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Everything posted by Justanotherone

  1. the house I live is in 14 years old and over the years the flow to some faucets and showers became less the house has a 1000 liter water tank outside and pump to move it around the house anybody had this kind of problem and found a solution to this ? I was thinking of emptying the whole tank, preventing to refill. Then put in 10-20-30 liters of vinegar in the water tank and open the faucets or showers once by one, till I can smell the vinegar and leave it overnight to soak and hopefully dissolve the calcium deposits. Is this safe for the pipes ? Any better suggestions ? Thank you.
  2. my 80 year old mother came here half september she got 30 days on arrival we went a few days before expire date to local immigration for a 30 day extension I prepared a TM30 and everything got blasted there the 1st time.... The Tm30 I did as house master of the place I rent, online, never a problem for my own tm30 I registered using the blue book copy, but my passport NOPE... they wanted the owner copy of id card or no extension... Gladly the owner lines me the copy... just forwarding or mailing to an immigration email address was not possible, had to go find a shop to print it out... You know, being in the stone age and everything... So that was stressful enough... We did change return ticket after 'successful' extention... Did not see my mom for 3 years due to covid ... So I thought, ok... let's do a border run to Kuala Lumpur... cheapest, no stuff like buying visa as in Cambodia.. She did it alone...as... I am not vaxxed... trip went fine to KL... On the way back, same day, 10 PM, long day for her, THAI IMMIGRATION at the airport... They brought her to some other lane for old people, or is it the SCAM LINE ? They Tell her.... trip to KL was not needed, YOU HAVE TO GO BACK TO YOUR OWN COUNTRY... and you can come back, THE NEXT DAY (to/from Europe... 11 hours flight, 2.000 euros or more...) She has a flight out next week... but we planned to change that after a successful border run, not before... So they roasted her why she was here, where she stayed PS: my mom comes from a non-ENGLISH speaking country... this is her 3rd language same as me Apparently, the 70+ year old man before her, and some other people also did the same RUN in the morning, same flight out and in... She saw the man before her plead to immigration and hand over cash money hush hush and then he was soooooo thankful to those nice people at immigration... I was waiting at the airport, phone was on... none tried to call me... Well my mom does not have a Thai sim card, she uses WIFI at my place... and free wifi from airport simple does not work... Immigration pretended to call me on their phone, nobody at all called. My mom pleaded if they could get me to come explain the situation, but that was not allowed... After 20 minutes of checking this and that, supervisor, she surprisingly got the needed stamp... She was surprised to get it and why all this <deleted> ? Does Thailand not need or want tourists to spend money to make it almost impossible give a stamp after leaving the country and entering legally ? My mom did not give money or was not asked money... maybe she did not know how THAILAND works... that you need to grease the wheels for getting a 45 day stamp what she deserves, no ? This was again a very bad experience with those nice Thai people with a bit of power... Or am I wrong ? Does leaving the country, just for the stamp out and later the stamp in, first border run in her life, by air, to be able to spend a bit more time with the family a bad thing ?
  3. Dentists seem to know what a splint or nightguard is, lol but that might help TMJ, but none threats it or ever heard of it, even with THAI speaking person and correct translation... Any dental clinic that does know in Bangkok ? or Hospital that have 'expert' ? TMJ is causing tinnitus for months and now VISUAL SNOW
  4. Anybody has had their child study at Bangkok University in Rangsit ? I am looking for experiences, accommodations (townhouse nearby), ... Any info/tips welcome Thanks
  5. my daughter went to SARASAS ROMKLOA She was MOLESTED by a boy of her class who touched every girls breast in class the vice director in charge pretended it was just innocent play my daughter went to complain to a teacher who was witness and vice director THEY DID NOTHING about it my daughter sadly never told me when this happened years ago as she was worried I would escalate it to the school's direction for inaction or the press
  6. my Thai child is covid positive via atk... how and where to get those free anti viral pills ? or are they available in pharmacy?
  7. Just want to rant about the 'new' temporary immigration office of samut prakarn NO TOILETS available for people applying for anything - toilets strickly for personel only the nearest toilet is paying and at the very end far away at a market... better bring coins or you cannot even enter that one either so I went recently for my 1 year extension... I already did the paperwork a month before where the officer talked besides me, not to me, but in Thai only to my underage child that had to translate <deleted> papers they needed extra this time... since the 90 day online report finally worked for me now TWICE in a row, after 10+ years of nothing at all at the last counter, they asked, in THAI ONLY, for this residence paper... never heard of it I showed them my PRINTED 90 day online report and the COW did not even know her job or cannot read ENGLISH as they pretended this was not the paper they wanted STRESS for 30 minutes as nobody explained what this damn paper was go sit down oh.. 30 min later, they made one for me ... guess what..... a hand written 90 day report STAPLES on my last page of passport... oh I forgot I printed my documents... as I always do... and I got the papers from the official immigration website but guess what... I HAD TO REWRITE everything by hand.. because their forms you can download are OUTDATED well one new extra SIGN here thing on another place, reason enough to redo EVERYTHING the xxxx moved to a new place but still as <deleted>ty as ALL MY IMMIGRATION experiences for SAMUT PRAKARN...
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