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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. My wife has a Honda Jazz. Surprisingly roomy, great gas mileage, and nimble. Hard to go wrong with a Honda or Toyota. Just make sure you have it checked out by an independent mechanic. Lots of deals with the pandemic tanking the economy.
  2. A pandemic and now monks prostrating to a layman. And you thought things couldn't get worse!
  3. Getting your money back or any type of refund is practically impossible in Thailand. For anything. You could use it as a booster. They said they could delay your shots.
  4. Thanks. I got the Pfeizer earlier so I'm giving my Moderna to my wifes mother. Hopefully our families get the Moderna soon. I'm supposed to travel with my wife in December, can't without her jabs. Enjoy your week!
  5. Did you have to fill out more information? I just checked where we were in the que and did a screenshot.
  6. I got an email that asked for a code on our receipt. Once entered it gave us our que number. Something similar for you?
  7. When the roads are repaved up here in Issan they don't last more than a year or two. They charge for more asphalt than they actually use and pocket the rest. Its a racket.
  8. "Spend 15 billion a year to save 7,500 lives" There not going to do that. They don't even order enough vaccines during two years of deadly pandemic.
  9. I didn't know it was a 4 day holiday until I read the article. I noticed most places closed Thursday and Friday. Any excuses not to work. Pattaya is really nice without all the Chinese and Russians.
  10. Stick with Foodlands. Probably not coated with pesticide.
  11. Your supposed to have one. If you're able get one in the US and have it stamped in your International Drivers Permit. You'll need both if pulled over. International driver permits are only valid for 6 months from entry into Thailand. Any longer and your supposed to get a Thai Drivers license. In small communities you could show them your COSTCO or Library card and they wouldn't know the difference. .....Or you could just take the chance and probably never get asked for your license or just offer the copper 200 baht discreetly when your pulled over. Great idea to rent a scooter and have an adventure. Great Fun!
  12. The first 560,000 doses of Moderna vaccine are expected in Thailand by November 5th, according to Zuellig Pharma (ZP) Therapeutics Company, the supplier and distributer of Moderna vaccine in Thailand. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/first-batch-of-560000-moderna-vaccine-doses-to-arrive-in-thailand-by-nov-5th/
  13. Don't tax car seats. What a bunch of greedy a** h***s. They also tax baby milk and diapers. Poor mothers are stuck giving kids mostly water with a dash of milk.
  14. The pandemic works in "waves". It's nice that things have settled down. Next month there could be 50,000 cases in your location. Up from the thousand you speak of now. Thats what has been going on for almost two years unfortunately.
  15. Looks as its going from bad to worse in Russia. CNN: Moscow is going back into lockdown as Covid-19 deaths multiply in Russia. https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/21/europe/moscow-lockdown-october-2021-covid-intl/index.html
  16. I just looked at the countries allowed in and Russia wasn't on it. Just a few days ago there was a lot of talk about how great it will be to have our Russian "friends" back. From November 1, quarantine will not be mandatory for double-jabbed travellers from Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Bhutan, Brunei, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Malta, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, the United States and Hong Kong https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/40007841 It'll be interesting to see how things evolve in China.
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