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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. Sounds awful. Go two weeks or so after these holidays.
  2. Probably not good for your appliances. But what the heck if you are just renting.
  3. What a wierd day for you. Hopefully put in the past and enjoy yourself. I know I'd be a little rattled after a confrontation like that. Cheers buddy!
  4. Hope you repored it. I use to live in Pattaya. Loved it. In 5 years I was never beaten up or attacked. What a freakish and horrible thing to happen to you!
  5. Also, Keep it in good shape and you'll sell it easily for a good price. Especially if its a Honda.
  6. Since when does an innocuous bar fight ruin an entire cities reputation? Nonsense. It's the government's repeated human rights misteps,price gauging,and ridiculous entry rules that are continuously dragging down this countries reputation. Fights and sex on the beach are common all over the world. I hate when they spotlight it.
  7. I'd stick to bottled water in Thailand. Tap water for your dog.
  8. Get the yellow book. 50 baht at a registered public hospital. Takes a week. Longer because of Songkran. Or download the app. My wife finally did it for me (app). Worked as we needed it to enter an empty Dinasour museum of all places.
  9. First place to look for adult Thai males after any conflicts are legal scaflaws. Usually under a bed or in the closet.
  10. Fake ceilings won't work. Love that look and very effective way to circulate the air!
  11. For sure! Taxi's best option after drinking. Some people have a few consistent drivers. Prefered and are like personal chafeurs.
  12. Yes. I liked that Mitsubishi ceiling fan you posted. Very modern. Mitsubishi's are very good.
  13. I got a little Xiaomi floor fan. Brushless motors. Nice breeze at night. Nice as my wife doesn't like the fan on her. This is in addition to the Air-conditioning running. It's been comfortable during this Songkran heat. Easy to move if I want to bring it downstairs if I'm watching TV or playing Xbox. Control it with the phone app is nice.
  14. Perhaps you should look into buying a car or motorcycle. Cheaper than hailing a taxi everyday. You can drive at your own pace then. Just a suggestion.
  15. Sad. I'm sure many of us know of someone close who's gone of the deep end with drugs or alcohol. Watching them deteriorate is awful.
  16. Most people are struggling with there own problems. This guys a lost cause.
  17. I don't think that pot smoking things ever getting off the ground soon. Smoking weed isn't as popular as it is in the West. Drinking and amphetamine is the drugs of choice amongst young men who are the vast majority off idiot drivers.
  18. Rates are always up for Songkran. Good hotels like the Marriott or Hilton Hua Hin were booked solid a month ago. The government's subsidy (40%) is the main reason. I can't wait for that to end. Prices will stabalize.
  19. We were there and it was lively and not overcrowded. Marriott and Hilton are fully booked. Great restaurants. Only fly in the appointment was our entire family caught COVID and are quarantining at home (Issan). Very mild symptoms. So glad we've got a pool. I almost forgot how bloody hot April is, ugh.
  20. Not enough food. Buffalo aren't the cash cows they once were. Tractors have replaced the need for them. There tough as shoe leather meat isn't popular with the younger culture. They prefer meat that tender. Inevitably this is going to happen more often
  21. Happy Songkran. Definitely a bad week for your friend!
  22. Definitely where the majority of deaths occur. Its not on the major highways. Many motorcycles up here in Issan haven't properly working taillights or headlights. At least in a car your much more protected. Unfortunately the insane taxes to buy a car in Thailand put it of reach for most Thais.
  23. Our entire family caught COVID last week on a trip to Hua Hin. I was amazed as how mild its been. Only Yai, elderly and diabetic has struggled a little bit. 3 children had fevers for two days. Day 7 today. Were all almost completely recovered. All of us have had 2 Moderna or Pfeizer jabs. Toddler 2. Bad fever. By day 5 completely recovered. I feel relieved it was so mild.
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