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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. Great for a museum and restaurants. I love trains, underground, etc. They have a similar museum in England and its very popular. That property is very attractive to development though. If they do tear it down hopefully they'll put up a ghastly shopping mall as theres a dearth of them hear in Bangkok.
  2. I think many of us are doing just that! 5 star hotels directly on the beach are incredibly cheap. Its a shame Bangkok Airways has a monopoly on flights to Koh Samui. Looking at some of their prices is like getting sucker punched. Beautiful picture!
  3. I was Koh Samui in March. Just like you said, dead. Totally enjoyed my stay. Beautiful beaches and no crowds.
  4. I guess that's good news. Is it better or worse than before? We're going on holiday there in December.
  5. Keep what ever tourist you can. Despite Thailand's popularity tourism isn't what it used to be.
  6. "Thai health officials told to discover why many still refuse to get vaccinated" Simple. Chinese Vaccines.
  7. Hotels packed with that 40% promotion. Hallways littered with Grab delivery boxes. There not spending money around town much.
  8. My wife prefers the Aircon over the fan. She actually says the fan gives her a stuffy nose. Probably all the dust. Lots of it in Issan.
  9. The Thai "Red Cross" actually turn around and resell the donated blood for a hefty profit. Same Red Cross that moved in and took 23% of the Moderna ordered by private hospitals and resold them. That's another murky story. The Thai Red Cross bares no resemblence to the NON-PROFIT Red Cross we know in Western Countries (or any country for that matter). Your better off donating to the hospital of your choice directly. The shirts probably made with prison labor anyways.
  10. Using a fan with Aircon is definitely the way to go. Wife doesn't like the fan. I only use it when we get that stifling 40 plus heat.
  11. Wow. That's really hot! It's not so much the heat that kills me, its the humidity. Does your wife agree? My wife is used to the air-conditioning. She couldn't manage 25 or higher. Good thing you've got that shower fixed. You'd need plenty after sleeping in that heat. Some acclimate better than others! I envy your electric bill!
  12. We have an outdoor toilet. Its like 18 inches away from the wall. At least its working. Enjoy your week.
  13. I wouldn't worry about foreigners bringing in another COVID-19 strain. Thailand is perfectly suited to create its own strain.
  14. I'd check with high end hotels like the Hilton,Pullman Pattaya G, etc. There going to cost an arm and a leg-- nothing under 2,000 baht per person. Theres not that many expats to warrant many places to purchase food for an extravagant Christmas Buffett this year. Almost better to just wait until after and go McDonald's.
  15. Hopefully they recognize that continually cutting corners on every facet of life, including COVID-19 vaccines, actually costs more in the long run. Do things right the first time mitigates costly repairs and redo's. Off course this will never happen.
  16. Oh boy. Are you able to move it forward maybe with a 90 degree connection to fit in the hole? Be nice to have that space behind. Not only for repairs but for easier cleaning. Good luck! Pitfalls of Thai building never cease to amaze me. Thankfully labor is cheap.
  17. That stuff is great. You may never have to replace it.
  18. Not all of us are lucky enough to have clothes lines! For Thais there totally adapted to this heat. For many foreigners its tough and the expenses of air-conditioning are just part and parcel.
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