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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. There are certainly good ones also. I don't want to put all street food in a bad light.
  2. Most street food is garbage. of gristly old meat, MSG, and sugar and salt. Great in a pinch or if you're on a very limited budget. You get what you pay for.
  3. Probably for 4-5 years at the minimum. By the time they do arrive they'll be ready as a museum piece.
  4. Those unfortunately don't go hand in hand in Thailand. Most Octarians can barely work a TV remote and still burn there garbage/plastics.
  5. Create a will or trust. Adopting an an adult man seems a very messy way of creating a beneficiary. At least you can put some stipulations like an autopsy if you die suspiciously or fall from a balcony. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/h/heir.asp#:~:text=An heir is a person,close relatives of the decedent.
  6. ....They didn't have to jump through hoops. It still cost 1900 baht for the extra month. That's a lot of goulash.
  7. 10,000 baht fine with jail time deferred is usually the outcome.
  8. When the computers eventually get restocked hopefully there not the circa 2015 4-6 gig models their selling all over the place. I usually order mine from Amazon. Cheaper even with shipping and other fees.
  9. Always a good idea. Makes the taxi driver think twice about a sneaky manuever when he sees you've got his information.
  10. Thais are just social people. It's inevitable. Funerals, temple attendance, large family dinners with the large community dish. Personally I'm assuming we'll eventually get it ourselves. I hope its mild and passes quickly. We've all been double vaccinated, but I am the only one with one Moderna booster at the moment.
  11. Good choice. My banks usually ship any cards free of charge. I understand you have other stuff to ship also. Good friend.
  12. I also live in village in the North East. There are a surprisingly large number of vaccinated. However they haven't any for boosters. There hasn't been any for weeks. Also the first round here was Sinovac/Sinovac or Sinovac/Astra for a large percentage. Many older people we're hesitant, mostly because of Sinovac was on offer. Lately there's been a large uptick in Omicron cases in our village. How's it going where your at?
  13. Honestly. Thailands track record for online safety is abysmal. There are so many options out there already. Cloud computing doesn't need to be based in "certain country". Hard sell and extremely expensive to keep up. Unless you're just archiving pokoman cards or other non-sensitive docs Its bound to fail.
  14. No kidding. Satirical. No matter which way one looks at this case its wrong and indicating a 40,000 baht bill is ok for minimal service is ludicrous.
  15. Good for them! I actually find Hua Hin pretty darn clean and a great place to visit. I wish I was there now taking a walk on the beach.
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