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Everything posted by ViajeroLA

  1. Do you remember scamdemic? He was one of the few celebrities who were acting like a man during that time and he has my respect for that forever. I was literally doubting myself and he was one of the reasons I continued act reasonably while everyone was wearing face diapers and doing all that crazy <deleted> they did. I guess u know what I'm talking about 😀
  2. LOL yeah this booster will finally do the trick 😆 I can't believe someone can take these clowns seriously 🙃
  3. Yeah, these conspiracy theories are crazy and it's hard to imagine how a sane person can believe in this 💩. It's almost like believing that men can menstruate LOL. I agree that a big % of Trump supporters and especially conspiracy theories ppl are stupid. But damn, the other side is waaay beyond that 😆)
  4. I guess ppl are worried because it's the country who was participating in all the world wars, and now this religion change. I can't say I'm worried about this, but I'd prefer they choose buddhism or smth 😀
  5. even with face diapers )))
  6. ... meanwhile there still r ppl wearing dirty cloth covering their mouth "for health" ????
  7. Wow that's a cool trick Can you share the details pls how you did this? I'd appreciate a DM if u don't want to share publicly but that's really impressive ????
  8. Your daughter would prefer to see you happy these years ???? There's only one way to not miss the boat - to jump in! I don't think you need a medical insurance with the family visa; I was never asked for one; maybe after a certain age the rules change? But that'll be weird, that's not a retiree visa... The embassy should know, but my mission is to tell you as the son: if you really think about the daughter, just move!
  9. OK ???? The thing is - once all these things (like, "what THEY will think about me if....") mean nothing to you, you'll answer the original question ???? So I'd concentrate on that... )))
  10. Damn, a f???? mask? LOL I mean I'm also into glasses and could understand pipette)) but a covid ????? I thought I've seen it all but that's too much even for me ????
  11. I live near Pattaya so the meeting was there, I should get the final result in a few days but I can't imagine someone will say the documents I've provided were illegitimate or smth ???? As far as I know their team who handles "in-person-verification" travels all around the TH RN + they always accept visitors in their BKK office
  12. Yeah. They warned about the dates when account could be limited if no actions taken in the 1st msg. It's end of July if I'm not mistaken. My account works well for all the operations RN ???? UPD: They replied back and offered me to meet their representative for the "face2face KYC" right here, will update in a few days if it all went fine as it should ????
  13. Got the same one. Emailed them back asking wtf this means exactly, what I'm supposed to do rn? The support told me smth like "actually that meant you should wait for another email that'll explain it all ????". Seems like a good time to check the alternatives
  14. Yeah, bringing it here is not a good idea. You can buy here and there are even some ads on Gram advertising "truffles by post, COD" lol. But the issue is that it's still considered a controlled substance and the according laws are ???? so just buying (if caught) can lend one up to a year in jail etc so it will be smarter to eat it right after you buy 555 without using post offices whatsoever
  15. A few years ago one of the best and most expensive dental clinics in BKK was advertising that they'll change all your teeth to implants for ~$10k. I can't say for sure what the stuff you mentioned will cost here, but it will be definitely a fraction of $5k. Maybe $300 or smth like that. Full implant with all the materials and surgeries cost me up to like $2k in the most complicated case with tissue extracting etc. Normally it's around $1k. Extraction is just a small part of that ????
  16. Don't worry, my papers are OK. The thing is that the "other side" wants your papers and everything else in their disposal 24/7 and if you say smth they don't like - you'll dream about Martha's Vineyard ????
  17. I never lived in the US and can't call myself a conservative etc, but I must say DeSantis is the man! Never seriously considered moving to FL before recently but since 2021 or smth I am ????
  18. I hope many ppl follow this topic longer than me ???? I'm struggling to find out the summary, even tried ChatGPI lol. Maybe someone can give a few recommendations that were tried by few users here, what vendors sell good and weed cheap to smoke? ???? 66 pages aren't a joke especially when you smoke 555
  19. You can't argue with maskers, I'm afraid. ???? They just believe in all this <deleted>. Sometimes I wonder, what if they'd picked any normal human talisman like an amulet, etc.. ? Would we all be in their cult?
  20. So where we can check this points? ????
  21. Top Thai virologist told the same thing everyone with a bit of common sense had been telling for years ???? What next? Some MSB will discover Santa is not real?
  22. That's ???? BS. You can erase a tattoo with the lasers; it hurts and you better not swim for a few days after a session. But in most of cases you can do a cover-up instead. Changing your tattoo is relatively easy compared to a sex change lol. Once you've cut your dick, there's no way back ????
  23. It seems that people buying electric motos are not practical; they prob buy it to drive without getting a DL ???? As I can understand at least; I can't imagine driving such one myself because I have no idea where to recharge one (even if it would be cheap AF or smth). Getting DL for the 1st time will take a few days; it's a lot compared to none, but it's a time well spent!
  24. Yeah. The actual terms depend mostly on the province. Everything will be by the book in BKK for sure; some others can be friendlier ????
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