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About mackayae

  • Birthday 01/11/1944

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  1. https://maps.app.goo.gl/JQyemEzp6MGpsE2R9
  2. Best solution he has come up with so far. On his way home (NZ) from Thailand, stop in HNL, open an account at BOH, wait 1 week, transfer money from BOH to his NZ bank. He's on a 60 day VOA in Thailand.
  3. A friend has a US check made out to him which he has been unable to cash. It was his 401k settlement from his time with Schlumberger. Any suggestions on how he can cash the check. He is not a US citizen.
  4. I recently heard that a border bounce is not possible without a 2 day stay in Laos.
  5. Anyone driven across the Friendship Bridge lately. I plan on a border bounce next month. What are the procedures?
  6. My IO (Udon) said they would only accept money from a retirement account (they mentioned Social Security). I asked Siam Legal who said all foreign transfers are acceptable. However my local IO doesn't agree.
  7. The Sunni nations would be happy to see Iran disappear.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0H-NT2imeQ
  9. My IO only accepts SSA transfers to a Thai bank. All other tranfsers via Wise are not accepted.
  10. I will miss their biscuits.
  11. Send completed formSSA-1199 to: Social Security Administration Federal Benefits Unit US Embassy 1201 Roxas Boulevard Ermita, Manila 0930 Philippines
  12. Should get their one star.
  13. Suzuki is closing its Thai auto plant end of 2025. Subaru is closing their Thai auto plant at end of 2024. Honda is ceasing auto assembly at its Pa-In plant. It will be used for parts in the future. Hyundai is building an EV plant and EV battery plant in Thailand. Scheduled to start in 2026. I guess the writing is on the wall.
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