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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. Leading the polls and not towing the regimes line. Many people get repeat infections, unfortunately.
  2. I think the majority of the people don't care either way (marijuana). I know pots no big deal but I don't know of any friends or aquantenses that actually smoke the stuff or use the oil. I wonder if its really a non starter in relation to tourism.
  3. Does that mean a lot of medical services that were available for free to people will now be excluded? They'll need more clarification.
  4. Just like the masks. Not much trickles down. They just resell them to the highest bidder. In this case, innacurate test kits.
  5. COVID-19 and contractual obligations. Where your rich time flys. In any case she set her entire family up we with new houses and cars!
  6. He'll always remember that day being a total idiot. Getting so Sh** Fa**d and getting yourself into that situation. Embarrassing and totally uneccesary.
  7. The Oscars are usually so politically correct it makes me cringe. Good job Will Smith!
  8. Dengue is bad stuff. Nothing wrong alerting people not to leave standing water or old tires about the villages. Hopefully get some extra fogging going. Not much you can do but take steps for mosquitoe abatement.
  9. They've got to revamp the entire visa system. It's stuck in the 70's and thought out by over beaurocratic governments. Cambodias e-visa is a classic example of the ease to enter. So many Minister's and generals adding rules that you don't need in this day and age. Great country. Terrible governance.
  10. Filled up my wifes Honda. Great gas mileage! Luckily its still 30 baht range for diesel. I've just noticed a lot of our regular groceries have risen, mostly my wife pointing it out. Lobster is luckily still 2800.00 baht a kilo though!
  11. Helicopters are notoriously expensive to operate. Probably just going for a joyride.
  12. We've been using this pump. Two story house. Three full bathrooms and western style kitchen with dishwasher. I enjoy a nice shower. We've got filtered 2000 liter tank. We've a separate pump for the laundry area. Guest house uses a Lucky Brand 800 pump, available at Home Pro. Both pumps run about 13,000-14,000 baht. Might be overkill for some but I enjoy a powerful shower and for those don't the can turn the tap down till there happy.
  13. Exactly. It's much easier to survive an accident in a car than an exposed motorcycle. Even if one is even wearing the usual 300 baht plast helmet. It's not unusual for many motorcycles to have broken tail lights or no lights at all. A disaster waiting to happen.
  14. High death rate is mostly because most people drive motorcycles. Cars are to expensive for the average Thai. Another reason Thais are lousy drivers.
  15. Thats being going on for 3 years. Inflation and high prices for fuel can really knock economies more than a few PCR tests to many. Im getting sticker shock lately when I fill up my truck or buy basic groceries. Imagine someone earning 300-500 baht a day. Forget those long drives for a family holiday. Many domestic flights are ridiculously expensive also.
  16. "Finance Minister Expresses Confidence in Thailand’s Fiscal Stability" of course he would. Not many people have much confidence in what this government says or does in any case.
  17. This report will be popular. It's to bad you have to leave the country. They could make a lot of money changing arcaic laws and making it simpler to get tourist visas here.
  18. Either way its better to be prudent and be vaccinated. No excuse for being lazy and not get vaccinated. If your unlucky enough to get COVID and it is serious low number of available hospital beds.
  19. Never boring in the Big Mango! Sounds like you and Your girlfriend have weathered COVID very well. Perhaps you will have Super immunity. "Super Immunity' Same Whether COVID or Vaccination Is First" https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20220127/super-immunity-covid-vaccination I'm sure you're aware of this already.
  20. Nice to hear a little good news. Are you in Bangkok? We're actually putting up one of our favorite cousins in quarantine in our guest house. She's had two pfeizer. Despite the possibility of still getting Omicron/COVID-19 it's good to know she's been been vaccinated. She's doing fine binging on Netflix.
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