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Everything posted by Justanotherone

  1. when 'humble' honest policeman becomes billionaire, you have to ....
  2. too bad she did not jump, her friend road rash and concussion comes to mind
  3. fine them for noise pollution, no helmet, no driver license, blocking the road and just being dumb arabs... importing the trash that I evaded coming to live here
  4. it's a cultural thing, you don't understand, kind of excuse, you racist
  5. he means, his son got paid millions for doing nothing at all in Ukraine
  6. she will be back, on OF... easy money for a starfish
  7. overpaid and looks like a 3-4 on that pic...
  8. wow...38 kg and nothing at all... no lesson learned...
  9. soul mate ??? in thailand ??? or sex toy / slave? some people here need a maid or a mummy apparently as they can do nothing alone I could not bare my gf being around 24/7 better she has a job that keeps her humble instead of spending without limits and not knowing the price or value for anything
  10. so many things here are just cruel jokes of the rich... justice, education, road safety, air quality, food quality...
  11. is china not religion free, well except the north west, with it's MUSLIM PROBLEM
  12. would it be that difficult to print a qr code, to be scanned at the toilet, limited access once for 10 min
  13. would there be a political party willing to help their citizen? not filling their own pockets? give everybody the right to buy a house, not via the bank, but directly taken from your salary... if you lose your job, you get 1 year help, after, you can move out ... well, all the illegals and lazy people would be homeless , cannot have that...
  14. all replaced by fake beauty treatments for the insecure women they prey on my ex spent hundreds of thousands there gladly her money, not mine, well, she took the house in the divorce...
  15. Despite the severity of the attack, no formal complaint had been initially reported. when will they chance this ridiculous law... even the pics were blurred, I did not have to guess their origin... then you see the names...
  16. ethical standards? there is only one, don't steal from NR 1
  17. how much does life support cost for a farang with no insurance? 100k a day? 200k a day? 300?
  18. like non-thais are setup from day 1 to be scammed out of at least half
  19. I agee, but if they did not TEST for a fungal infection, only bacteria... being a man myself, who had a persistent infection in the past, due to... I just gave my 50 satang opinion, to think out of the box
  20. maybe one day your eyes open and finally realize MD knows nothing about nutrition even hospital nutritionists serves crappy food... my last sting was boiled rice with MSG ??? MD's follow a pattern, this disease, that pill the WHY you got xyz, unless ER visit, they have no clue high blood pressure, here a pill ... patient might be seriously overweight and lack of potassium (veggies) to balance the salt intake or junk a crappy junk diet stomach problems ? gerd? too much acid.... NO ... food is fermenting, probably a lack of good stomach acid, here a pill to stop all production of acid, which is ok to take for a month, when you have an ulcer... many are on it for YEARS too high blood sugar? here metformin or worse, insulin injections, while these patients have been insulin resistant for years due to overload of carbs, junk, drinks... overweight? here 12.000 baht a month weekly injections.... a little bit of side effects like pancreatic cancer or other disease, shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhht.... ...
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