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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. The aim is to prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed until more people can get vaccinated. They are just buying time. There is no effort to stamp out the virus now, the anti vaxers have won. In my state, you can't leave home without a vax certificate. Sensible.
  2. Where is your evidence that virologists are discounting new variations? The opposite is true. "Greater COVID-19 spread can lead to more mutations, say doctors" https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/greater-spread-means-potentially-more-mutations/article38158767.ece A new COVID-19 challenge: Mutations rise along with cases https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-mutations-rising-f471eca388965ee95cd1e324c4e239d8 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/24/scientists-warn-of-new-covid-variant-with-high-number-of-mutations https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-03552-w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anjkxEm6ZIo
  3. Record child hospital admissions in the US is somehow reassuring? https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/588525-us-sees-record-covid-19-pediatric-hospital-admissions-on-wednesday
  4. Who knows if he would be the one to bring in the next mutation such as the one recently found in France? If I recall correctly, omicron wasn't initially identified as a new variant until genomic sequencing was carried out. We have these rules for a reason. Tennis players should understand rules.
  5. US sees record COVID-19 pediatric hospital admissions on Wednesday https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/588525-us-sees-record-covid-19-pediatric-hospital-admissions-on-wednesday
  6. None of which are heavy on CPU. You likely should have a decent drive, at least SSD but preferably nVME if the motherboard will take one. And 8 Gb RAM minimum. The older laptops with 4Gb RAM struggle with newer operating systems these days. The CPU doesn't really matter for your usage.
  7. Then CPU is a distant last in the equation.
  8. In terms of noticeable speed improvement s for day to day use. 1. Disk drive. nvme is faster than ssd and both are faster than hdd. 2. RAM 3. CPU. The cpu really only matters in very highly intensive cpu operations like rendering and gaming. In the case of gaming, much of the load is offloaded to a separate GPU such as nvidea produce. If you are regularly gaming without one then it may make a difference.
  9. Your link is a general discourse of nursing in the Netherlands, not at all relevant to the issue of whether hospitals are currently overwhelmed or not. Here's something a little more contemporaneous in regard to Netherlands hospitals ability to cope with covid https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/dutch-covid-19-patients-transferred-germany-hospitals-struggle-2021-11-23/
  10. Your answer appeared to be sarcastic. Of course a 17 month old baby was unvaccinated.
  11. Three months is fine. My mother (93 yo) just got an authorisation from a doctor to have a moderna booster three months after her second Pfizer shot. She will have the booster later today. Hope this helps.
  12. The number of beds was never related to hospitals being overwhelmed. It's always a staff issue.
  13. No, it had omicron. There is also a young child in hospital currently in my state who is "seriously unwell" with omicron. It is not harmless. It may not be as bad as delta but far from benign. It is not a mere flu. "While Omicron does appear to be less severe compared to Delta, especially in those vaccinated, it does not mean it should be categorised as mild," director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said at the same briefing in Geneva. "Just like previous variants, Omicron is hospitalising people and it is killing people." https://www.reuters.com/world/omicron-may-be-less-severe-not-mild-who-chief-2022-01-06/
  14. yeah, nah. You're talking about protection from infection here. I'm talking about protection from infection. And I provided evidence to that effect. Which one actually matters?
  15. That makes it ok does it? That somebody with a comorbidity gets to die much faster because of covid? You have an unhealthy fixation about fat people. Your post in no way, shape or form establishes that hospitals are not overwhelmed which was my claim and now you demonstrate that you are incapable of explaining how it might.
  16. https://www.rawstory.com/science-skepticism-appears-to-be-an-important-predictor-of-non-compliance-with-19-shelter-in-place-policies/
  17. are the links I posted fake news? It took 10 seconds to get that list using Google. How does your data show that hospitals are not being overwhelmed? You invariably fail to ante up when challenged. You seem to believe fat people are the cause of all hospital admissions for covid. Unbelievable. You know what the biggest problem is that keeps us from getting past covid? Stupid people who won't vaccinate.
  18. How does your data there argue against my claim that hospitals are being overwhelmed? You deflect with unrelated data and tell me I'm afraid of facts? Somehow, because non covid cases outnumber covid cases that is meant to represent ICU's not being overwhelmed? Not that I even mentioned ICU's but it's also true they are being overwhelmed and staff are suffering major burnout and infections with many absences due to illness. If you actually read some MSM news you might be better informed. Here is some reading for you. Not that I expect you to do any due diligence and actually read them. https://www.canberratimes.com.au/story/7570064/urgent-calls-to-tighten-health-restrictions-before-hospitals-overwhelmed-with-covid-19/ https://www.sbs.com.au/news/the-system-is-absolutely-not-coping-hospital-staff-struggle-as-covid-19-admissions-rise/c998c931-0215-41c8-8d86-0365d08cacac https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/hospitalised-covid-patients-double-since-christmas-100-000-daily-cases-on-horizon-20220101-p59l9h.html https://www.wpr.org/wisconsin-hospitals-are-overwhelmed-unvaccinated-covid-19-patients-some-clinics-are-closing-help https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/04/parts-of-nhs-may-be-overwhelmed-by-covid-wave-admits-boris-johnson https://www.cbs8.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/local-hospitals-overwhelmed-covid-patients-staff-shortages/509-342d0a47-3010-4d06-865e-49f5dcb3a9c2
  19. Macron vows to '<deleted> off' vaccine holdouts as COVID cases go 'stratospheric' in Paris As Omicron spreads across Europe, statistics find one in 10 Londoners had COVID after Christmas, while the French President lashes out as his country faces its own record rise in cases. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-01-06/europe-coronavirus-england-france-united-kingdom-omicron/100741110
  20. BANGKOK, Jan 6 (Reuters) - Thailand on Thursday raised its COVID-19 alert level following rising infections driven by the spread of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus, a senior health official said. https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/thailand-raises-covid-19-alert-level-due-omicron-spread-2022-01-06/
  21. I kinda figured that would be the response. It's just an example of what many jurisdictions are doing. Until recently when they stopped lock downs in the face of outbreaks Australia was doing very well. Now their cavalier attitude is coming back to bite them on the proverbial. They will be forced into a retreat because medical staff are in revolt. They are the experts.
  22. "Realist" or not, the world is going away from "let it rip". People who are not fully vaccinated can only leave home for three reasons: medical treatment including COVID testing or vaccination; for essential goods and services such as groceries; and to provide care to a vulnerable family member or person who cannot support themselves. Unlike previous lockdown rules, unvaccinated people will not be able to leave home to go to work or for exercise, Mr Gunner said. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-01-06/nt-covid-numbers-michael-gunner/100741026
  23. What Thailand doesn't have is thousands of antivaxers taking to the streets to protest and beating up cops. Mask and social distancing compliance is also much higher in Thailand.
  24. Nobody is allowed into Australia without a vaccine or very recent infection with medical exemption certificate. He should not have been allowed to fly at all.
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