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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Since when have you been able to predict that a fight will not escalate and get out of control I didn't say that I could!
  2. Convicted prisoner or not, no one's medical information is ever considered public and that sort of confidentiality is afforded to prisoners. What confidentiality rights of the type you're referring to are "typically denied" to prisoners?
  3. Nothing to do with thinking we are right. Quite right. We are right.
  4. 555. Not exactly unusual for the mods to comment on threads and that doesn't "un-weird" the OP! One of them was clearly not supporting your suggested violent action and the other was mainly posting about the HHH!
  5. Nonsense. Minor criminal convictions do not result in visa cancellation, never mind deportation.
  6. Since when has the consequence of fighting or punching someone been deportation?
  7. No, you did not post your opinion, you categorically stated that Trump and Clinton went to the island. Perhaps you were there? I am posting based on all the information that is out there, information that categorically states that there is no evidence of Trump going there or of his being involved in any nefarious activities related to Epstein. If you've seen something that backs your false claim, then show it.
  8. You've claimed to be a "teacher" on here, that's neither your being "valuable" nor being a "tourist".
  9. You've had my thoughts, surprised that you didn't notice when you responded to them. Perhaps you just don't like to see facts challenge your "thoughts"? Care to provide a fact...ever?
  10. I am not "fact-checking", I don't need to when clearly false allegations are being thrown around here, I'm just responding to your posts with some facts. If you don't like your false assertions being challenged, don't post them. I wasn't commenting on the title, I was commenting on your post that said, "i find it strange that guys on the opposite team who supposedly hate each all go to the same private island...". There's no evidence that Trump did. "...you can go fact check another thread now". You can go post some false information on another thread now.
  11. That video does not show that "one billionaire was impregnating underage girls, then aborting the fetuses", as you claimed.
  12. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-flights-jeffrey-epstein-jet-lolita-express-1857109 That link does not allege that Trump ever went to the Island, the opposite, in fact... "the former president sometimes used the child sex offender's private jet ... It is believed others named in the documents will not be accused of any wrongdoing in connection with Epstein, including ... Trump, and may be included because they were found to have flown on the financier's private jet ...There is no evidence that Trump visited Epstein's notorious Little St. James island ...Trump has also never been implicated in the offenses committed by Epstein or Maxwell".
  13. and if the wheel itself were improperly affixed? you offer specultation, not facts. So do you!..."and if the wheel itself were improperly affixed?"
  14. I find it strange that you claim that Trump went to the island. Where has that been confirmed? Virginia Giuffre has, though, claimed that she met Clinton on Epstein Island.
  15. Not just any plane... It was the "Lolita Express" and the final destination a fantasy island populated by young prostitutes. It is not "a list of people who used his plane". According the linked article it is a list of "sex abuse victims and people who only have a passing connection to Epstein, including his employees and litigation witnesses. It’s unclear whether the new documents will contain any new details about Epstein’s associations. It’s 'critically important' that those looking at the names of Epstein’s associates understand that there’s no evidence they 'engaged in criminal conduct'".
  16. Neither of whom have denied knowing him years ago.
  17. I'm aware of someone who not only had a claim denied because of a disputed pre-existing condition (court case because of it) but previous claims were requested to be repaid, policy cancelled and premiums refunded So nothing to do with the "reasonable care" claim of Baht Simpson that I asked about in my comment that you quoted, then.
  18. I had my Pneumonia claim refused last year. Based on pre-existing condition, So nothing to do with the "reasonable care" claim of Baht Simpson that I asked about, then.
  19. The article is clear, they could be arrested, they were arrested, both were fined B1,000 after admitting the assault and released.
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