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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. It may be tomorrow but an interim injunction doesn't reply on a judgement. It needs only to be reasonable cause. The evidence of either side might be sufficient for the court to make that injunction. Injunctions are often applied by courts before both sides are heard.
  2. I believe it's ash that causes the temporary cooling effect of volcanoes.
  3. millions of years ago yes. long before god created man. long before man set foot on earth. Geologists and paleontologists have found that, in the last 100 million years, global temperatures have peaked twice. One spike was the Cretaceous Hot Greenhouse roughly 92 million years ago, about 25 million years before Earth’s last dinosaurs went extinct. Widespread volcanic activity may have boosted atmospheric carbon dioxide. Temperatures were so high that champsosaurs (crocodile-like reptiles) lived as far north as the Canadian Arctic, and warm-temperature forests thrived near the South Pole. https://www.climate.gov/news-features/climate-qa/whats-hottest-earths-ever-been
  4. and none at all makes some think the same thing.
  5. There's 2 main pieces of evidence 1. An absolute correlation between the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere and atmospheric temperatures. 2. That humans have increased that level from about 150 ppm to over 400 ppm in the space of a century or so. The highest level it's been for about a million years.
  6. The natural changes do take that long. We are seeing similar changes in less than a century. The long term changes due to natural cycles take 100's of thousands of years. We are seeing catastrophic changes in less than a hundred years.
  7. Whatever, he shares the same racial charcteristics as Latinos and is not a white caucasian.
  8. Irrelevant really isn't it what their motive is? It remains a fact that they are spending more than anybody. Do I think that Chinese think differently than any other race and are inscrutable in hiding their true motive which is really profit and market dominance? Hell, no. But let's just suppose that was true for a moment. That would be an admission from a climate change denier that renewables are wildly profitable as a product. What happened to the years of bleating about not being able to afford renewable energy?
  9. Cattle rearing is the number one producer of methane gas emissions.
  10. There will be a crash, there always is eventually. It was widely anticipated that it would come last year or this year but markets have priced in no rate cuts now until 2024. Another little clue is that rate inversion (5 year over 10 year) always uninverts about 6 months before a crash. That hasn't happened yet. The treasury secretary has called a soft landing and the market agrees very much at the moment. The Fed has also been injecting liquidity into the markets to keep them propped up. tl:dr; don't hold your breath, it's a forlorn hope before the elections. 2025, probably.
  11. They're described by Israel as being human shields - ergo, not combatants.
  12. Had a mixed race presidential nominee voted by dems. Have never had a mixed race nominee voted by republicans, let alone a woman and mixed race. Why do you think Trump is so far ahead of them?
  13. Expect an interim injunction to cease hostilities today.
  14. It seems that some her believe that using human shields excuses killing those human shields. That's excusing war crimes.
  15. There weren't 15,000 human shields. Stop the unsubstantiated BS.
  16. No chance, a Latino that somehow found himself on the wrong side of the railway tracks? He crashes and burns outside of Florida and his poll numbers have totally tanked.
  17. It's time the "More maga than thou" flub from Florida came to the same realization and dropped out as well.
  18. What else could be the genesis of conspiracy theories?
  19. Massive logic failure here. Strokes happen suddenly but aren't caused suddenly. Elevated blood pressure causes strokes. Stress causes elevated blood pressure. Thousands of rabid extremists issuing death threats raises blood pressure. The police have deemed his death to be in the line of duty.
  20. Racism. How about the immigrants decide where they want to go? There were stories about them getting on a bus and going back to Florida to help clean up. Has that gig gone away yet? Majority of illegal mexican immigration is for family reunion.
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