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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. You never form a judgement of guilt or innocence based on circumstantial evidence? Let's try a little test. Did Hunter Biden bribe his father or not?
  2. The claim was "Muslim rapes". What rabbit hole do you want me to follow you down here?
  3. You made a claim that the police turned a blind eye to muslim rapes. Little that you say on this board could be more inflammatory or false and when questioned you do a runner.
  4. There is strong circumstantial evidence. Refusal to submit to questioning by the FBI and paying up to a "false" accuser are strong examples of damning circumstantial evidence. In the court of public opinion an actual conviction is not needed. It's what the rational mind will conclude. And it's what a rational mind could not reasonably conclude. I'm convinced. He dunnit.
  5. As i suspected, it's a conspiracy theory. You're required by the rules to provide a link.
  6. It was the official policy of Israel and the Trump administration to sideline the PA as much as possible, even to the extent of assisting Qatar to fund Hamas.
  7. it only happened if you can prove it. It's so far off the planet that I don't believe it did.
  8. But lying about the Abraham Accords, stretching them into “the dawn of a new Middle East,” and playing them up for an American domestic audience was emblematic of Trump’s larger failure. He threw America’s weight behind Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s squeeze-and-ignore approach to the Palestinians as if the fundamental problem of people displaced and living under occupation would just go away. Trump officially recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and moved the U.S. embassy there, breaking American policy since the 1979 Camp David Accords that treated the city as disputed, given Palestinian claims to a capital in East Jerusalem. Trump cut $25 million in U.S. support for Palestinian hospitals, and $200 million from the UN Relief and Works Agency, which has helped displaced Palestinians and their descendants since 1949. https://www.thedailybeast.com/trumps-overrated-peace-plan-helped-enable-horrors-in-israel-gaza
  9. I wondered who Trump's speech writer was since I figured he didn't come up with the presidential history on his own. Now I know. Last month, Biden said, “In the four years Donald Trump was president — and he’s the only president other than Herbert Hoover who actually lost jobs in a four-year period. And that’s why I often re- — think of him as Donald ‘Herbert Hoover’ Trump.” https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4396467-trump-says-he-hopes-economy-crashes-in-next-12-months-i-dont-want-to-be-herbert-hoover/
  10. More than likely Saudi Arabia or Russia would also foment havoc a few months before the election. Not to mention the bots coming again.
  11. I can understand the police not wanting to create a huge windfall for the daily mail but you seem to suggest that the police were less than anxious to put a stop to these crimes or apprehend those responsible. On the face of it that's not credible.
  12. They should ignore it? In case you missed it there was a relevant newsworthy event the past few days.
  13. Lets just say that I'd bet the farm he never goes to the US again. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/met-police-prince-andrew-epstein-b2474192.html
  14. Transporting a girl under 18 to that island for the purpose of having sex for money would in itself be a crime, to wit: human trafficking. Giving her money for sex at 17 is illegal anywhere in the US.
  15. You challenged the proposition that prince charming committed rape. That much we do know.
  16. dunno about the 3 in 1, I guess 3 is sugar? 7-11 coffee is passable. I do like starbucks coffee though. One stunner at The Avenue remembered my name after 2 years absence during covid. I'm currently about 1 point away from having 4 free drinks. I only use them for special occasions because I get to upsize and add an extra shot to make 3 shots. That's a lot of coffee in one sitting. No way I'm going to not have it though.
  17. This same racist trope was tried on in Australia. Halal certification cost a tiny fraction of the product price and rakes in much more revenue than it costs the food industry. It never results in higher prices. It does not go to fund terrorism. The governments in all countries track that stuff. sheesh.
  18. Yes, the clear evidence is that prince charming refused to take the stand to protest his innocence and paid up instead. It's a simple truism that some here aren't grasping. In a civil case that's prima facie. In common law jurisdictions, a reference to prima facie evidence denotes evidence that, unless rebutted, would be sufficient to prove a particular proposition or fact
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