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Everything posted by BarraMarra

  1. Do you seriously think Biden woke up and gave permission to allow the use of these Missiles Frank ? No he ran it through his team before announcing it.
  2. Well you dont bother looking do you G-Money Google is your friend.
  3. The first Nuke sent by Putin will be the last Russia will be reduced to Hiroshima.
  4. do your own homework the individuals have been served warrants from the Hague.
  5. First target for a Storm Shadow the bridge linking Russia to Crimea slow down arms then target there supply depots.
  6. Putin and his close friends knows full well they face a war crime trials.
  7. Well the fat lady is singing louder today.
  8. This is your new Health Minister chomping on a Burger with his new friends. A great show how healthy you yanks are.
  9. Got no choice open up your home page all we see is what Trumps done or is doing or American Election news. Asean is supposed to be what's going on in Thailand and what's happening outside of Thailand. Its not to inform on a daily basis Donald Trump and American politics daily.
  10. These post's are now getting boring the Election is over done and dusted why moan about who did what, its over move on. Everyday its the same who the feck cares who Trump has brought in or what Harris did its done. You don't see post's daily about Starmer or Sunak its done we have moved on why can't the Yanks do the same instead of posting boring threads.
  11. He looks like DJ he has either borrowed DJ'S Sunbed or stole his fake tan crème. Plus had a struggle understanding him but then I struggle understanding Yanks.
  12. Air Asia flight 8501 an Airbus A320 crashed into the java sea in 2014 killing all 162 onboard. Technical fault caused this.
  13. I can just see the locals digging through the spent fuel rods binned on the side of a road.
  14. They look like your average Droid head yanks.
  15. Quite right BritmanToo if its ok for old DJ its ok for his clones Err Supporters sorry.
  16. Considering you allege your an Aussie Simple1 you know a lot about Trump and American politics why you so fascinated about it ?
  17. Lets see the wood for the Trees, Trump caught paying off a hooker now his new attorney general Matt Gaetz accused of sex trafficking's and under age girls mmm wonder if he knew Stormy and gave her Number to DJ, bit of a coincidence bit of the old theres no smoke without fire.
  18. What a clever boy you think you are Callum. Muslim Extremists go for soft targets mostly were a mass gathering is going on. It doesn't matter if its a concert or a football match if they think the full moon party is a target they will attack it gives them massive publicity. If other nationalities are killed it does not matter to them. You just can't grasp it
  19. i wonder if all the Aussies were killed in the Bali bombing thought they were safe too.
  20. Based on the article it might be a good idea to avoid places and establishments that cater to Israeli citizens. I take it you can read English why the confused Emoji ? I could type it out in Caps if you are not understanding the post.
  21. whats a A'dam and a mocro's ?
  22. The Reason for lighting the bonfire was for every town, village City was to celebrate the failing of the plot. One of the relatives of 1 of the plotters. was tipped off by a letter to warn him not to attend the opening of Parliament. If this letter was not written and passed on History would have changed. That's how close they came to changing the History of England hours.
  23. We hung drew them them cut them into quarters before sticking there heads on pikes, That's how we dealt with treason in them days it never happened again after this plot failed.
  24. Here in the UK we have just celebrated Guy Fawkes night where fireworks and Bonfires are lit throughout the UK. For the members who don't know why we celebrate this I will try and give you a little History lesson. In 16 09 Gut Fawkes was caught with 50 barrels of Gunpowder in the Cellars under the Houses of Parliament not only would of he killed the King of England James 1st but would have wiped out the entire Royal Family the Entire Government. The name Gunpowder Treason and Plot was true and was led by a man called Robert Catesby he formulated the plot and planned it. Guy Fawkes was only brought in because he knew how to use Gunpowder History says the night before the Houses of Parliament were to open Fawkes was discovered ready to light the fuse. This plot was Concieved and planned by Catesby who was a Staunch Catholic and he wanted the Monarchy to change from Protestant to Catholicism. This would have changed England 's history if it was Successful. In the Tower of London even today the written statement is on view with 2 signatures one before Fawkes was Tortured to implicate the plotters and 1 before his Death. where most of the plotters were Hung drawn and quarted with there heads put on display outside The houses of Parliament to act as a deterrent to others.
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