can determine that the motorcycle as speeding from that video. A slower frame rate will make the speed appear greater. He could easily have been doing 20 Kph.
  10. Yes, if it's private property the vehicle doesn't need registration. I've seen lots of photos of folks who are 99 not out driving golf buggies on roads in retirement villages in Florida and I have seen it in gated enclaves in Australia. Vehicles are still subject to road laws in these enclaves by local government regulation similar to shopping centre car parks.
  11. I see no indicators or rear view mirrors and the buggy is turning on a pedestrian crossing. The buggy driver has to give way to vehicles behind him before turning. The moto rider was in a position to see that there was nobody on or near the pedestrian crossing. The buggy driver is civilly liable by driving in a dangerous manner. He turned into the moto rider who was traveling in a constant direction. disclaimer: I'm a qualified driving instructor. Thai road laws are very similar to those in the west.
  12. I'm pretty sure he's saying that vaccines reduce the spread dramatically in the case of delta and about half for omicron. Links to data have been posted many times.
  13. I read it as he's quoting articles about research. I don't see giving advice other than to seek qualified advice.
  14. More pointless Thai bashing. It's not like the US government ever gets hacked.
  15. The article you quoted does not claim that masks don't work. It actually recommends the use of masks. Masks do work and are valuable. I stand by my point that without masks alone there would be many more cases and the health system would be under more pressure. Masks are very important until all the sociopaths get vaccinated and reduce the spread to manageable levels. Hopefully that's soon. Here is an authoritive article on the value of SURGICAL masks "The researchers found that after controlling for other factors, countries with cultural norms or policies that supported mask-wearing saw weekly per capita coronavirus mortality increase 16% during outbreaks, compared with a 62% weekly increase in countries without mask-wearing norms. " https://theconversation.com/evidence-shows-that-yes-masks-prevent-covid-19-and-surgical-masks-are-the-way-to-go-167963
  16. Past history is an indicator and past history is telling us we have built up immunity from the three shots most of us have already had. There's no reason to assume it's groundhog day just because there's a new vaccine. We already know each vaccine supplements the last.
  17. There are plenty of industries and professions which require vaccines in high risk environments. The virus is still spreading but it isn't logical to conclude that masks don't work because it's still spreading. In fact we know they do and the medical advice is to wear them near people. Obviously, if those mask requirements were not there the virus would spread much more than it already is.
  18. There is still protection from the virus afforded by mask mandates and vaccine mandates. Why play russian roulette with any live bullets in the gun?
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