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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Try condemning the indiscriminant bombing of civilians and somebody might believe you.
  2. Show me a side which wants to reduce the debt. Don't tell me its the republicans and Mr 2 trillion dollars.
  3. Approximately 3 civilians killed for each terrorist. I'm guessing you think that's acceptable.
  4. In case you missed it a country complained to the ICJ making the same accusations. They are far from baseless. The photos of kids blown apart is enough, let alone the mass bombings and the thousands of victim accounts.
  5. There isn't. But there's only a few who believe that it wasn't. I think most people are waiting for further developments.
  6. The IDF are doing their duty. Those commanding them are war criminals. Those IDF officers following illegal orders are also war criminals.
  7. I don't follow your posts. I only saw it because I read the new post. You'll recover.
  8. "So shocking to hear Trump counsel say a president is free to sell pardons and kill political opponents, unless and until successfully impeached (which may never happen for a host of reasons)," said former federal prosecutor Andrew Weissmann. "Listening to the appellate court hearing on Trump's immunity claim," wrote longtime newspaper editor Mark Jacobs. "Good lord, his lawyer is a dip<deleted>." https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-immunity-2666908599/
  9. Cliff didn't beat the allegations by shutting up and and paying up, that's for sure.
  10. Yeah nah, the left provide links to arguments so they are statistically more often right, having done the research. The right, not so much.
  11. I said there's no difference between attacking prince charming's detractors and defending prince charming.
  12. Jeffrey Epstein list: Prince Andrew participated in an ‘underage orgy’ on Epstein's private Island According to the papers, an unnamed girl, referred to as ‘Jane Doe 3’, was “forced to have sexual relations with this Prince when she was a minor in three separate geographical locations.” She claims that Epstein instructed her to “give the Prince whatever he demanded” and that Maxwell “facilitated Prince Andrew’s acts of sexual abuse by acting as a ‘madame’ for Epstein”. https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/jeffrey-epstein-list-prince-andrew-participated-in-an-underage-orgy-on-epsteins-private-island-101704528504432.html
  13. not buying it. Your using semantics to draw a distinction without a difference.
  14. I'm not going to apologize to anyone defending the slime prince Andrew for anything.
  15. OK, I confused you with another poster. Nevertheless, I have provided links showing circumstantial and convincing evidence for rape. To wit, sex for money under 18 is rape. period. To suggest, as you are, that the evidence should be ignored or trivialized because prince charming wasn't yet convicted in a court of law, is preposterous. He needs to speak to the FBI. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/royals/prince-andrew-under-new-pressure-31439787
  16. I stand by my accusation. You represented that the "police turned a blind eye to Muslim rape" as if it were commonplace. If not, it would have no relevance at all.
  17. Links to the effect that prince charming refused to testify and paid up instead and the admissabiiity of that evidence to determine guilt have already been provided. Then there is the refusal to submit to questioning by the FBI. Guilty as sin. All a matter of public record.
  18. It's still under US legal jurisdiction, private island or not.
  19. the far right always do this. Seize on an edge case and then pretend it's a systemic problem nationwide.
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